Comments received on poems by Goldfinch60

Here We Go!!
Goldfinch60 said:

Such a profound comment LB. I used to be part of the christian organisation, I was a Chaplain at one time but when my wife was taken by dementia and eventually passed I had to question organised religion and when I gave up it was like a huge weight had been lifted.
I still have Faith in My Spirit and that will never change, it is organised religion that I see as leading people up a garden path.


November 16th, 2020 08:23

Here We Go!!
L. B. Mek said:

I recognise the disdain emanating from your words, I know it well.
Like all ‘Industry’s’, push comes to shove: when profits are down, moral decency, restraint and common-sense reasoning: ‘is dashed out - da window!’

The quicker we humanity ‘Dissociate’ faith from religion, the simpler it will be to ignore all the BS that clouds and frustrates.
My \'two cents worth\' suggestion to help decipher between the two are:
\'Faith\', is a system of belief (usually at individual level), designed to support and provide tangible ‘trust’ in something/anything greater than the morosely dreary - that is reality.
\'Religion\', is a self-sustaining industry that trades in the one commodity we humanity can never get enough of, or ever - run out of: \'Hope\'. Newly or well established organised institution’s in that market provide services and trade their version of \'Hope\' in exchange for \'charitably - untaxed, donations\'.
Though subtle, there is a profound difference. One may have ‘Faith’ and be without religion or one may have ‘Faith’ that the religion of choice provides the best ‘Hope’ for their personal salvation.

So, I agree with the sentiments in your write Andy (for what it’s worth), but targeting one ‘Industry leading entity’ for being the ‘best/worst’ is tantamount to provoking reactionary defensive mentality’s, that yields nothing more: than ever more entrenched ‘stubbornness’, from those who refuse to hear/see logical reasoning: that their chosen \'Religion\' (any & all) isn\'t deserving of the \'blind Hope\' they entrust it with, it must ever be questioned and it\'s human frailties held accountable.
Every entity within the industry of religion, claims their ‘Hope’ will make their believer’s more immune to all the bad in our reality, that is at the core of their sales pitch.

All I advise is we discuss incendiary subject’s/topics, however freely - with broad brush strokes. Let’s try and not devolve into the ‘us & them’ battled fields of ‘Amygdala’ driven - reactionary mindsets and have MPS consumed by the minority who can’t tolerate opposing ideologies.
Anyway, I’m sorry for waffling-on in your comments section, every time I write something like this I promise to not ‘get involved’ but then I see the tell-tale signs of opposite side’s - squaring up on their peremptory battle fields and I sigh: watching history repeat in real-time.
I personally, choose to have \'Faith\', that we human\'s are more than our deficiency\'s and the underlying \'Hope\' we have in \'Love\' can always insure \'common sense\' will prevail: however belatedly and costly, that may sadly be...

November 16th, 2020 07:38

Keys Lost.
dusk arising said:

Tell me about it, after chemotherapy had it\'s way with my memory cells last year, I could forget my name.

November 16th, 2020 05:26

Keys Lost.
Neville said:

I know that feeling too... I also remember once in a desperate rush to get to an interview, I made a snatch grab inside my pocket for keys .. wrong pocket and ended up in casualty ............................. N :)

November 16th, 2020 03:28

Keys Lost.
Doggerel Dave said:

Nicely paced Andy.
The gut wrench I experienced between lines \'Keys lost!\' and \'Keys found,\' was as real as when it happened to me. Pulse still up, hands not steady, will recover...
And Peter Paul and Mary - they\'re back!

November 16th, 2020 03:14

Keys Lost.
orchidee said:

Good write Gold.
Yes, we may forget something from 30 seconds ago, but be able to recall something easily from 30 years ago!

November 16th, 2020 02:53

Here We Go!!
dusk arising said:

Historically the organised christian churches, especially that catholic bunch, have taken time to catch up and change their rules. Things the churches tortured and killed for have now become OK by them. That in itself shows just how false their set of beliefs and rules are.

But there again, these churches were set up by men who wanted to (and succeeded in) controlling an uneducated and ignorant people in the days when the world was flat.

Their spin on spiritual matters is definitely full of falsehoods but still some parents are so stupid that they allow their children to be brainwashed into a fearful belief of the christian churches way.

Well, let the fools congregate, that\'ll thin them out a bit..... and get christians ostracised by the public.

November 15th, 2020 07:08

Here We Go!!

GOOD MORNING UNCLE ANDY ~ Thnaks for sharing Carmina Barunda. It is very dynamic and it went down well @ College when they performed it as part of their Christmas Program ! Love improptu performances & Flash Mobs ~ AMEN. Because we are Young & Blessed ~ and were raised in Devout Christian Homes we have a strong personal Christian Faith. Our Faith is important in our day to day life and we receive Guidence from the Scriptures - Fellowship & Prayer. WE cant blame God for Gobal Warming (and its consequences) it is Anthropogenic (aggrevated by Leaders like Trump who put the Economy before the Environment !) and We must (& can) reduce it by reducing CO2 etc. Angela & I have studied Biochemistry and (to some extent) CORVID 19 is also Anthropogenic. *Live Meat Markets* in unhygenic coditions ~ Mans greed for cheap PROTEIN with no regard for *Animal Welfare or Hygeine*. Sow a Wind reap a Whirlwind ! God created MAN with the intellectual Capacity (& Responsibility) to control the Environment ~ because of Greed - Selfishness & Ignorance ~ Man is failing badly. We respect your rejection of the Chrian Faith (which was big Part of Your & Joyces lives) because our Faith has not been tested (yet) to that extent. You (and al Your Family) are in our Prayers and we are encouraged by your Positive Belief the Joyce & Yourself will once again be reunited in the Spiritual Dimension were Joyce now is. Virology can solve the problemof COVID 19 and in the Year (2021) a vaccine will be produced Globally & normality resstored ~ AMEN. We just *Hope & Pray* that we learn by all our Mistakes. Does Mankind really undestand ? *If we destroy Planet Earth ~ There is NOWHERE ELSE to BOLDLY GO* ! Science FACT is a billion miles away from Science FICTION ~ Amen ~ Thanks for caring & sharing

Blessings & Peace to YOU & YOURS
Love ~ Angela Brian & Smokey 💛💛💛

November 15th, 2020 05:41

Here We Go!!
Doggerel Dave said:

Andy - Like flash mobs do you? Here\'s an oldie that I hope you and orchidee might enjoy - if you haven\'t already seen it:
(go straight to utube and popthelink in there)

look after yourselves Dave
PS: not entering into any religious discussion today, thank you!

November 15th, 2020 05:29

Here We Go!!
orchidee said:

I think some of it (not all of it) is a judgement for our cruelty to animals - where the Covid thing started off.
There is much good done to animals too though - RSPCA, PDSA, etc.
A blessing in disguise, minimally? Yorkshire Ripper caught it. Comments of \'rot in hell\' followed his death.

November 15th, 2020 03:26

Here We Go!!
orchidee said:

I agree too that \'organised religion\' is a farce.
There is common sense too.
Surely meeting together when we are not to do so, is being unloving and un-Christlike? Then it changes to being tempting God - \'let\'s try Him out; see if He will protect us when we still meet these days\'.

November 15th, 2020 03:23

Here We Go!!
Michael Edwards said:

Quite fitting given my posting today. If you don\'t accept the God premise to start with the argument becomes a pointless distraction - if you do then all the points you raise are so valid.

November 15th, 2020 03:14

Here We Go!!
Poetic Dan said:

Things have definitely gone a foot my friend, from my own life experience it always has!

I can\'t thank you enough for sharing your experience over the years, as I\'ve read your words again and again!
It let me know it\'s okay to go your own way, our beliefs are ours and no one else\'s to gain!

Like I just said in another reply to you, at the front page of my book of legends that keeps my heart true!

This art we share makes us bulletproof....

November 15th, 2020 03:12

Such a Good Start.

God Evening Uncle Andy ~ Thanks for sharing such a cool piece of Jazz. Weve been busy clearing up the Garden today ~ Responsibilities of Married Life ! All we aks for in these COVID DAYS is a Day that both starts & ends WELL ~ AMEN. There is a lot of Good Jazz on BBC Radio THREE ! Was that where you heard it ?

Blessings & Peace to YOU & YOURS
Love Angela & Brian & Smokey ! ! !

November 14th, 2020 17:18

Such a Good Start.
Dove said:

Nicely Written! Good day to you! Keep smiling

November 14th, 2020 11:32

Such a Good Start.
John Prophet said:

What a great way to start a day. 😀

November 14th, 2020 08:15

Such a Good Start.
Doggerel Dave said:

For pities sake - since joining MPS it has taken over my life. I spend more time on this site than I do much anywhere else. There\'s the correspondence - always something to respond to, argue for, reach a conclusion about. Then there\'s the music you , DA and others are constantly throwing up for my delectation and delight. Got to keep up.Time and effort involved.
Oh yeh - doesn\'t someone do a bit of poetry in there somewhere?
Love it all - even if I\'m mostly wandering around in a swampy daze, wondering when I can next get up close and personal with my PC and MPS.

Cheers Dave

November 14th, 2020 04:26

Such a Good Start.
dusk arising said:

Well, what can I say about Weather Report.... I have all the studio albums they recorded and some of the live ones. I think the live one\'s are really only appreciated by their fans tho tbh. I never got to see them,my car broke down on the M4 dammit.
You might find this link interesting, It\'s one of the tracks off an album of top jazzers playing a selection of weather report music - all the tracks should be visible on here - highly recommended.

November 14th, 2020 03:59

Such a Good Start.
orchidee said:

Good write Gold.

November 14th, 2020 03:14

Such a Good Start.
L. B. Mek said:

somehow I have \'I gotta feeling\' from the black eyed peas playing in my head after reading your write, lets hope it\'s a great weekend for all of us, stay safe and thanks for putting me in a positive frame of mind

November 14th, 2020 02:40

Where Did This Come From?
Poetic Dan said:

Well needed grounding my friend, as I let go my thoughts and let the music in, each note can take me wherever it wants!

With this there can be sadness but it always ends in love, within the flow of the spirit in music I believe truly connects us!

I\'ll now be adding this to your playlist on my Spotify...

November 14th, 2020 00:54

Where Did This Come From?

ANGELA HERE - No more Clinics til MONDAY - so catching up on MPS ! Can anyone ever really know LISZT Much more difficult to master than Chopin - Pure SOUL MUSIC with a powerful delicacy - AMEN.
Chopin lifts one to Terrestrial Heights - Liszt to Celestial !
Thanks for caring enough to share such acoustic Treasure - AMEN

Love & Joy to You & Yours
Angela - Brian & Smokey ! ! !

November 13th, 2020 11:44

Where Did This Come From?
MendedFences27 said:

Pat Conroy once said, \"Without music, life is a journey through a desert.\" Some music is here for a while and then disappears forever, some music lasts for centuries. To each of us \"our\" music is a personal choice and as different as chalk and cheese. What you describe here is the power of music to stir the soul. It is the greatest form of communication. \"That place we all hope for\" is the ultimate ideal and exists only with music. Without it - only the desert.
Thanks for this terrific thought provoking poem. - Phil A

November 13th, 2020 11:14

Where Did This Come From?
dusk arising said:

When it comes to the subject of music, then the lyric \"there is always something there to remind me, I was born to love you\" would seem appropriate.
Your music tastes and horizons are far wider than my humble sphere.
A poem for today\'s needs, some escapism. Away from the drudge of lockdown and approaching winter..... but join me in the guinea pig queues for the injections soon eh?

November 13th, 2020 09:37

Sugar Coated.
L. B. Mek said:

another of your writes, where you allow me to journey within your experiences,
a truly vivid depiction of nature Andy

November 13th, 2020 05:27

Where Did This Come From?
L. B. Mek said:

I\'m so uncultured its scary...
oh well, at least music is music whether you know it\'s context or merely let your fingers play by feel alone, in those posh elevators with polished mirrors as judgemental walls, lmao

November 13th, 2020 05:12

Where Did This Come From?
orchidee said:

A fine write Gold. Fido will howl and drown me out if I start singng to music!

November 13th, 2020 02:41

Sugar Coated.
Neville said:

its that time of year again isn\'t it .. my word how did that manage to creep up on us all so suddenly ....

November 12th, 2020 23:50

Sugar Coated.
Fay Slimm. said:

A beautiful scene and you capture its grace so well my friend.

November 12th, 2020 16:43

Sugar Coated.
Amon said:

straight into my favorites

November 12th, 2020 09:29

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