Comments received on poems by Goldfinch60
Love Unknown.
dusk arising said:
I think life and love springs things upon us which we dont anticipate but through it all love teaches us about ourselves and our place in this existence as we become ready for the next.
However your futures unfold there will be love holding both your hands as your guide.
June 5th, 2018 18:05
dusk arising said:
I think life and love springs things upon us which we dont anticipate but through it all love teaches us about ourselves and our place in this existence as we become ready for the next.
However your futures unfold there will be love holding both your hands as your guide.
June 5th, 2018 18:05
Love Unknown.
Fay Slimm. said:
A heart-wrenching write along with the music - - such test on true love is that final question in the last line. Love and hugs to you both - from Fay.
June 5th, 2018 16:15
Fay Slimm. said:
A heart-wrenching write along with the music - - such test on true love is that final question in the last line. Love and hugs to you both - from Fay.
June 5th, 2018 16:15
Love Unknown.
Fox said:
Written from the heart and a beautiful piece by Tchaikovsky. Thank you for sharing!
Those we truly love are never lost and those years of passion never really go away. You\'ll both carry them in your hearts forever (and through your words, you\'ll carry them through the minds of others too).
Wishing you both the best!
June 5th, 2018 12:38
Fox said:
Written from the heart and a beautiful piece by Tchaikovsky. Thank you for sharing!
Those we truly love are never lost and those years of passion never really go away. You\'ll both carry them in your hearts forever (and through your words, you\'ll carry them through the minds of others too).
Wishing you both the best!
June 5th, 2018 12:38
Love Unknown.
Michael Edwards said:
As Cat says - she must be one super lady but you must be a hell of a man - I\'ve great respect for you both.
June 5th, 2018 12:29
Michael Edwards said:
As Cat says - she must be one super lady but you must be a hell of a man - I\'ve great respect for you both.
June 5th, 2018 12:29
FineB said:
Thank you Goldfinch60.
An incredible poem.
Things were much better in the past when we truly used our mind and imagination before the advent of technology that has made us lazy at times.
Keep writing
June 5th, 2018 07:16
FineB said:
Thank you Goldfinch60.
An incredible poem.
Things were much better in the past when we truly used our mind and imagination before the advent of technology that has made us lazy at times.
Keep writing
June 5th, 2018 07:16
Love Unknown.
Lorna said:
Course she will know you Andy.... she\'s just going to where words are superfluous...........
June 5th, 2018 06:35
Lorna said:
Course she will know you Andy.... she\'s just going to where words are superfluous...........
June 5th, 2018 06:35
Love Unknown.
Thanks ANDY ~ for a sad Poem today ~ but a sadness tinged with JOY we can all share as we share and care for our loved ones with limited communication and nearing Heaven\'s Door. They all know we love them and sometimes surprise us by what they say ! Memory extends beyond the GRAVE so our love will never die. For those of us who have \"Assurance of Salvation\" we surely know we will be reunited in the Glory when all physical & mental imperfections will be swept away ~when our Mortal shall be clothed with Immortality ~ AMEN ! Please check my Cockney Rhyming Slang Poem & Video ~ BROTHER BRIAN (UK) & SISTER ANGELA (NZ) Thanks for T\'s very haunting 6th SYMPHONY a perfect complement to your elegant poem ~ B !
June 5th, 2018 04:38
Thanks ANDY ~ for a sad Poem today ~ but a sadness tinged with JOY we can all share as we share and care for our loved ones with limited communication and nearing Heaven\'s Door. They all know we love them and sometimes surprise us by what they say ! Memory extends beyond the GRAVE so our love will never die. For those of us who have \"Assurance of Salvation\" we surely know we will be reunited in the Glory when all physical & mental imperfections will be swept away ~when our Mortal shall be clothed with Immortality ~ AMEN ! Please check my Cockney Rhyming Slang Poem & Video ~ BROTHER BRIAN (UK) & SISTER ANGELA (NZ) Thanks for T\'s very haunting 6th SYMPHONY a perfect complement to your elegant poem ~ B !
June 5th, 2018 04:38
Love Unknown.
Laura🌻 said:
Yes...Adagio Lamentoso...
I’d like to believe that...
As long as you know...
She’ll always know!
Much love to your
beautiful wife!❤️
June 5th, 2018 02:35
Laura🌻 said:
Yes...Adagio Lamentoso...
I’d like to believe that...
As long as you know...
She’ll always know!
Much love to your
beautiful wife!❤️
June 5th, 2018 02:35
Love Unknown.
orchidee said:
In a similar vein, I\'m not with a certain church at present, but why, when they had special prayer times for a person with the \'c\' word, did the person later pass away? Really, we can only say \'Don\'t know why\'.
June 5th, 2018 01:32
orchidee said:
In a similar vein, I\'m not with a certain church at present, but why, when they had special prayer times for a person with the \'c\' word, did the person later pass away? Really, we can only say \'Don\'t know why\'.
June 5th, 2018 01:32
Love Unknown.
orchidee said:
A sensitive write Gold. We remember when we met Cally in person, you and I!
June 5th, 2018 01:29
orchidee said:
A sensitive write Gold. We remember when we met Cally in person, you and I!
June 5th, 2018 01:29
Laura🌻 said:
Reading your write has brought to mind so many examples of things gone wrong that I’ve witnessed because of technology when I was still teaching...using a “smart board”! Well many times when it’d malfunction, it wasn’t so smart!
I enjoyed the read and listening to Queen!
June 4th, 2018 19:01
Laura🌻 said:
Reading your write has brought to mind so many examples of things gone wrong that I’ve witnessed because of technology when I was still teaching...using a “smart board”! Well many times when it’d malfunction, it wasn’t so smart!
I enjoyed the read and listening to Queen!
June 4th, 2018 19:01
This Old Codger.
Lorna said:
Awwww Andy I hate to burst your bubble but 70 ain\'t old............ go have a Piggy Beer.......... that being said, I\'m glad you are still here.........
June 4th, 2018 07:46
Lorna said:
Awwww Andy I hate to burst your bubble but 70 ain\'t old............ go have a Piggy Beer.......... that being said, I\'m glad you are still here.........
June 4th, 2018 07:46
Lorna said:
Hey Andy - OMG - it\'s even hit church........ I retired in the nick of time .... they were making work impossible with \"technical improvements\"..... and just for funny..... my doctor missed telling me I had a touch of anemia because they had \"changed systems\" and he couldn\'t access my information as he was talking to me (with the screen at his side). Perhaps this is why the kids are going back to vinyl records.... they are just longing for simpler days..
June 4th, 2018 07:30
Lorna said:
Hey Andy - OMG - it\'s even hit church........ I retired in the nick of time .... they were making work impossible with \"technical improvements\"..... and just for funny..... my doctor missed telling me I had a touch of anemia because they had \"changed systems\" and he couldn\'t access my information as he was talking to me (with the screen at his side). Perhaps this is why the kids are going back to vinyl records.... they are just longing for simpler days..
June 4th, 2018 07:30
Michael Edwards said:
I can just visualise the scene and the irony of it even though I haven\'t witnessed technology in church - mind you I haven\'t attended a service in church (apart from funerals and marriages) for over 50 years.
June 4th, 2018 05:01
Michael Edwards said:
I can just visualise the scene and the irony of it even though I haven\'t witnessed technology in church - mind you I haven\'t attended a service in church (apart from funerals and marriages) for over 50 years.
June 4th, 2018 05:01
dusk arising said:
Well at least you dont have a public address system attached to the steeple and employ somebody to chant a horrible sounding monologue through it at certain times of day - as happens in parts of the world.
I\'m sure there was enough goodwill in your church on this occasion to generate a lot of smiles and understanding. Maybe a small test from above, a lesson perhaps.
June 4th, 2018 03:03
dusk arising said:
Well at least you dont have a public address system attached to the steeple and employ somebody to chant a horrible sounding monologue through it at certain times of day - as happens in parts of the world.
I\'m sure there was enough goodwill in your church on this occasion to generate a lot of smiles and understanding. Maybe a small test from above, a lesson perhaps.
June 4th, 2018 03:03
orchidee said:
We had an infant Baptism. Sometimes causes a pantomime, and terrifying if the child is held over the font. Thankfully it went well, and the priest also kissed the baby in an \'ahh\' moment!
June 4th, 2018 02:59
orchidee said:
We had an infant Baptism. Sometimes causes a pantomime, and terrifying if the child is held over the font. Thankfully it went well, and the priest also kissed the baby in an \'ahh\' moment!
June 4th, 2018 02:59
orchidee said:
Doh! if having hymn books, there\'s a fiendish trick - do we \'omit the starred verses\' or not? The trick is that the service leader does not tell us, and only the choir know. They don\'t tell us either - leading to complete confusion and garbled words. We\'re not all singing from the same sheet (or verses rather)!
One choir I knew was a bit like the Mafia - sing what WE want, or else....! \'The Firm\' who controlled all the songs.
June 4th, 2018 02:57
orchidee said:
Doh! if having hymn books, there\'s a fiendish trick - do we \'omit the starred verses\' or not? The trick is that the service leader does not tell us, and only the choir know. They don\'t tell us either - leading to complete confusion and garbled words. We\'re not all singing from the same sheet (or verses rather)!
One choir I knew was a bit like the Mafia - sing what WE want, or else....! \'The Firm\' who controlled all the songs.
June 4th, 2018 02:57
This Old Codger.
Laura🌻 said:
A beautiful and inspirational write! The more I read your writings, the better I feel about life in general! Just today, my husband and I were talking about the same subject! We are at a place in our lives where we’re re-evaluating and appreciating our years together! Our children are doing well and we’re very thankful for their successes! If we were to leave this earth today, we’d be fine with that!
Thank you for your daily share! I always look forward to them!
June 3rd, 2018 18:46
Laura🌻 said:
A beautiful and inspirational write! The more I read your writings, the better I feel about life in general! Just today, my husband and I were talking about the same subject! We are at a place in our lives where we’re re-evaluating and appreciating our years together! Our children are doing well and we’re very thankful for their successes! If we were to leave this earth today, we’d be fine with that!
Thank you for your daily share! I always look forward to them!
June 3rd, 2018 18:46
This Old Codger.
Thanks ANDY ~ FATS WALLER A Gentleman of JAZZ and STYLE in His dress - singing - piano - great icon of JAZZ ! Love the poem - Growing Old gracefully - AMEN - BRIAN
June 3rd, 2018 03:24
Thanks ANDY ~ FATS WALLER A Gentleman of JAZZ and STYLE in His dress - singing - piano - great icon of JAZZ ! Love the poem - Growing Old gracefully - AMEN - BRIAN
June 3rd, 2018 03:24
This Old Codger.
HangingbyaHalo said:
This is so beautiful! I think about this a lot, how much more there is do.
I aspire to be the same way as I age.
There will always be books to read music to hear and words to write. ❤️
June 3rd, 2018 01:46
HangingbyaHalo said:
This is so beautiful! I think about this a lot, how much more there is do.
I aspire to be the same way as I age.
There will always be books to read music to hear and words to write. ❤️
June 3rd, 2018 01:46
This Old Codger.
orchidee said:
Keep on codging and sweeping majestically Gold. I\'ll lend ya a broom!
I got to stay, as I got too many songs to sing still. Aww, why people say \'unfortunately!\' heehee.
June 3rd, 2018 01:36
orchidee said:
Keep on codging and sweeping majestically Gold. I\'ll lend ya a broom!
I got to stay, as I got too many songs to sing still. Aww, why people say \'unfortunately!\' heehee.
June 3rd, 2018 01:36
Childhood Innocence.
Gary Edward Geraci said:
And to think our Creator revealed to us that being “childlike” is the natural state we have been created for to live life to its fullest. An instructive write...
June 2nd, 2018 18:41
Gary Edward Geraci said:
And to think our Creator revealed to us that being “childlike” is the natural state we have been created for to live life to its fullest. An instructive write...
June 2nd, 2018 18:41
Childhood Innocence.
Every time I hear a BABY cry
Or touch a leaf or see the sky
Then I know why I believe !
Thanks for sharing ANDY ~ I spent some time last evening with my Cousin and her two young Sons Caleb (2) and Benjamin (4) and it reminded me again of what LIFE is really all about ! The next generation and preserving the PLANET for them ~ AMEN ~ Thanks for caring BRIAN ! Guitar is my FIRST INSTRUMENT and I love CHET ~ a real bonus ~ B !
June 2nd, 2018 12:16
Every time I hear a BABY cry
Or touch a leaf or see the sky
Then I know why I believe !
Thanks for sharing ANDY ~ I spent some time last evening with my Cousin and her two young Sons Caleb (2) and Benjamin (4) and it reminded me again of what LIFE is really all about ! The next generation and preserving the PLANET for them ~ AMEN ~ Thanks for caring BRIAN ! Guitar is my FIRST INSTRUMENT and I love CHET ~ a real bonus ~ B !
June 2nd, 2018 12:16
Childhood Innocence.
Laura🌻 said:
A double getting to know him and he getting to know you!
Children are a wonder!
A great write and choice of musical clip!
Enjoyed it!
June 2nd, 2018 07:40
Laura🌻 said:
A double getting to know him and he getting to know you!
Children are a wonder!
A great write and choice of musical clip!
Enjoyed it!
June 2nd, 2018 07:40
Childhood Innocence.
Poetic Dan said:
Wonderfully done my friend our job is to keep that we are born with and make the change you can hear.
June 2nd, 2018 03:05
Poetic Dan said:
Wonderfully done my friend our job is to keep that we are born with and make the change you can hear.
June 2nd, 2018 03:05
Childhood Innocence.
orchidee said:
Ahh, lovely write Gold. My neighbours thought they heard two cats fighting. They called round and said \'is your cat all right?\'It was only me singing! Aww, now why they moving out next week?! heehee.
June 2nd, 2018 01:34
orchidee said:
Ahh, lovely write Gold. My neighbours thought they heard two cats fighting. They called round and said \'is your cat all right?\'It was only me singing! Aww, now why they moving out next week?! heehee.
June 2nd, 2018 01:34
Want or Need
Thanks for sharing ~ Love BB ~ please check my \"C\'s\" Poem with G & S ~ Yours BRIAN God supplies NEEDS ~ Satan tempts with GREEDS !
June 1st, 2018 02:39
Thanks for sharing ~ Love BB ~ please check my \"C\'s\" Poem with G & S ~ Yours BRIAN God supplies NEEDS ~ Satan tempts with GREEDS !
June 1st, 2018 02:39
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