Comments received on poems by Goldfinch60
The Glue of Life.
Neville said:
a nice thought.. I presume you\'re sticking to it... Neville
December 15th, 2018 14:09
Neville said:
a nice thought.. I presume you\'re sticking to it... Neville
December 15th, 2018 14:09
The Glue of Life.
Laura🌻 said:
A great write!
Yes, love in any form is “The Glue of Life”!
I enjoyed the read very much!
My love to Joyce and to you!
December 15th, 2018 09:27
Laura🌻 said:
A great write!
Yes, love in any form is “The Glue of Life”!
I enjoyed the read very much!
My love to Joyce and to you!
December 15th, 2018 09:27
The Glue of Life.
Thanks UNCLE ANDY : Love SUMMERTIME one of my favourites and very appropriate here : not a bit like CHRISTMAS its Saturday Evening & a great sail today ! 23C (73F !). Love the video Great voice : great horn ! Love the POEM with the emphasis on Love : THE GLUE & ADHESION OF LIFE ! Love came down @ CHRISTMAS : AMEN ! Advent Blessings & Love to You & Joyce :
December 15th, 2018 05:36
Thanks UNCLE ANDY : Love SUMMERTIME one of my favourites and very appropriate here : not a bit like CHRISTMAS its Saturday Evening & a great sail today ! 23C (73F !). Love the video Great voice : great horn ! Love the POEM with the emphasis on Love : THE GLUE & ADHESION OF LIFE ! Love came down @ CHRISTMAS : AMEN ! Advent Blessings & Love to You & Joyce :
December 15th, 2018 05:36
The Glue of Life.
dusk arising said:
Yes, excellent Goldfinch, love - the glue of life!
December 15th, 2018 04:42
dusk arising said:
Yes, excellent Goldfinch, love - the glue of life!
December 15th, 2018 04:42
The Glue of Life.
orchidee said:
Yes, a fine write Gold. Erm, people have the glue of life while listening to me singing - cos I cover the ground in glue, so they can\'t run away! heehee.
December 15th, 2018 03:06
orchidee said:
Yes, a fine write Gold. Erm, people have the glue of life while listening to me singing - cos I cover the ground in glue, so they can\'t run away! heehee.
December 15th, 2018 03:06
The Glue of Life.
Michael Edwards said:
Bravo - you\'ve more than done it justice Andy - a real good read and a real good message.
December 15th, 2018 02:37
Michael Edwards said:
Bravo - you\'ve more than done it justice Andy - a real good read and a real good message.
December 15th, 2018 02:37
The Experts Opinion.
dusk arising said:
A guy once hired me as an expert in my field. Later he explained his interpretation of \'expert\'. \'Ex\' is a has-been and \'spurt\' is a drip under pressure.
I thanked him for employing me and assured him he had had his moneys worth.
December 14th, 2018 21:17
dusk arising said:
A guy once hired me as an expert in my field. Later he explained his interpretation of \'expert\'. \'Ex\' is a has-been and \'spurt\' is a drip under pressure.
I thanked him for employing me and assured him he had had his moneys worth.
December 14th, 2018 21:17
The Experts Opinion.
Laura🌻 said:
A wonderful write which I enjoyed reading. The woman’s reply was spot on! It reaffirms the importance of independent thinking!
My love to Joyce and you!
December 14th, 2018 18:07
Laura🌻 said:
A wonderful write which I enjoyed reading. The woman’s reply was spot on! It reaffirms the importance of independent thinking!
My love to Joyce and you!
December 14th, 2018 18:07
The Experts Opinion.
Thanks UNCLE ANDY : We always love your eclectic choice of Music : Even though we are both very much Adults of the 21st C and are still honing our sensibilities ! Coltrane always delivers a smooth SAX in any ERA : Thanks GOD for Digitally Remastered CDS !
BRIAN and I find that taste and expertise is very much socially : ethnicity & era (age) & gender related related. Because of my childhood (even though I was largely raised in London) I am much more familiar with Spanish Art : Music : Dance : Literature : Culture etc than Brian : but he now has an A-Level in Spanish and is a good student. On the other hand Brian actually understands Scouse Humour & Culture etc. We are both young enough (30 & 35) to appreciate Contemporary Culture and absorb it into our PSYCHE instead of just SAYING \"RUBBISH !\" like many of the 70+ Generation. WE HAVE A LOT IN COMMON : but also much about which we differ : BUT we observe that a balance of AGREEMENT & DISAGREEMENT (Culturewise) results in a positive & exciting marriage : AMEN
Thanks for caring : Blessings & love to you both :
December 14th, 2018 14:51
Thanks UNCLE ANDY : We always love your eclectic choice of Music : Even though we are both very much Adults of the 21st C and are still honing our sensibilities ! Coltrane always delivers a smooth SAX in any ERA : Thanks GOD for Digitally Remastered CDS !
BRIAN and I find that taste and expertise is very much socially : ethnicity & era (age) & gender related related. Because of my childhood (even though I was largely raised in London) I am much more familiar with Spanish Art : Music : Dance : Literature : Culture etc than Brian : but he now has an A-Level in Spanish and is a good student. On the other hand Brian actually understands Scouse Humour & Culture etc. We are both young enough (30 & 35) to appreciate Contemporary Culture and absorb it into our PSYCHE instead of just SAYING \"RUBBISH !\" like many of the 70+ Generation. WE HAVE A LOT IN COMMON : but also much about which we differ : BUT we observe that a balance of AGREEMENT & DISAGREEMENT (Culturewise) results in a positive & exciting marriage : AMEN
Thanks for caring : Blessings & love to you both :
December 14th, 2018 14:51
The Experts Opinion.
fuche_bu said:
What you like is what is important to you. Experts are just as fallible as any of us.
December 14th, 2018 07:42
fuche_bu said:
What you like is what is important to you. Experts are just as fallible as any of us.
December 14th, 2018 07:42
The Experts Opinion.
Fay Slimm. said:
It is true that opinions differ when viewing anything in the field of art - - we respect that we cannot all think alike and your final line makes that clear Goldi - thanks for sharing this needed reminder.
December 14th, 2018 04:57
Fay Slimm. said:
It is true that opinions differ when viewing anything in the field of art - - we respect that we cannot all think alike and your final line makes that clear Goldi - thanks for sharing this needed reminder.
December 14th, 2018 04:57
The Experts Opinion.
orchidee said:
I was about to say the same, but Fido barked at me on the last line! heehee. A reading and talking dog - I could be famous with him!
December 14th, 2018 03:13
orchidee said:
I was about to say the same, but Fido barked at me on the last line! heehee. A reading and talking dog - I could be famous with him!
December 14th, 2018 03:13
The Experts Opinion.
Michael Edwards said:
It\'s the same for me. I love painting abstracts - they are unpredictable, exciting and I sure love the process of painting them - if others don\'t like them then it\'s tough t*****s
December 14th, 2018 02:54
Michael Edwards said:
It\'s the same for me. I love painting abstracts - they are unpredictable, exciting and I sure love the process of painting them - if others don\'t like them then it\'s tough t*****s
December 14th, 2018 02:54
The Experts Opinion.
Neville said:
Yes, indeed beauty is very much in the eye of the beholder.. and of course, your summative line most eloquently sums up that particular perspective... ... N
December 14th, 2018 02:33
Neville said:
Yes, indeed beauty is very much in the eye of the beholder.. and of course, your summative line most eloquently sums up that particular perspective... ... N
December 14th, 2018 02:33
The Day After the Night Before.
Neville said:
lovely just aint good enough, bloomin lovely, is more like it.. made me smile ya did, so thanks.. N
December 14th, 2018 02:28
Neville said:
lovely just aint good enough, bloomin lovely, is more like it.. made me smile ya did, so thanks.. N
December 14th, 2018 02:28
The Day After the Night Before.
Nicholas Browning said:
\"Then the odd word passed between us\". Yeah, it\'s pretty crazy to see just how small a chance can be for you to take it. Don\'t know until you leap, and hey, you leapt. I like the tone of the poem. At first it\'s a little melancholy, but then it shifts. Quite good.
December 13th, 2018 15:14
Nicholas Browning said:
\"Then the odd word passed between us\". Yeah, it\'s pretty crazy to see just how small a chance can be for you to take it. Don\'t know until you leap, and hey, you leapt. I like the tone of the poem. At first it\'s a little melancholy, but then it shifts. Quite good.
December 13th, 2018 15:14
The Day After the Night Before.
Netashi said:
Ah yes life does through us into a loop and shows us beautiful things. Sounds like you had a swell night I\'m glad to here. Written very well keep up the good work.
PS: The day after the night before my brain hurt now since you threw me for a loop....wait that means today or \"tomorrow\"
December 13th, 2018 13:09
Netashi said:
Ah yes life does through us into a loop and shows us beautiful things. Sounds like you had a swell night I\'m glad to here. Written very well keep up the good work.
PS: The day after the night before my brain hurt now since you threw me for a loop....wait that means today or \"tomorrow\"
December 13th, 2018 13:09
The Day After the Night Before.
Michael Edwards said:
One of those poems which you just have to read again - and it gets even better - it really carried me along - super write Andy.
December 13th, 2018 11:47
Michael Edwards said:
One of those poems which you just have to read again - and it gets even better - it really carried me along - super write Andy.
December 13th, 2018 11:47
The Day After the Night Before.
orchidee said:
A fine write Gold. I though ya was gonna get tangled up with that elusive \'tomorrow\' that never comes. When it gets here, it\'s \'today\'. doh!
December 13th, 2018 02:48
orchidee said:
A fine write Gold. I though ya was gonna get tangled up with that elusive \'tomorrow\' that never comes. When it gets here, it\'s \'today\'. doh!
December 13th, 2018 02:48
Love Hate.
Netashi said:
When people start loving power and start using the power of love then there will be true peace. But for now \"peace\" is just us waiting for something bad to happen. Overall the poem is beautifully written, god job keep up the good work.
December 12th, 2018 16:46
Netashi said:
When people start loving power and start using the power of love then there will be true peace. But for now \"peace\" is just us waiting for something bad to happen. Overall the poem is beautifully written, god job keep up the good work.
December 12th, 2018 16:46
Love Hate.
dusk arising said:
Love conquers all... but (there\'s always that flipping \'but\' isn\'t there) only for those who are able to feel love.
Love and hate are two close sentiments and i fear many are polarised with hate.
It is difficult to hate anything/anyone once you have learned through love. I fear that it is more difficult to love anything/anyone once one is polarised with hate.
December 12th, 2018 11:37
dusk arising said:
Love conquers all... but (there\'s always that flipping \'but\' isn\'t there) only for those who are able to feel love.
Love and hate are two close sentiments and i fear many are polarised with hate.
It is difficult to hate anything/anyone once you have learned through love. I fear that it is more difficult to love anything/anyone once one is polarised with hate.
December 12th, 2018 11:37
Love Hate.
Neville said:
nicely penned, but sadly, the Beatles as good as they are did not get it all right...
December 12th, 2018 07:00
Neville said:
nicely penned, but sadly, the Beatles as good as they are did not get it all right...
December 12th, 2018 07:00
Love Hate.
Michael Edwards said:
Love is the glue of life (sounds like an idea for another poem) - fine writs Andy.
December 12th, 2018 04:30
Michael Edwards said:
Love is the glue of life (sounds like an idea for another poem) - fine writs Andy.
December 12th, 2018 04:30
Love Hate.
orchidee said:
A fine and true write Gold. A bit like natural days? Almost 16 hours of darkness per day now, and 8 hours of light. Then changing to vice versa, as the year goes on. Super clip too!
December 12th, 2018 03:17
orchidee said:
A fine and true write Gold. A bit like natural days? Almost 16 hours of darkness per day now, and 8 hours of light. Then changing to vice versa, as the year goes on. Super clip too!
December 12th, 2018 03:17
Their Lips Move.
Thanks for post UNCLE ANDY !
Patsy Cline ~ Perfect Country Singer
Dead @ 33 in a Plane crash ~ TRAGEDY
Please dont underestimate SAINT THERESA !
Astute politician ~ Oxford Graduate (GEOGRAPHY)
Calm negotiator ~ carried the BREXIT CAN for David
Shrewd PM ~ Why suffer defeat at hands of FOOLS ?
She has gone back to the EU to broker a better deal
And she will ! She is a Daughter of the Vicarage and
Blessings & Love to you BOTH ~
Please check \"I LOVE YOU BECAUSE ......... \"
And also our FUSION ~ Thanks B & A !
December 11th, 2018 10:34
Thanks for post UNCLE ANDY !
Patsy Cline ~ Perfect Country Singer
Dead @ 33 in a Plane crash ~ TRAGEDY
Please dont underestimate SAINT THERESA !
Astute politician ~ Oxford Graduate (GEOGRAPHY)
Calm negotiator ~ carried the BREXIT CAN for David
Shrewd PM ~ Why suffer defeat at hands of FOOLS ?
She has gone back to the EU to broker a better deal
And she will ! She is a Daughter of the Vicarage and
Blessings & Love to you BOTH ~
Please check \"I LOVE YOU BECAUSE ......... \"
And also our FUSION ~ Thanks B & A !
December 11th, 2018 10:34
Their Lips Move.
Lorna said:
That Brexit is certainly a mess isn\'t it Andy. I don\'t understand why it is so complicated to unravel (or if it is the best thing) - but I think our hideous excuse for a president still tops Brexit for A number one end of the world disasters......... I feel I have to be constantly apologizing for this country. It\'s so embarrassing.
December 11th, 2018 07:31
Lorna said:
That Brexit is certainly a mess isn\'t it Andy. I don\'t understand why it is so complicated to unravel (or if it is the best thing) - but I think our hideous excuse for a president still tops Brexit for A number one end of the world disasters......... I feel I have to be constantly apologizing for this country. It\'s so embarrassing.
December 11th, 2018 07:31
Their Lips Move.
Neville said:
The concluding line is a universal truth and a universal shame.. N
December 11th, 2018 07:23
Neville said:
The concluding line is a universal truth and a universal shame.. N
December 11th, 2018 07:23
Their Lips Move.
Laura🌻 said:
Spot on with your write!
I don’t mean to speak ill of the dead, but ...
“Watch my lips...”
We did...and our taxes were raised!
No matter what country I am in, the same outcry! It seems we’re at their mercy!
My love to Joyce and to you!
December 11th, 2018 04:37
Laura🌻 said:
Spot on with your write!
I don’t mean to speak ill of the dead, but ...
“Watch my lips...”
We did...and our taxes were raised!
No matter what country I am in, the same outcry! It seems we’re at their mercy!
My love to Joyce and to you!
December 11th, 2018 04:37
Their Lips Move.
Michael Edwards said:
Another betrayal - I\'ll write something from the leavers perspective - after all they aren\'t represented in Parliament except for a couple of clowns - Johnson and Rees Mog . Will post tomorrow.
December 11th, 2018 03:52
Michael Edwards said:
Another betrayal - I\'ll write something from the leavers perspective - after all they aren\'t represented in Parliament except for a couple of clowns - Johnson and Rees Mog . Will post tomorrow.
December 11th, 2018 03:52
Their Lips Move.
orchidee said:
Ahh, I must meet her and her hubby at coffee-time at church. They often go to one about 2 miles from my home - the current PM and her hubby. We could hob-nob!
December 11th, 2018 03:23
orchidee said:
Ahh, I must meet her and her hubby at coffee-time at church. They often go to one about 2 miles from my home - the current PM and her hubby. We could hob-nob!
December 11th, 2018 03:23
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