Comments received on poems by Neville

L. B. Mek said:

a toast!🍻
to those
who gift us those scars
bone deep, to help
make that merciful alcohol
taste bittersweet...
a wonderful play on blatant euphuism\'s virtues my friend

January 15th, 2021 05:17

Goldfinch60 said:

Very clever write Neville leaving much to consider.


January 15th, 2021 01:45

Michael Edwards said:

What a great 3 liner.

January 14th, 2021 14:56

dusk arising said:

She was my elixir, my sensation\'s zenith, my addiction, my sacrifice, my downfall, my lesson. She was everything upon my lips.

In your verses are pictures painted in life, evoking from me a flow of emotion ... to try and capture a fragment of a yesterday.

January 14th, 2021 14:29

Suresh said:

It\'s the damn aftertaste that can\'t be quenched.

January 14th, 2021 13:28

Fay Slimm. said:

Worded so clearly those needs for guilty quaffing your super three liner will most surely draw sighs \'cus toxic or not lips leave secret aftertastes after bouts of slow sipping - - - wow - now I need shower......x

January 14th, 2021 10:56

orchidee said:

Good write N.
Will that be whisky with my water added? Poison?! lol.

January 14th, 2021 09:45

L. B. Mek said:

how very clever dear Poet:
*within that \'tone\' you\'ve utilised in a seemingly unassuming first stanza - you\'ve somehow encapsulated that \'youthful element of life\' we all yearn to experience again...
*in that second stanza, versed utilising subtly archaic verbiage you\'ve given us a taste of language\'s once great past - we literary lovers yearn to revisit...
*and in your final few lines you note their passing while reminding us: that they are never truly gone from our lives, for we need only reach back and reminisce - fondly, free of bitter regret, to insure \'their love affair\' with us \'goes on and on and on\'...
Brilliantly witty, another great showcasing of your seemingly depthless talents my friend

January 14th, 2021 05:26

How to Sell Newspapers
L. B. Mek said:

Undeniably Brilliant!
such a delectably versed spectrum of layered insightful commentary, highlighting those widely varying corrosive aspects within our society

January 14th, 2021 05:10

Goldfinch60 said:

Those moments are so precious in our lives Neville and may they continue.


January 14th, 2021 01:29

Diary Note
Christina8 said:

Splendid work dear Neville....

January 13th, 2021 20:24

Christina8 said:

An intriguing read....I love this!!!

January 13th, 2021 20:22

How to Sell Newspapers
RDS said:

Why not beautiful? I guess the mind of a narrator asks no questions, just reflects what is and what happened.
Poor old Steve, if a poet has never starved themselves to be truly hungry, can they ever claim to be a poet? If a poet hasn\'t tried living on fresh air and water I\'d wonder how imaginative they are...
Sadly it is probably true as publishers would bid to sell the sansational find rather than poetic content. A real quirky good \'un Neville.

January 13th, 2021 19:09

Jerry Reynolds said:

Well done! Brings back fond memoties.

January 13th, 2021 16:13

Fay Slimm. said:

Affairs of the heart though lasting for moments leave mem\'ries forever - - and of such are great legends... another beguiling read mon ami .......x

January 13th, 2021 06:44

dusk arising said:

Tell me it\'s the owl and the pussycat.... such romance of legend has to be realised in a fairy tale.

January 13th, 2021 06:26

orchidee said:

I remembered to read your fine poem for today!
Ahh, I can\'t meet her, cos you are meeting her! lol.

January 13th, 2021 06:01

Doggerel Dave said:

Ah - that\'s better! You\'ve got a rich and cherished memory at last...........

January 13th, 2021 05:38

How to Sell Newspapers
orchidee said:

Good write N.

January 13th, 2021 03:01

How to Sell Newspapers
Goldfinch60 said:

I write poetry for my own pleasure and if others like it I am pleased, I think there are many like me and we will never make money from it. Good words Neville.


January 13th, 2021 02:10

How to Sell Newspapers
Poetic Dan said:

Not sure what to say but I felt the grip of life on the last part.... Great write

January 13th, 2021 00:19

How to Sell Newspapers
dusk arising said:

I was expecting something far more political after reading the title of your post..... print something which will have a negative effect on the wellbeing of society sells newspapers LOL.

Starving in droves Neville.... which person ever became wealthy purely from writing poetry? Songwriters yes, but poets?

Poetic justice... a strange phrase.

I\'m confused about how to react to your post today. I feel that it contains some sadness of the passing of an angel, in the eyes of those who looked upon her, and the dirt on the spades of those who do nothing but dig for dirt to delight a sub editor.

January 12th, 2021 16:58

How to Sell Newspapers
Suresh said:

No, but you surely know how to make it sound poetic.

January 12th, 2021 14:18

Diary Note
Dove said:

Dear One, well I hope you had a splash of a time sailing her ! And when you embarked at the peer, you realized m There\'s no beauty greater than the one who captured your imagination, and made your diary

January 12th, 2021 12:35

Diary Note
Fay Slimm. said:

Ha - - Clever cover to freak out the naughty-minded - well I knew it was not what it seemed........... x

January 12th, 2021 05:15

Diary Note
L. B. Mek said:

I think anyone can relate to this write of fond reminiscing, for something we once assumed would ride - ever high, in that highlight reel of our lives landmark mementos...
a wonderful read my friend, delectably worded with that touch of graceful subtlety, you weave so effortlessly

January 12th, 2021 04:33

Diary Note
orchidee said:

Ahh, you mean you had a speedboat? What would I know? lol.
Or - again, should I meet this lass?!

January 12th, 2021 03:01

Diary Note
Michael Edwards said:

Love it Neville.

January 12th, 2021 02:35

Diary Note
Goldfinch60 said:

Those \'scribbles\' of the past can bring back such fond memories.


January 12th, 2021 02:15

Diary Note
Doggerel Dave said:

I cannot get it - don\'t any of you have rich and cherished memories?

January 12th, 2021 00:21

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