Comments received on poems by dusk arising

Young entrepreneur
Neville said:

Got me going for a minute .. so ya did .............. :)

May 29th, 2021 15:43

Young entrepreneur
myself and me said:

\"twelve pound notes\", the best humor ever. Marvelous.

May 29th, 2021 14:50

Young entrepreneur
Jerry Reynolds said:

Thanks, Dusk a good laugh got a bit of coffee on my shirt.

May 29th, 2021 09:20

Young entrepreneur
orchidee said:

Ahh, he with the £12 notes, and me with me £4 notes. Seems a bit dodgy to me.
Wouldn\'t trust him (or me) as far as you could throw him. Where ya gonna throw him?! lol.

May 29th, 2021 08:42

Young entrepreneur
Fay Slimm. said:

Ha ha - -- Thanks Mr. D. - that Patrick smacks of the thing called Greed methinks......... a great weekend read with a message for any like him.

May 29th, 2021 05:30

your defences
Goldfinch60 said:

We are so similar in our outlook, I have always been there for friends and family and at the moment being there for a friend who is really struggling in life.


May 29th, 2021 01:51

your defences
SureshG said:

Even when you are not around,
Them words are surely sound

and poetic too, thanks

May 28th, 2021 23:51

your defences
myself and me said:

When that happen to me, I will sure let you know. Such a wonderful writing.

May 28th, 2021 21:04

your defences
Dove said:

Beautiful! Loved it!

May 28th, 2021 18:37

your defences
Jerry Reynolds said:

Another fine poem, Dusk. Inspiring words deer poet.

May 28th, 2021 09:29

your defences
Neville said:

you are a hero, indeed now you are mine ..
a splendid & most chivalrous post if ever there was ...........

May 28th, 2021 07:09

your defences
L. B. Mek said:

yup, Brilliant!
you, at your fighting best!
what a joy it is to witness, dear poet
thank you!

May 28th, 2021 05:07

your defences
orchidee said:

Cooee, I\'ll be there too - like a bad penny that turns up?! Or a nine-bob note. lol. (Remember ten-bob notes?). Ya won\'t get rid of me, though ya will say \'Oh no, not you again!\'

May 28th, 2021 04:51

your defences
Fay Slimm. said:

A superb piece of tender encouragement - written in poetic styling to emphasise that a friend is near. A favourite with me for sure dear Dusk.

May 28th, 2021 04:29

Mary had a......
Neville said:

just what this old fella needed.. cheers DA ...............................N

May 27th, 2021 17:57

was it just moments
L. B. Mek said:

yup, this is just a mere glimpse
of you in that right mindset
inking poetry, few can ever contemplate
let alone execute with such accomplished, ease..
nowhere near your best, but still
we\'re left celebrating your skill, dear poet
no matter what comes across
to enrage or distract in this chaotic life, always strive
or fight-back to this mindset of solace
where, quite simply
you\'re at your most poetic, best...!
just awesome Dusk
thank you!

May 27th, 2021 03:47

was it just moments
Goldfinch60 said:

\" \'The future is placed
in trusting your beliefs\'. \"
Such a wonderful truthful ending to your fantastic words d a.


May 27th, 2021 00:30

was it just moments
Violet bluebell( used to be yellow rose) said:

Lovely poem ) I truly believe in angels . I have heard the sound of angels before ... sounded like soft angelic singing .

May 26th, 2021 14:41

was it just moments
MendedFences27 said:

What an experience! It brings to mind
those reported incidents of spiritual visitations of the sick. When they happen, the ones experiencing it swear to the truth of it. Here it is recorded in a very powerful poem. She must have been the inspiration for such an outpouring. - Phil A.

May 26th, 2021 13:09

was it just moments
Jerry Reynolds said:

Beautiful, Dusk.

May 26th, 2021 13:08

was it just moments
Jayasree said:

Beautiful !!!. A guardian angel. How lucky you are. May she keep on protecting you.

May 26th, 2021 05:35

was it just moments
Fay Slimm. said:

Filled with wonder at your recorded visit of what sounds like the Muse my friend.......... a favourite read for my list again Dusk.

May 26th, 2021 04:21

was it just moments
orchidee said:

Glad someone\'s having some curvacious fun - or curvaceous?! lol.

May 26th, 2021 04:14

was it just moments
Neville said:

a hypnogogic glimpse of a lover past or ... maybe a visit from your muse ..

whatever the inspiration, seriously enjoyed DA ...

May 26th, 2021 03:26

in the eye
Goldfinch60 said:

It is so important to look into peoples eyes to see who they really are d a.


May 26th, 2021 00:58

in the eye
L. B. Mek said:

indeed, this be another of your truly insightful write\'s Dusk
thanks for sharing

May 25th, 2021 05:45

in the eye
Violet bluebell( used to be yellow rose) said:

So true . Some people experience so much ... and they might well take it for granted ... whereas others crave so much of what they have .

A lovely poem , dusk arising

There are so many beautiful and kind people who experience so much sadness and suffering yet they deserve a lot more

May 25th, 2021 04:14

in the eye
orchidee said:

Good write dusk.
I\'m an old wife then (re: Fay\'s note)! lol.

May 25th, 2021 04:11

in the eye
Fay Slimm. said:

Old wives used to say the eyes are the windows to the soul - - a lovely number and a telling verse.

May 25th, 2021 04:10

in the eye
Neville said:

its always there .. one just has to look harder to find it sometimes ..
fine words and true ..................

May 25th, 2021 04:00

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