Comments received on poems by Goldfinch60

I Had a Shower Today.
orchidee said:

Happy Birthday wishes Gold. But with the date system on here, your birthday is 10/6, not 6/10. Is that your \'official\' birthday, like the Queen?!
A comedy film had a line \'Everything in moderation; I never overdo things; I take a bath once a year!\'

October 6th, 2018 01:48

I Had a Shower Today.
Michael Edwards said:

Congratulations Andy - a special day indeed - I got there five years ago and saving up for some more soap for my next shower in five years time - enjoyed the fun write.

October 6th, 2018 01:02

Tamara Beryl Latham - The Poet said:

Well-written poem trumpeting life, death and rebirth that is analogous to the phases of the moon. I loved it.

Here\'s hoping we may all look forward to reincarnation. :)

October 5th, 2018 17:52

Coffee Art.

THANKS FOR CARING ANDY ~ We love BARISTAS ~ New girls on the BLOCK ~ make the coffee taste so much better ~ especially with one of the sixteen silhouettes you hilited ! Poetry in Mojo ! Mum tells me COFFEE was always my Papas Party Piece ~ duet with his Brother Fred on Piano & Banjo ~ They only ever drank CAMP with CHICHORY !
Love the POEM ~ £2:50 for a signature CAPPUCCINO in COSTA ~ COSTA LOT but worth it for the Aroma & the Ambience & the Baristas of course ! Im grinding JAMAICA BLUE MOUNTAIN for a lonely but satisfying Cafetiere ! Angela is fast asleep 4am Saturday and over 11 thousand miles away in NZ ~ so she wont even smell it ! She adores JBM Coffee Beans ~ Blessings & Love to JOYCE ~ BRIAN 🧡🧡🧡🧡 Please check our DOZEN ~ POEM ~ Thanks B

October 5th, 2018 11:01

Coffee Art.
w c said:

Nicely penned my friend. I don\'t know where i\'d be without my morning coffee.

October 5th, 2018 10:19

Coffee Art.
dusk arising said:

You are possibly a wealthy man Goldfinch, for the price of a coffee in so many places has just become silly. I\'d be interested to know what you pay for your enjoyable cup.
My favourite (affordable) bean is Mocha. But nowadays if you ask for a Mocha they serve you up an americano (spurious beans) with chocolate added. Quite a nice drink but where are my favourite beans..... killed by commercialisation.

October 5th, 2018 02:44

Coffee Art.
orchidee said:

Well, you\'ll enjoy your coffee, and so will Michael, but not in Costas. I shall spit out most coffee.
You will say to me: \'Oh you, you\'ll just have whisky and water!\' lol.
Never knew coffee was so connoisseurial - long word there too!

October 5th, 2018 01:35

Coffee Art.
Michael Edwards said:

Great write Andy although, as I know I\'ve said before, I much prefer coffee made in a cafetiere. I recall the grumpy old men on the tele complaining about being served by Baristas of uncertain east European origin who could hardly make themselves known and had no knowledge of coffee. I can relate to that having asked in Costas (on my one and only visit) about the coffee and being given a blank look - he had no idea of the type or origin of the coffee being served.

October 5th, 2018 01:31

orchidee said:

A happy National Poetry Day and World Animal Day to ya! (St Francis of Assisi day). Time for a rendition of \'All creatures of our God and King!\'
You counting down now? 10 days to 1066.

October 4th, 2018 10:13

Jester from Leicester. Limerick.
The Retired Bloke said:

Great limerick. Really enjoyed it.

October 4th, 2018 03:33

chaaz said:

This is really great ❤️

October 4th, 2018 02:41

dusk arising said:

Aha, echoes of rebirth. Do you ever wonder about those who have passed and come again? What they are, what will be their challenges. Will they too gaze into the moons enigmatic trance?

October 4th, 2018 02:34

orchidee said:

A fine reflective write Gold.

October 4th, 2018 02:26

Jester from Leicester. Limerick.
Laura🌻 said:


I enjoyed reading your limerick! Thank you for entertaining us!

Love to Joyce and to you!


October 3rd, 2018 18:06

Jester from Leicester. Limerick.
dusk arising said:

A sizzling dish from Broadway
Fancied her chances with swordplay
But a dashing young chef
Carved her very last breath
And served her up finest gormet

October 3rd, 2018 11:52

Jester from Leicester. Limerick.
orchidee said:

A fine write Gold.

October 3rd, 2018 07:06

Jester from Leicester. Limerick.
Michael Edwards said:

Leicester is a place I avoid like the plague - not a nice place to visit so no offence taken.

There was a young maid from Leicester
Who tried to scam an investor
Into giving her cash
At a local bash
Till along came the plod to arrest her

October 3rd, 2018 04:34

Jester from Leicester. Limerick.

GOOD MORNING UNCLE ANDY ~ Just off to Work ~ First lecture 11am. Having been born in LANCASHIRE I am a life long UKULELE (and George Formby) Fan. I learned to play one in a week before I graduated to the acoustic GUITAR which takes a lifetime to master. I too have heard the UKE ORCHESTRA of GB and I am still recovering. The U3A has recently (out of desperation ?) added UKULELE GROUPS to its ancillary classes (several of my extended Family have been seduced !) and in my TOWN I have encountered them several times strumming in unison at FETES etc. The UKE is back on track ! Thanks for Caring & Sharing Blessings & Love to You & Joyce ~ BRIAN & ANGELA 🧡🧡🧡🧡 Please check Today\'s Poem on WORDS ~ Thanks B & A ~ It contains the MAORI SONG (sans Uke !) KIA ORA ~ Good Health !

October 3rd, 2018 03:44

Michael Edwards said:

There are more and more cases of depression in youngsters. I am convinced it\'s because they haven\'t learnt the art of interacting thanks to those damn iphones etc - nice one Andy.

October 2nd, 2018 11:27

Andrew Charles Forrest said:

I learnt the other day that facetime was invented so deaf people could sign on their phones...
Texting was invented so that daft people could use them too
I\'m with you G

October 2nd, 2018 10:36

w c said:

Thanks, G. Whenever I wonder about loneliness, I\'m reminded that the lonely are not necessarily alone and conversely that those alone aren\'t necessarily lonely.

October 2nd, 2018 10:03

sylviasearcher said:

You got me thinking about loneliness.

It is one of the greatest health risks of all but imagine what the doctor would say if I went and told him or her I was lonely!?

My youth was before mobile phones. Yet I was still lonely.

I just think it\'s not as simple as it seems...😕

October 2nd, 2018 08:09

orchidee said:

Now we might say this is old-fashioned, being very old ourselves (we were there before 1066 at least!). But a true write Gold. A lot of \'virtual\' friendship around.
How\'s 1066 prep going? And who is going in person?

October 2nd, 2018 01:51

Laura🌻 said:


This beautiful write demonstrates how your love for Joyce and hers for you is eternal and truly amazing!

Love these poetic words. Words of a true poet...and that would be YOU!

“The tears of the past had been smiled away.”

Thank you for sharing!

All my love to Joyce and to you!


October 1st, 2018 17:05


Thanks UNCLE ANDY for sharing such intimate thoughts & experiences. This is a key role of MPS to share & care! I (ANGELA) have lots of Friends & Colleagues in the UK in the caring profession many of them Filipinas : who really are ANGELS! I am thrilled you are reassured that JOYCE is in the right hands for respite. It is hard but I tell my elderly UK Friends that it is for the BEST and that GOD UNDERSTANDS. Joyce and Yourself are an example to us all. Thanks for JUSSI BJORLING, He is a fave of BRIANS DAD and he has lots of records! Every Blessing & Love to JOYCE & YOURSELF : ANGELA & BRIAN 🧡🧡🧡🧡
Its 10:30 pm (Monday) here in NZ and BRIAN is at WORK. Please check on OUR SIX SENRYU and on our FUSION on SHARE A SENRYU on that we have posted THE SNOWMAN VIDEO : THANKS A & B

October 1st, 2018 05:33

Fay Slimm. said:

The challenge of seeing a loved one undergoing such changes must be so very hard to bear dear Goldi - your poem wrings tears from my heart - prayerful thoughts go out to you both and the day Joyce gets home you will have the love of your life beside you again. Thank you for sharing the positive side of care-home separation.

October 1st, 2018 04:22

orchidee said:

This cuts at the heart, in a \'repentant\', poignant sense, not in the sense of being enraged and stoning someone. This phrase is used in the book of Acts in both senses.
A feeling of being cut emotionally, as though a swish of a knife cuts across one\'s heart.
Thinking of you both.

October 1st, 2018 01:43

Goldfinch60 said:

The Pearlfisher duet by Jussi Bjorling and Robert Merrill is my wifes favourite and to my mind it is still the best recording of it.

October 1st, 2018 01:18

Dog Walking

Thanks UNCLE ANDY for a beautiful VIDEO ~ PICTURE ~ POEM for a sunny Sunday morning. Angela & I love the Ballet ~ especially SWAN LAKE ! For many Seniors in our Church ~ when the kids have flown the nest ~ DOGS & CATS provise someone to Love & Cherish and to go Healthy Walkies with ~ AMEN. Blessings and love to You & Joyce ~ BRIAN & ANGELA 🧡🧡🧡🧡

September 30th, 2018 03:43

Dog Walking
orchidee said:

Any dogs at Hastings in 1066? Or just me in a negative sense? Did someone say: \'You dog; why did you tell Harold to look up?\'

September 30th, 2018 01:42

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