Comments received on poems by Goldfinch60

Goldberg Variations.
sorenbarrett said:

I have always enjoyed the sound of the harp. It is so seldom used in modern music but offers such a unique sound of peace and tranquility. Maybe that is why it is not used.

June 12th, 2024 04:20

Goldberg Variations.
Teddy.15 said:

Absolutely beautiful, such a glorious skill to write with such emotion that your readers can feel and to leave this beautiful music too. Happy wednesday dearest Andy. 🌹

June 12th, 2024 02:40

Goldberg Variations.
orchidee said:

Makes a change from me \'harping on\' in my so-called singing!

June 12th, 2024 02:04

Cloud Submarine.
Cassie58 said:

Completely inspired by cloud formations. Such an interesting post and accompanied by some stirring music Andy. I often have my head up in the clouds. I see faces :)

June 11th, 2024 14:16

Cloud Submarine.
Thomas W Case said:

Fantastic work.

June 11th, 2024 11:27

Cloud Submarine.
John Prophet said:

Funny how a sight, sound or smell can transport one back in time. Nice work!

June 11th, 2024 06:20

Cloud Submarine.
Doggerel Dave said:

High time you disclosed more of your past, mate (Andy) that was great. Please do tell us more.

June 11th, 2024 06:16

Cloud Submarine.
sorenbarrett said:

Memories are one thing that we carry with us as the rest around us deteriorates. The good ones can provide such joy. Lovely Andy

June 11th, 2024 05:19

Cloud Submarine.
2781 said:

My Dad was an electrical engineer on the Queen Mary during WW11. It gave him a lifelong passion for boats. I like timber and metals but have no talent!

June 11th, 2024 01:52

Cloud Submarine.
orchidee said:

Good write Gold.

June 11th, 2024 01:23

Beegie Adair Acrostic,
Thad Wilk said:

A superb Acrostic Andy!
A captivating and
informative write!
Thank you for sharing
to read a delight! πŸ‘‹
Best regards, peace ✌️

June 10th, 2024 23:19

With Us To Eternity.
Doggerel Dave said:

Far be it for me, D. Dave, atheistic agnostic, to be so presumptive as to take on the role of Religious Counsellor, but should your recent spiritual exploration prove in some way not suited Andy, then you could always try the Quakers.

(Whom I admire, given a friend who practises).

June 10th, 2024 02:55

With Us To Eternity.
Teddy.15 said:

Sounds like a decent idea, what ever lights your fire. πŸ’œ

June 10th, 2024 02:52

A Night At The Opera.
Tom Dylan said:

Completely agree with the sentiment. A fine write.

June 10th, 2024 02:18

With Us To Eternity.
Neville said:

sounds like a sensible idea to me ..

June 10th, 2024 02:09

With Us To Eternity.
orchidee said:

Argh! KP with me for eternity! lol. Never been to a Unitarian Chapel.

June 10th, 2024 01:27

Farcical Croquet.
Cassie58 said:

Sometimes that’s the way the cookie crumbles. Another day may work out much better Andy. Keep positive:)

June 9th, 2024 11:01

A Night At The Opera.
sorenbarrett said:

Most do not appreciate the years of training along with the talent that goes to being an opera singer where no microphone is used to project the sound and such rich tones produced. A most beautiful write my friend.

June 9th, 2024 04:52

A Night At The Opera.
Teddy.15 said:

I always cry when I see opera, beautiful dear Andy. 🌹

June 9th, 2024 02:54

A Night At The Opera.
Doggerel Dave said:

An essence of opera, you have created there, Andy. Too rich for regular consumption (my consumption) but as an occasional treat.....

June 9th, 2024 02:34

A Night At The Opera.
orchidee said:

Erm, different to when a politician opens their mouth (line 2)!

June 9th, 2024 01:36

Farcical Croquet.
orchidee said:

Good write Gold.

June 8th, 2024 12:54

Farcical Croquet.
Teddy.15 said:

LOL better luck next week. Unless the balls finally break lol 🀣

June 8th, 2024 07:00

Farcical Croquet.
sorenbarrett said:

This poem Andy goes deeper than the skin. I felt the scene, the age, debilitating in its increments. How even amongst those accustomed to its deterioration it shows itself and finally the shame that goes with it. This was a most tender poem covered over with the thick skin of pride. Most lovely Andy

June 8th, 2024 05:10

Farcical Croquet.
Doggerel Dave said:

Just because you have a bad round of golf Andy, there\'s no need to give up all hope and live on the streets...... oh .sorry - it\'s not golf, is it? It\'s Croquet....sorry...However I think in general terms my advice is still applicable....πŸ˜‡

June 8th, 2024 02:49

Farcical Croquet.
Neville said:

We all have our occasional off days .. well recollected sir .. Neville

June 8th, 2024 01:53

Our River.
David Wakeling said:

This is quite beautiful.Out of all the rivers in all the world you were lucky enough to find this one.Wonderful

June 7th, 2024 17:29

Our River.
Cassie58 said:

You paint a scene of perfect harmony. A wonderful write Andy. Every happiness to you both. All the best.

June 7th, 2024 12:13

Our River.
Thomas W Case said:

Superb work.

June 7th, 2024 11:42

Our River.
Teddy.15 said:

I\'ve known you long enough to know there have been times you have walked along the river alone, after joy passed away so to have this new found love with another soulmate Mary, probably makes you one of the luckiest gentlemen on earth. 🌹

June 7th, 2024 07:36

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