Comments received on poems by Fay Slimm.

We Deserve It.
Rozina said:

Yes let\'s do it, top to toe, inside to outside, thought to action. A great write Fay.

March 4th, 2022 00:27

We Deserve It.
Rocky Lagou said:

Yes! It all starts with the mind! Mental health is vital in order to love yourself and eventually others! Lovely poem! 💖

March 3rd, 2022 10:05

We Deserve It.
orchidee said:

Good write Fay.
You\'ll soon be typing again, like someone I knew, at 85wpm!
How could they even think, or see what they were writing, at that speed?! lol.

March 3rd, 2022 10:00

We Deserve It.
Neville said:

to quote L\'oreal, You do indeed ...... x

March 3rd, 2022 08:05

We Deserve It.
L. B. Mek said:

this is why I always encourage your reposts
otherwise I would have missed out on this eloquent gem
and how fitting, in this March
of all-things celebrating
feminine wisdom and incalculable worth...!
thank you, dear Fay
(and hope you feel better soon, rest-up well
strains and twists
are the worst for rushing back and reinjuring)

March 3rd, 2022 07:09

We Deserve It.
dusk arising said:

Great message but i\'ll wait till i\'m older to take your advice. I\'ve so much youth and vigour to sqander being carefree and careless. Now where\'s that Sanatogen.

Somebody coloured my hair with vanishing cream.

March 3rd, 2022 06:58

We Deserve It.
Doggerel Dave said:

Beyond the colouring of my hair, which I will not do, I\'ll follow you completely, Fay. I feel better already.

March 3rd, 2022 06:18

We Deserve It.
Paul Bell said:

Definitely, I myself will be investing in a new pair of running shoes, cos that old pair are too slow.

March 3rd, 2022 05:48

Neville said:

poetry personified if you dont mind me saying .. or as we say round here Gert lush ma\'am ................ Neville x

March 2nd, 2022 09:09

Goldfinch60 said:

I so enjoy watching raptors, very elegant birds Fay and you words surely do them justice.


March 2nd, 2022 01:23

Rozina said:

A great read thank you! Hope your wrist is improving.

March 1st, 2022 18:13

Jerry Reynolds said:

Wonderful read, Fay.

March 1st, 2022 18:06

Rocky Lagou said:

What a magnificent display Fay! This hawk feels so real and alive! I also enjoy the creative incorporation of text symbols to convey the message. Hope your wrist gets better! Have a great day!

March 1st, 2022 10:20

orchidee said:

Good write Fay.

March 1st, 2022 06:27

L. B. Mek said:

oh no, both you and Neville
taking damage
someone, must be trying to take out
the very best of MPS
before they starts their poetic warmongering...
(hope you get well soon, dear Fay)
and thank you, I too remember this read
especially these wondrous lines:
\'snatching bait
in what seems frenzy
quickly shoots tree-ward
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
dark blackens sky
to ebony crystal.

As sinks
the cherry-plum sun
I admit

that for chicks
to exist
hunger has to be sated\'

March 1st, 2022 05:48

Doggerel Dave said:

I can feel the ambivalence Fay, in your perfectly calibrated piece (which I\'ve not read before). Nature in the raw, and that\'s the way it goes...
I hope you heal fast.

March 1st, 2022 05:01

Neville said:

You can beat an egg, but you can\'t beat a raptor, either for speed, or beauty ....................... made me wanna float up yonder with them windhovers leeward ........ and I do remember this un well Fay ... x

March 1st, 2022 04:39

Where Went Love ?
Jane Clemons said:

Spring love, passionate love, love nearing the end resulting in lost love. Brilliant ! With your words, you were able to make my heart a good way. Thank you

February 24th, 2022 23:29

Being Alive
Jane Clemons said:

This is lovely. The nearer we come to the end of our lives....the greater the appreciation of it ! You said it so well. I am just becoming familiar with your
writing and admire you so much !

February 24th, 2022 23:16

Being Alive
Neville said:

Grab every moment with both hands & hold on tightly ............................ outstanding in dear friend ........Neville x

February 24th, 2022 16:17

Being Alive
Goldfinch60 said:

So very true Fay, this is me all over.


February 24th, 2022 01:41

Being Alive
spilleronsheet said:

You captured the essence so well dear Fay
So thankful for these lines of gratitude
And reading it makes me feel lucky
The thought I had been missing
It tells me, spring back and attack on your work
“You can do”
Since your alive
Thanks a lot dear Fay

February 23rd, 2022 15:56

Being Alive
Rocky Lagou said:

Yes Fay! I love this message! Take in all that life can provide and live it to the fullest! 💖💖

February 23rd, 2022 10:49

Being Alive
orchidee said:

Good write Fay.

February 23rd, 2022 10:13

Being Alive
dusk arising said:

Oh Fay yes yes yes..... So very true in my life. I feel every word of your poem in my heart and bones. And now i want to go outdoors and soak it all up after two years of hiding away in fear of this pandemic. (I shall of course be taking precautions not to become a victim of it)

A must for my favourites.

February 23rd, 2022 09:54

Being Alive
Dove said:

Beautiful, I’m a nature lover too Opacarophile & Selenophile

February 23rd, 2022 09:38

Being Alive
Laura🌻 said:

My Dear Fay,

My first read of the day. The title of your poem invited me to read your beautifully scripted words. ‘Being Alive’ is a gift…a gift not to be taken for granted because we don’t know what’s in store for us even within the next minute. So let’s appreciate and enjoy every breath we take…and right now I’m enjoying perusing through today’s postings.
Thank you for sharing your pen. Your poems are always a delight to read.🤗


February 23rd, 2022 09:06

Being Alive
Rozina said:

Very true. As I age I appreciate more and more my surroundings, what I took for granted before. You’ve hit the nail on the head, so poetically.

February 23rd, 2022 08:39

Being Alive
Bella Shepard said:

So beautifully said. You\'ve captured that rush of life that comes to those of us who perhaps find our years dwindling. I loved this poem!

February 23rd, 2022 07:17

Armed Rules
Neville said:

I think by now you know my feelings, thoughts and attitude to war .. This is wholly brilliant Fay .. I couldn\'t agree more ... So there you are .. Cult part formed ... maybe x

February 23rd, 2022 05:05

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