Comments received on poems by Goldfinch60

Coffee Stitch.
orchidee said:

You back home from 1066 now?!

October 15th, 2018 01:41

Coffee Stitch.
Michael Edwards said:

What a great write and a lovely gesture

October 15th, 2018 01:39

Coffee Stitch.
orchidee said:

A fine write Gold. I sort of \'gave\', well shared, a poem with a group. It did not go down too well. It was on an evangelistic theme. I fell asleep during the rest of that evening, with dour and dreary stuff, pretending I enjoyed it. doh!

October 15th, 2018 01:36

Hastings Remembered.
dusk arising said:

Did England as we know it actually exist in 1066? Cornwall refused to be a part of england for a long time. Would be fun to think parts of our history showed a resistence to European invaders which has re-emerged in our Brexit of today.
One in the eye for a second referendum.

October 14th, 2018 07:07

Hastings Remembered.
orchidee said:

We carved our names on a tree there, and also \'We Woz Ere\'?

October 14th, 2018 06:56

Hastings Remembered.
Michael Edwards said:

I\'m wearing my new designer breast plate and the fairy cakes look so colourful. And a grand time will be had by all.

Well I\'ll go polish my sword if that aint Monty Donn over there planting some poppies.

October 14th, 2018 02:51

Hastings Remembered.

Ooooooooo UNCLE ANDY : You are all MAD : But i love you all ! The ENGLISH have such a sharp sense of Humour which is something I miss in NZ ! In Essex (where Brian & I live) we have lots of Cockneys with their Rhyming Slang and supreme optimism. One of them said to me a while back : Fank Gord fer Brexit : I wont \'ave ter take the Trouble (and Strife = Wife) ter MAGORKA no more fer \'Olidays : Itl be SOUFEND next year ! Have a Happy 1066 Reunion : Love to JOYCE & YOURSELF : ANGELA 🧡🧡🧡🧡 Please check Brians BLUEBELLS : Thanks A ! Love LEE MARVIN & Wanderin\' Star : WICKED VIDEO !

October 14th, 2018 02:25

Hastings Remembered.
orchidee said:

Oohh thanks for the official version of this Gold! Michael and others are coming to the reunion today. Two men waiting for us afterwards - with white coats on, to take us away! heehee.

October 14th, 2018 01:55

She Looks to the Sea - Haiku and Senryu
ron parrish aka wordman said:

a moment of serenity

October 13th, 2018 17:40


Thanks for sharing UNCLE ANDY. In Further Education we all have our JOB DESCRIPTIONS and GRADES and each Course has so many units which require so many Lecturer Hours etc it i very systematised and computerised etc. If somebody leaves or dies there are always 10 people ~ trained & qualified to take the JOB ~ OK ~ NO PROBLEM ! We generally get about 20 Applicants for each vacancy 5 of whom would be very suitable ~ OK. We replace LIKE with LIKE ! Thanks for BBJ by James Dean ~ ICONIC ! Please visit SAILING ~ BAILING ~ WAILING and also Our Fusion on What Makes You Happy ? Blessings & Love for JOYCE & Yourself BRIAN & ANGELA 🧡🧡🧡🧡

October 13th, 2018 11:02

orchidee said:

A fine write Gold. Erm, are we a long time dead, as they say? It\'s called \'our long home\' in ye olde language.
See ya at Hastings!

October 13th, 2018 01:38

orchidee said:

A fine write Gold. Erm, are we a long time dead, as they say? It\'s called \'our long home\' in ye olde language.
See ya at Hastings!

October 13th, 2018 01:38

Michael Edwards said:

It happens all the time. I\'ve been told that my successor doesn\'t do half the things I did. But the half he doesn\'t do is filled with things that I didn\'t. Fine write Andy.

October 13th, 2018 01:24

She Looks to the Sea - Haiku and Senryu

Thanks UNCLE ANDY ~ She looks to the Sea. Loved the PICTURE (reminded me of ANGELA always looking for me to return to Auckland !). loved the VIDEO Debussy le Mer by a French Orchestra ~ ultra Classical ! Love the poems my fave cinq - siete - cinq genre ! Your ~ Blessings & love to You & JOYCE ~ Brian & Angela 🧡🧡🧡🧡 Please add a Poem to my FUSION \"What makes you Happy ?\"

October 12th, 2018 17:53

She Looks to the Sea - Haiku and Senryu
orchidee said:

You done all your packing for 1066?!

October 12th, 2018 13:51

She Looks to the Sea - Haiku and Senryu
fuche_bu said:


October 12th, 2018 13:25

She Looks to the Sea - Haiku and Senryu
dusk arising said:

Is a 747 something to write or fly the atlantic in? Gone are the days of the 109, but i wouldnt understand german verse anyway.... especially the second line.

October 12th, 2018 09:06

She Looks to the Sea - Haiku and Senryu
Andrew Charles Forrest said:

Harony G
Pure Harmony
I Liked it

October 12th, 2018 08:21

She Looks to the Sea - Haiku and Senryu
orchidee said:

Fine writes Gold. You off to the wedding today?! See you there?!

October 12th, 2018 02:18

She Looks to the Sea - Haiku and Senryu
Michael Edwards said:

Both excellent Andy

October 12th, 2018 02:08

Listen or Hear?
Christina8 said:

Yes, there is definitely a difference. You must listen to the music. Great write!

October 11th, 2018 20:44

Listen or Hear?

Thanks for sharing & caring ~ UNCLE ANDY. Love the riff on MISTER B ! Your poem highlights a 21st C attitude Listening (& Reading) BUT NEVER marking
~learning and inwardly digesting ! This is why (when we dont heed advice) others can turn to us (when we are up to our necks in merde) and say I TOLD YOU SO ! Thanks for caring & sharing. Blessings & Love to Yourself & Joyce ~ BRIAN😎 & ANGELA 🧡🧡

October 11th, 2018 17:26

Listen or Hear?
kevin browne said:

Ah, the lyrics of life written by the poets that grace before us in writing such wonderful and meaningful spirited songs.

October 11th, 2018 11:06

Listen or Hear?
Fay Slimm. said:

Hearing is so different from listening as this wise poem states - - thanks for the needed reminder dear Goldi.

October 11th, 2018 06:23

Listen or Hear?
dusk arising said:

Somehow this reminds me of the native americans in those old westerns we used to watch \"white man looks but does not see\".
Pearl of wisdom from you today.

October 11th, 2018 05:25

Listen or Hear?
Michael Edwards said:

I\'m terrible - I can\'t stand small talk so although I may nod I often don\'t take in what is being said . Fine write

October 11th, 2018 02:43

Listen or Hear?
orchidee said:

A fine write Gold. There\'s similar Bible verses:
\'Hear (keep on hearing), but do not understand;
See (keep on seeing), but do not perceive\'. (Isaiah 6 v.9,10).
I read that it\'s a Jewish idiom, where the outcome is expressed as if it was the intention, for those who continued to only hear God\'s words but did not listen, and so did not do the words, did not put them into action.

October 11th, 2018 01:48

Birthday Poem.
w c said:

Our birthday cards are so special, though the poem is divine.

October 10th, 2018 21:46

Birthday Poem.

Thanks UNCLE ANDY ~ We both love Oscar P ~ nice touch on the IVORIES ! Love your message ! Angela & I in a small way both consider ourselves Poets ~ and for a BIRTHDAY or CHRISTMAS etc the most precious gift we can receive is a Personal Poem and we always send each other one ~ I will publish our Christmas Ones after the 25th December ~ OK. Angela\'s Poem today both Rhymes & Scans BIRDS IN FLIGHT ~ Please Check ~ Blessing & Love to Joyce & Yourself ~ BRIAN & ANGELA 🧡🧡🧡🧡

October 10th, 2018 11:34

Birthday Poem.
FineB said:

A super touching write Goldfinch60.

Many happy returns of the day!

Keep writing

October 10th, 2018 06:01

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