Comments received on poems by Goldfinch60

House of Canvas
rrodriguez said:

Wonderful write. Amazing how we can get inspired by another\'s creation. You certainly wrote an amazing piece here.

March 7th, 2018 12:33

House of Canvas

Thanks ANDY ~ The acoustic Guitar is my favourite instrument and the only one I ever really mastered. Sometimes life surprises us ! I was staying a Spooky house in Savannah while the Residents (Missionaries) were in Haiti ! The had left a number for us to ring as they had promised lunch to any Residents ! When we arrive at the house ~ about 20 minutes by car it was very impressive (one whole dividing wall was a Fish Tank ! After a lavish evening meal our host ~ who looked just like Henry VIII ~ announced he would sing to us with his LUTE ! Apparently he was a well known musician in Savannah commanding a fee of $500 + for Weddings & parties etc. He had a very Elizabethan Sound (I have heard Julian Bream @ Snape Maltings !) One of the Songs he sang was Greensleeves ~ Awesome. Thanks for the Memory ~ Yours BRIAN

March 7th, 2018 11:09

House of Canvas
FineB said:

Hello Goldfinch,

What an awesome poem!

Good stuff!

Keep writing

March 7th, 2018 07:35

House of Canvas
Lorna said:

I had to \"run\" and look at the painting right away and it is truly something as Goldfinch said! You two are wonderful soulmates!

March 7th, 2018 06:26

House of Canvas
Laura🌻 said:

A great poem, Andy!
Now that I’ve seen
Michael’s painting that
inspired your poem, I
totally understand your
write and your choice
of music to enhance
the whole experience!
You’re both very
gifted and talented!
Bravissimi! 👏🏻👏🏻


March 7th, 2018 03:18

House of Canvas
orchidee said:

Anyone writing a poem about my singing? it\'ll be a very dark, horrific, terrifying poem, probably called \'Two Cats Fighting\', lol

March 7th, 2018 02:53

House of Canvas
orchidee said:

A fine write Gold. But now it\'s all doom and gloom. But why? Cos \'Greensleeves\' fits a hymn tune. A cue for more singing from me! If that\'s not doom and gloom, what is?! heehee.

March 7th, 2018 02:52

House of Canvas
Michael Edwards said:

A fabulous tribute to my humble paintwork and I am so touched - thank you so much Andy - and a fine poem to boot.

March 7th, 2018 02:44

The Angels are There.
dusk arising said:

Angels, guardian spirits, guides, wotever they are they\'re there sure enough.

March 6th, 2018 16:24

The Angels are There.
Christina8 said:

I do have to agree with you GF! I believe in angels!

March 6th, 2018 12:28

The Angels are There.
Fay Slimm. said:

Yes I really agree that we are guided and cared for my friend - - a lovely read.

March 6th, 2018 10:00

The Angels are There.
Accidental Poet said:

My ex-wife had a bumper sticker that read, \"Never drive faster than your Angels can fly\". Yes Andy, our Angels are always with us. Great poem.

March 6th, 2018 05:24

Dementia Sea.
Laura🌻 said:

A beautiful, but sad write!
Can feel the sadness as
I read your poem. Can mom
is almost totally in that
state! So difficult!


March 6th, 2018 05:06

The Angels are There.
Laura🌻 said:

A beautiful message
with a beautiful visual!
The Angels are always
there to help us along
our traveling path.
That is true! We just
have to listen!


March 6th, 2018 04:11

The Angels are There.
Lorna said:

Oh I hope so Goldfinch! A psychic once told me I was \"guarded\" by spirits of children........ which explains a lot of things....... not sure they knew what they were doing......

March 6th, 2018 04:09

The Angels are There.
orchidee said:

A true and fine write Gold. Will the angels all dash off, or get their ear-plugs out, when they hear me singing in the heavenly choir?! heehee.

March 6th, 2018 03:15

The Angels are There.
RiverJordan said:

Angels oversee the trial and error

March 6th, 2018 03:08

Dementia Sea.

THANKS ANDY ~ All TCHAIKOVSKY\'S Music is emotional and this piece perfectly complements the sadness in you Poem ~ straight from your grieving heart. I have several Friends & Extended Family with DEMENTIA and it is very hard to bear ~ especially as you remember them as they were yesterday ! You and Your Wonderful Woman are in our Prayers ~ Yours as always BRIAN

March 5th, 2018 17:29

Dementia Sea.
dusk arising said:

May your faith remain ever strong for surely we are challenged in this existence. Faith and hope are our strength, belief is our guide to the \'what will be\'.
We lay naked before belief, clothed only in trust.
Deeply emotional writing from you today.

March 5th, 2018 17:19

Dementia Sea.
Christina8 said:

So sorry that this is happening but thinking of you both GF! Keep your mind on eternity!

March 5th, 2018 12:52

Dementia Sea.
Lorna said:

And we know it\'s true but it takes forever to accept this strange state of being there but not........ I\'m sad for you Goldfinch.......she would love your poems.......

March 5th, 2018 05:51

Dementia Sea.
orchidee said:

Sensitive write Gold. Thinking of you both.

March 5th, 2018 03:03

Dementia Sea.
Michael Edwards said:

May you always be together - emotional work Andy

March 5th, 2018 03:02

Laura🌻 said:

A great write, Gold!
Thank you for sharing!
As I get older, it’s the little moments that are more memorable; whereas, once I thought of them as insignificant!
Now, as I remember them, I write them requested by my children!

I enjoyed listening to Mozart’s Piano Concerto...(molto andante)!


March 4th, 2018 09:51


\"Before MOZART there was nothing\" JOHN LENNON !

Love your poem Ideal for Meditation on Sunday Morning ! It reminded me of \"There come a tide in the Affairs of Man ......\" and \"Some enchanted evening ~ You may see a Stranger across a crowded Room ...... \" Both are true in my brief sojourn on Planet Earth ! Thanks ANDY ~ for sharing & caring ~ Yours BRIAN !

March 4th, 2018 05:01

Lorna said:

Thoughtful Goldfinch! And sometimes it\'s odd exactly which moments come back isn\'t it, when at the time they didn\'t seem memorable at all!

March 4th, 2018 04:25

Resa71 said:

This poem really made me think about the things I remember most ,over the course of my lifetime.
So often, we don’t realize while we’re in the moment, how fondly we’ll recall it later on in life.
Lovely read!
Thank you for sharing it :)

March 4th, 2018 04:21

Michael Edwards said:

Yes certain memories are just a seconds snapshot in time as are remembered words spoken. Fine observational write.

March 4th, 2018 03:41

orchidee said:

A fine write and pic Gold. Reminds me of: \'With the Lord a thousand years is as one day, and a day is as a thousand years\' as Peter says in one of his letters/epistles.
Us two might only be a few days old then - a few centuries. Or mega-old, if even one day is like as a thousand years!

March 4th, 2018 03:07

The Conquest of Time.
Fay Slimm. said:

This verse has inspired me to view the programme -and thanks for the poem on the conquest of time Goldi.

March 3rd, 2018 07:31

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