Comments received on poems by dusk arising

the haunting fifty fives
Neville said:

pertinently penned and poignantly put

the verdana bold font rams home the message too sir..


June 1st, 2020 06:37

isnt it about time?
Goldfinch60 said:

Such a fine write about this major problem in the USA, and in many other places in our world, those in power just do not seem to care about the injustice of discrimination.
Will that dream come true when all are equal? I cannot see it happening in my lifetime - or at all where the people in power only think of themselves.
Maybe it will one day - Oh look at that, there is a pig flying above me!!


June 1st, 2020 00:19

isnt it about time?
dusk arising said:

There you go again, stating the bleedin if i wasn\'t aware of all that!
Well maybe there will always be tensions between different races and maybe not. Just because one man tells you something it doesn\'t mean he is right. However... there is clearly a lot of room for improvement in USA\'s race relations and integration whether it be from the native americans, you mentioned, point of view or any of the other immigrant races including the immigrant white folk.

U.K. has it\'s racial tensions but we seem to be streets ahead of USA in the way they handle the public irrespective of race or creed.

Do you realise how patronising you are being when you write \"Thanks for caring\" Who the F..k do you think you are?

May 31st, 2020 16:58

isnt it about time?

GOOD EVENING DA ~ BRIAN HERE ~ THANKS FOR Highlighting the Riots following the recent Murder in Minnesota of Afro-American GEORGE FLOYD by a Police Officer. The first line in the Song says it all ~

People movin* out - People movin* in
Why ? Because of the colour of their skin
Run - Run - Run - but you just cant hide !

There are 13 million Afro-Americans in the USA - most of them like Michelle O*Bama - descendents of Slaves. The song highlights the problem. Because they were imported from Africa to work as Slaves in the Plantations they are the wrong colour for the lattitude and so *They can*t Hide*. Despite the optimism in MLKs *I Have a Dream Speech* Native-Americans will always be judged by *The colour of their Skin*. In 2003 my Folks took me to New Orleans & Memphis & Nashille for my 20th Birthday and we had a Lecture at the MLK Memorial Centre given by an Afro-American who had been in Jail with MLK. After the Lecture a Man asked *Are the Troubles over ?* The Lecturer replied *While theres one White Man & one Black Man left in the USA - The Struggle will never be over !* So theres your answer - and it is more so true when the USA has a President with Friends in the KKK. Trump was only castigating the Rioters for Destroying Property & Looting rather than those who has mudered Floyd and sparked the Riots. It is so so sad - Minnisota is a nice State to visit. Thanks for caring !

Peace & Joy & Love
Angela & Brian & Smokey !

May 31st, 2020 15:40

isnt it about time?
orchidee said:

A fine write D A.
On a second look, I thought the title would continue.......\'that Orchi stopped singing?\' (Do I ever? lol)

May 31st, 2020 07:27

isnt it about time?
Fay Slimm. said:

Well said indeed D.A. - hoping this write gets through to whomever it is addressed to - and any nation that makes distinctions needs this excellent appeal read over and over again.

May 31st, 2020 06:48

Neville said:

I am with you all the way my friend, only on one point would I beg to differ... these words, your ‘Betrayal’ are nothing short of a magnificent reminder, tribute, education and dedication to all those fellows who were clearly deceived and otherwise betrayed....

May 30th, 2020 15:05

Michael Edwards said:

I\'m afraid we were alas also guilty of \'war crimes\' (Dresden was another) but the good did outweigh the bad if that\'s any consolation.

May 30th, 2020 04:57

orchidee said:

My reply sometimes .
is \'I told you so - not to trust man/women completely\'.
Great men/women are not always wise, not even Einstein.
Churchill said \'I\'m ready to meet my Maker; I\'m not sure if my Maker is ready to meet me\'. He (his Maker) will be ready. We may not say anything much when we get there, just be overcome by His glory - like trying to look at the sun in its full strength.

May 30th, 2020 02:01

Poetic Dan said:

I took that out of context and had to fav, I\'m sure you understand ;)

May 30th, 2020 01:19

Goldfinch60 said:

So true d a, Churchill was guilty of getting so many people killed in ww2 and in battles previous to the war but they are never mentioned as he \'needs to be know\' as the saviour of this country from the Nazi\'s.


May 30th, 2020 01:09

Fay Slimm. said:

Reading your honest words gives tribute by drawing attention to their tragic position dear friend and I agree most wholeheartedly those heroes who drew fire away from souls caught at Dunkirk need far more recognition.

May 30th, 2020 00:58

Goldfinch60 said:

The trust shown to some people can be easily broken at times, all we can do is move on.


May 27th, 2020 00:10

Fay Slimm. said:

Great words and tune to help along times when memory takes us away to long-ago days - really enjoyed your posting dear friend.

May 13th, 2020 13:19

Poetic Dan said:

Feed my soul with your rock & roll!

May 13th, 2020 03:41

Aware ? ? ?
Poetic Dan said:

And the fav is for the music ;)

May 13th, 2020 03:38

Aware ? ? ?
Poetic Dan said:

Wow.... We are all free to express and that you have truly the weeks of learning more biology than I\'ve ever done! The universe is nothing more to me but a virus in all manner of life, yet we still think we have the knowledge to know or make what is wrong or right...

I definitely take from this that it\'s all blowing in the wind and theses last few days mother nature agrees! As out of the blue life will always keep happening, just my dogs I\'ll keep trying to enjoying every bit!

Always appreciated, thanks again for the inspiration

May 13th, 2020 03:36

orchidee said:

A fine write dusk.

May 13th, 2020 02:07

Goldfinch60 said:

Thank you for your kind words d a, a great simple song with much meaning.


May 13th, 2020 01:04

never ever
Goldfinch60 said:

That first kiss is so special, mine was about the same time in the early sixties.

I even remember this record!

May 13th, 2020 00:51

never ever
myself and me said:

Is it possible to forget a moment like this. When you revisit the moment, your heart still beats faster.

May 12th, 2020 18:02

never ever
Michael Edwards said:

Great work - love the somple meter - so effective.

May 12th, 2020 13:06

never ever
orchidee said:

A fine write dusk. Ye olden days? Well, things from the 1980\'s appear in antiques shows now.

May 12th, 2020 11:06

never ever

BRIAN HERE ~ Hi DA ~ Rhythm & Beat in the 1964 SOUL MUSIC - before my time (b. 1983) and I was intrigued it was *Sans Lyriques* ! I guess it was the Rhythm & Beat that raised your aspirations & libido !
Love the MEMORY of your *First Real Kiss* & the location ! O Yes I remember mine well SADIE in 1990. I was 17 & she was 16 and it was Christmas !

Blessings & Peace to You & Yours
Yours BRIAN |& ANGELA 🧡🤍💜

May 12th, 2020 10:07

slowly, into a shadow
Neville said:

this is what I call poetry and why I fell in love with it....

May 12th, 2020 06:55

Aware ? ? ?
orchidee said:

If it was visible we would see it \'right under our noses\', as they say.

May 12th, 2020 02:02

Aware ? ? ?
Goldfinch60 said:

Very intense dark words d a, worse than the others that come out at night seeking your blood, at least you can see them.

Interesting piece of music as well.


May 12th, 2020 00:18

Aware ? ? ?
Neville said:

Frighteningly of the moment and a stark reminder of today’s surreal but otherwise sad reality ... Well crafted and despite the noir and somber message, enjoyed by me no end...

May 11th, 2020 12:43

Aware ? ? ?
Fay Slimm. said:

Wow - a first rate verse - The vile little virus has crept through your lines like a hidden hiatus and craftily swallows our pride. - - Great write D.A.

May 11th, 2020 12:42

slowly, into a shadow
🐤s.zaynab.kamoonpuri🌷🐦😽 said:

A lovely fabulous muse poem, beautifully written, recollecting and recalling poetically. Kudos.

May 8th, 2020 09:38

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