Comments received on poems by Goldfinch60
Want or Need
Michael Edwards said:
Great theme and great poem - more fine words from the pen of Andy.
June 1st, 2018 01:51
Michael Edwards said:
Great theme and great poem - more fine words from the pen of Andy.
June 1st, 2018 01:51
Want or Need
orchidee said:
A fine write Gold. As I say, if it wasn\'t so serious: \'Should have added water to it\' is what I keep telling people!\' oohh.
June 1st, 2018 01:25
orchidee said:
A fine write Gold. As I say, if it wasn\'t so serious: \'Should have added water to it\' is what I keep telling people!\' oohh.
June 1st, 2018 01:25
New Days.
Christina8 said:
Sometimes I find it hard, but this is a really good write, Andy!
May 31st, 2018 20:00
Christina8 said:
Sometimes I find it hard, but this is a really good write, Andy!
May 31st, 2018 20:00
New Days.
Michael Edwards said:
Always look to the future - great wisdom and write.
May 31st, 2018 04:34
Michael Edwards said:
Always look to the future - great wisdom and write.
May 31st, 2018 04:34
New Days.
orchidee said:
Oh yes, we have reached out since 1066 - and before?! A fine write Gold. Pity I reached out to Harold with those fateful words \'Look up Sir!\'
May 31st, 2018 01:24
orchidee said:
Oh yes, we have reached out since 1066 - and before?! A fine write Gold. Pity I reached out to Harold with those fateful words \'Look up Sir!\'
May 31st, 2018 01:24
The Man in Black
Laura🌻 said:
Johnny Cash...
A favorite of mine!
Thank you for a super write and choice of video! I have to admit that I found it a bit sad, BUT VERY POWERFUL!
May 30th, 2018 10:33
Laura🌻 said:
Johnny Cash...
A favorite of mine!
Thank you for a super write and choice of video! I have to admit that I found it a bit sad, BUT VERY POWERFUL!
May 30th, 2018 10:33
The Man in Black
Thanks for this ANDY ~ For me JC is the ultimate Poet and Balladeer ! Misunderstood because for most he was too deep to understand. A total Man Body ~ Mind ~ Spirit and this is well expressed in his Poetry & Songs. Johnny was forged in the white hot furnace of the mid 20th C and there will never be his like again a perfect blend of SAINT & SINNER melded with the infinite LOVE of June Carter and a voice so full of pathos it reached your SOUL ~ Thanks for carin\' and postin\' a very clever Poem ~ BRIAN !
May 30th, 2018 03:42
Thanks for this ANDY ~ For me JC is the ultimate Poet and Balladeer ! Misunderstood because for most he was too deep to understand. A total Man Body ~ Mind ~ Spirit and this is well expressed in his Poetry & Songs. Johnny was forged in the white hot furnace of the mid 20th C and there will never be his like again a perfect blend of SAINT & SINNER melded with the infinite LOVE of June Carter and a voice so full of pathos it reached your SOUL ~ Thanks for carin\' and postin\' a very clever Poem ~ BRIAN !
May 30th, 2018 03:42
The Man in Black
Michael Edwards said:
So well put together Andy - clever stuff.
May 30th, 2018 03:39
Michael Edwards said:
So well put together Andy - clever stuff.
May 30th, 2018 03:39
The Man in Black
orchidee said:
A fine write cleverly put together Gold. Meanwhile two men in white (coats) have come to collect me. Dunno why - I must have sung! lol.
May 30th, 2018 01:31
orchidee said:
A fine write cleverly put together Gold. Meanwhile two men in white (coats) have come to collect me. Dunno why - I must have sung! lol.
May 30th, 2018 01:31
The Moon of Peace.
dusk arising said:
You bring to mind the acceptance of the wonders of existence which we will never understand. With age comes an appreciation of the natural beauty surrounding us.
Spiritual peace i think is the message i take from your work here.
May 29th, 2018 10:35
dusk arising said:
You bring to mind the acceptance of the wonders of existence which we will never understand. With age comes an appreciation of the natural beauty surrounding us.
Spiritual peace i think is the message i take from your work here.
May 29th, 2018 10:35
The Moon of Peace.
FineB said:
Thank you that was beautiful.
Keep writing
May 29th, 2018 09:31
FineB said:
Thank you that was beautiful.
Keep writing
May 29th, 2018 09:31
The Moon of Peace.
Michael Edwards said:
It\'s a good life but that\'s because of what I put into it - hope that doesn\'t sound smug but you only get out what you put in.
May 29th, 2018 07:11
Michael Edwards said:
It\'s a good life but that\'s because of what I put into it - hope that doesn\'t sound smug but you only get out what you put in.
May 29th, 2018 07:11
The Moon of Peace.
orchidee said:
A fine write Gold. I\'m gonna be gloomy - *grumbles* \'Ugh, the nights start drawing in, in about 3 weeks time!\' But they\'ve not drawn out far enough yet for this year! I dunno what I do want. lol
May 29th, 2018 06:45
orchidee said:
A fine write Gold. I\'m gonna be gloomy - *grumbles* \'Ugh, the nights start drawing in, in about 3 weeks time!\' But they\'ve not drawn out far enough yet for this year! I dunno what I do want. lol
May 29th, 2018 06:45
The Moon of Peace.
Thanks ANDY ~ Love the SONG of the MOON ~ Classical to balance my Country ~ Spanish is my second language so I appreciated the subtitles ! The SCRIPTURES record \"And God Created the Moon to shine by NIGHT ~ thank GOD He did it is essential to life on earth ! As a Fellow-Scientist you will appreciate ~ Clue four down (4) Pyrolucitic Orb ! Yours Brian
May 29th, 2018 04:36
Thanks ANDY ~ Love the SONG of the MOON ~ Classical to balance my Country ~ Spanish is my second language so I appreciated the subtitles ! The SCRIPTURES record \"And God Created the Moon to shine by NIGHT ~ thank GOD He did it is essential to life on earth ! As a Fellow-Scientist you will appreciate ~ Clue four down (4) Pyrolucitic Orb ! Yours Brian
May 29th, 2018 04:36
China Beware.
Michael Edwards said:
I\'m with you Andy - aren\'t we so fortunate to have gifted and loving grandchildren. Great work.
May 28th, 2018 16:30
Michael Edwards said:
I\'m with you Andy - aren\'t we so fortunate to have gifted and loving grandchildren. Great work.
May 28th, 2018 16:30
China Beware.
Laura🌻 said:
Congratulations to your granddaughter! Such a great opportunity for her!
A lovely young lady I’m sure she is...
“O Soave Fanciulla”...
La Bohè of Puccini’s great operas!
May 28th, 2018 09:20
Laura🌻 said:
Congratulations to your granddaughter! Such a great opportunity for her!
A lovely young lady I’m sure she is...
“O Soave Fanciulla”...
La Bohè of Puccini’s great operas!
May 28th, 2018 09:20
China Beware.
Ahhhhhhh ANDY the Joy & Pride of Grandadhood ! I will have to wait at least another 50 years before mine (if any) mature enough to travel abroad alone ~ you are right to be very PROUD of her. Thanks for sharing ~ also an excellent piece of Classic Opera ~ AMEN ~ Please check my tribute to JIM REEVES ~ Yours Brian
May 28th, 2018 03:52
Ahhhhhhh ANDY the Joy & Pride of Grandadhood ! I will have to wait at least another 50 years before mine (if any) mature enough to travel abroad alone ~ you are right to be very PROUD of her. Thanks for sharing ~ also an excellent piece of Classic Opera ~ AMEN ~ Please check my tribute to JIM REEVES ~ Yours Brian
May 28th, 2018 03:52
Natures Future.
Christina8 said:
What a lovely poem and picture! So nice that you can be a part of it. Beautiful!
May 27th, 2018 18:52
Christina8 said:
What a lovely poem and picture! So nice that you can be a part of it. Beautiful!
May 27th, 2018 18:52
The Blue Canvas.
Jane Frye said:
Beautiful. Made me think of all the times I have stared up at the sky in amazement and in awe.
May 27th, 2018 12:00
Jane Frye said:
Beautiful. Made me think of all the times I have stared up at the sky in amazement and in awe.
May 27th, 2018 12:00
Natures Future.
THANKS ANDY ~ for reminding us that we need to be at one with NATURE and to maintain the equilibrium between the FLORA & FAUNA ! We have an obligation to water & feed the BIRDS because we have destroyed their natural habitats to build our own nests ans have covered the Spring Meadows with concrete Roads and Supermarkets ! So we should not be surprised when the feral Flora & Fauna & Insects come back into our gardens & houses to regain THEIR TERRITORY ! My MUM has a POND ~ Bird Baths ~ Peanuts & Fat Balls etc to encourage the Wildlife ~ AMEN Happy Sunday ~ Yours BRIAN !
May 27th, 2018 02:47
THANKS ANDY ~ for reminding us that we need to be at one with NATURE and to maintain the equilibrium between the FLORA & FAUNA ! We have an obligation to water & feed the BIRDS because we have destroyed their natural habitats to build our own nests ans have covered the Spring Meadows with concrete Roads and Supermarkets ! So we should not be surprised when the feral Flora & Fauna & Insects come back into our gardens & houses to regain THEIR TERRITORY ! My MUM has a POND ~ Bird Baths ~ Peanuts & Fat Balls etc to encourage the Wildlife ~ AMEN Happy Sunday ~ Yours BRIAN !
May 27th, 2018 02:47
Natures Future.
Michael Edwards said:
Life continues in all its beauty - super work Andy
May 27th, 2018 02:42
Michael Edwards said:
Life continues in all its beauty - super work Andy
May 27th, 2018 02:42
Natures Future.
orchidee said:
Yes, lovely write and pic Gold. I was over-generous on the meal-worms until I discovered how much they cost! And some take baths in our garden too. We put out some water.
May 27th, 2018 01:29
orchidee said:
Yes, lovely write and pic Gold. I was over-generous on the meal-worms until I discovered how much they cost! And some take baths in our garden too. We put out some water.
May 27th, 2018 01:29
Three Score Years and Ten
Michael Edwards said:
Great song great write and a great relationship.
May 27th, 2018 00:21
Michael Edwards said:
Great song great write and a great relationship.
May 27th, 2018 00:21
Three Score Years and Ten
Laura🌻 said:
Thank you for sharing such personal information! I admire your strength and fortitude for being able to share your friendship with your ex-wife and her husband! Extraordinary!! Not many can do that. You are very special!
Wishing your friend a Happy Birthday! Enjoy the weekend! Will you and your wife be celebrating with him and his wife?
Will you be gifting this poem to him?
A perfect Nat King Cole song!
“The greatest thing you’ll ever learn
Is just to love and be loved in return.”
May 26th, 2018 12:14
Laura🌻 said:
Thank you for sharing such personal information! I admire your strength and fortitude for being able to share your friendship with your ex-wife and her husband! Extraordinary!! Not many can do that. You are very special!
Wishing your friend a Happy Birthday! Enjoy the weekend! Will you and your wife be celebrating with him and his wife?
Will you be gifting this poem to him?
A perfect Nat King Cole song!
“The greatest thing you’ll ever learn
Is just to love and be loved in return.”
May 26th, 2018 12:14
Three Score Years and Ten
Thanks ANDY ~ Truth as you know is always stranger than FICTION ! I can empathise ~ I too have friends whose SOCIAL relationship with their ex~wives is now much better than when they were in wedlock ! One even has his EX as a very successful Bridge Partner ~ and another enters Latin Dance Competitions with his EX ! WOW 70 I have a lot of catching up to in the next 35 years ! Getting Married ~ Raising a Family etc etc ! CARPE DIEM ANDY and remember you are only promised (3 x 20) + 10 ~ but the averge UK age for men is now 82 ~ so you\'ve got another DOZEN ~ we are fortunate to live in the UK in the 21st C Angela & I will both be happy to pay another 2k in Tax To keep NHS afloat ~ what about you ?
NAT KING COLE a LEGEND ~ Love the NKC Trio ~ Liquid Jazz ! His MUM was a Church organist (Dad was Pastor) and she taught him to play PIANO when he was 4 ~ a Brilliant Jazz Pianist and is succeeded by His Twin Daughters who run his Charity for Black Performers. Premature death due to smoking Menthol Cigarettes for his throat ! Thanks for the memory ! Please check \"Perfect Partner\" ~ your friend BRIAN
May 26th, 2018 04:11
Thanks ANDY ~ Truth as you know is always stranger than FICTION ! I can empathise ~ I too have friends whose SOCIAL relationship with their ex~wives is now much better than when they were in wedlock ! One even has his EX as a very successful Bridge Partner ~ and another enters Latin Dance Competitions with his EX ! WOW 70 I have a lot of catching up to in the next 35 years ! Getting Married ~ Raising a Family etc etc ! CARPE DIEM ANDY and remember you are only promised (3 x 20) + 10 ~ but the averge UK age for men is now 82 ~ so you\'ve got another DOZEN ~ we are fortunate to live in the UK in the 21st C Angela & I will both be happy to pay another 2k in Tax To keep NHS afloat ~ what about you ?
NAT KING COLE a LEGEND ~ Love the NKC Trio ~ Liquid Jazz ! His MUM was a Church organist (Dad was Pastor) and she taught him to play PIANO when he was 4 ~ a Brilliant Jazz Pianist and is succeeded by His Twin Daughters who run his Charity for Black Performers. Premature death due to smoking Menthol Cigarettes for his throat ! Thanks for the memory ! Please check \"Perfect Partner\" ~ your friend BRIAN
May 26th, 2018 04:11
Three Score Years and Ten
orchidee said:
But I had not told him yet (1066) - it was only 1048!
May 26th, 2018 02:31
orchidee said:
But I had not told him yet (1066) - it was only 1048!
May 26th, 2018 02:31
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