Comments received on poems by Neville

Waiting for the Big E
orchidee said:

You\'ll be OK then. The Good Book itself says that the mustard seed is the smallest of seeds, yet grows into the greatest of plants, where even birds nest in the branches.
I thought you meant the big C - Christmas. But it\'s not to be mentioned this early in the year! lol.

June 30th, 2020 01:48

Mascara Daze
jarcher54 said:

Such a sweet capture of a fleeting moment... I had a lady friend who was a bit of an amateur watercolorist... after her death, her daughter let me select a painting from a few more or less cast off or less impressive works. I chose a still life that features, not roses or apples or a rustic copper kettle, but a few somewhat scattered items typically found on a lady\'s dressing table... a lipstick, a mirror, a comb, and some makeup and perfume jars and a mascara brush. I imagine her all done up to start her day (she was a professional in a mostly male field) leaving these ordinary things somewhat carelessly behind. Your little poem reminded me of how she must have smiled a quick smile of satisfaction stealing one last look at herself in the hallway mirror as she bustled out to her day.

June 30th, 2020 01:43

Mascara Daze
Goldfinch60 said:

That artwork was completed just for you and your words give it the wonder of beauty.


June 29th, 2020 23:56

Mascara Daze
Suresh said:

another masterpiece, framed and complete,

anything else would only diminish this

June 29th, 2020 09:15

Mascara Daze
dusk arising said:

to hang permanently in the halls of memory where the light of passing years will not fade the rich hue of recollection

Another work of art in words upon which to lavish the colours of our will.

June 29th, 2020 07:37

Mascara Daze
orchidee said:

Should I meet her?! lol.

June 29th, 2020 05:04

Mascara Daze
Fay Slimm. said:

One of those jobs that need concentration is applying mascara - says she who has many a time had to wipe smudges from where they shoudn\'t be........... your last stanza aptly outlines the real reason for those \"upward sweeps\" mon ami........ masterpieces need concentration.

June 29th, 2020 04:10

Goldfinch60 said:

That love will always show beauty within her and within you Neville.


June 29th, 2020 00:27

Andrew Charles Forrest said:

Ah my love the eternal witness that it all happened otherwise it may as well have been a dream

Excellent Neville this could be a chapter in my book too

Well captured

June 28th, 2020 05:39

orchidee said:

Erm, I struggles a bit with the hidden meanings of some poems. But they are adequate words - and I mean more than \'Oh, that\'ll do, any old words!\'
Fido of course says it\'s ONLY about some gal eating a load of strawberries. I will put him in the back garden a while, and have some \'excitement\' myself.
Tell Fido to shut up if you wish - but he never does! lol.

June 28th, 2020 05:21

Fay Slimm. said:

Another intriguing array of imagery in this tale half yet expertly told Nev. - wrapping live memories in yesterday\'s news means when read over again that love will never fade even when age-yellowed - - -- - -- a most appealing write ..........x

June 28th, 2020 05:12

dusk arising said:

Beauty glows! From behind a tissue of year beaten experiences a rejoicing of life is written upon the shape one has taken and radiates from within.

The look in the eye as a hand gently squeezes yours..... holds the essence of \'why\'.

Great writing Neville.

June 28th, 2020 05:03

The Value of Tears
orchidee said:

Good write Neville.
I have the ability to reduce anyone to tears - I just sing! heehee.
I never said they are always tears of desperation though. Some may be tears of joy - ohh, about 1%. lol.

June 27th, 2020 11:35

The Value of Tears
dusk arising said:

Oh I\'m sick with jealousy! I\'m sat shivvering with heat stroke in a shed with a hole in it\'s roof in a thunderstorm.
On the other hand I should be grateful for the company in here. No... I\'m not.... they\'ve all got many more legs than me.

Stirred by the richness of your words, entertained, enthralled and.... jealous.

June 27th, 2020 10:48

The Value of Tears
Fay Slimm. said:

Very appealing this piece of poemed praise to seen beauty and shed tears in glorious Florence once upon a distant memory............. an alluring read Nev.

June 27th, 2020 10:08

Still Time
Andrew Charles Forrest said:

Great Neville another piece that can be read in so many ways

At my age this says \"Get On With It while there IS Still Time\"

Stay safe mt friend

June 27th, 2020 05:38

Still Time
orchidee said:

Good write Neville.
As I\'ve said, I spent so long one day finding out what \'Carpe Diem\' meant, that by the time I found out, there was no day left to seize.
Well, ya can\'t win \'em all, can ya?! Doh!
If they had said \'Seize The Day\' to start with, I would have known what they were on about!

June 27th, 2020 01:58

Still Time
Goldfinch60 said:

Time is full of moments and every moment is special grab every one with your heart.


June 27th, 2020 00:26

Still Time
Suresh said:

Still time to reminisce in your words

June 26th, 2020 23:37

Still Time
Bragee said:

Insightful writing that inspires thinkers like myself to live!

June 26th, 2020 15:10

Still Time
Fay Slimm. said:

How wise this reminder that to make changes takes action as your verse proposes over and again. Taming the moment surely makes love-time run slower - -- so lets. Who could resist the invite.......x

June 26th, 2020 14:11

Still Time
dusk arising said:

OK I\'m game, lets build a still. I\'m not doing anything for a few days so lets contemplate.... what sort of liquor shall we create?
Of course the quality of water is really important as has been proven by the scotch distillers so i think these hot weather days are a good time to be wading into some of our freshwater streams for sampling. Or should we be creating a heavenly liquor created from the hailstones which we are promised will be arriving shortly.
Don\'t wince like that, i said hailstones not gallstones!

Enjoyed your everso encouraging write today.

June 26th, 2020 14:02

Tabitha Tootle
dusk arising said:

aha dear young Tabitha Tootle whack, the stalwart from Bootle.
No fear of yer heartstrings being twanged on departings.
Just a sigh of \'ooh neck\' as she throttles ya neck.

Love to read a bit of well composed fun.

June 26th, 2020 09:28

Taking in Water
dusk arising said:

Well i\'ll be a drowning weevil in a ships biscuit if i didn\'t enjoy this piece sir Neville. And all for the price of a tuppenny dreadful too.


June 26th, 2020 09:25

Taking in Water
Michael Edwards said:

Mines a red wine or a ton and ginic - what a great piece of penmanship.

June 26th, 2020 07:08

Taking in Water
Goldfinch60 said:

Aah me \'earty, Davy Jones not calling you today, with that tuppence can you by a rum for the old sailor in t\'corner, that\'s me. Andy Tar is t\'name.

June 26th, 2020 00:59

Taking in Water
Suresh said:

Ale\'ll give you courage on land and courage at sea
Courage when dry, and courage when drowning

...ask any pirate, me lad!

June 25th, 2020 18:43

Taking in Water
orchidee said:

What year will that be - or approximately? When tuppence was about 50 quid\'s worth today?
I would be a pirate, but I got this parrot on me shoulder, name of Polly; a relative of Fido\'s, never lets me have much \'excitement\'! lol.

June 25th, 2020 11:11

Taking in Water
Laura🌻 said:


Loved reading this finely penned poem. That Captain and lad certainly deserve all the ‘ale and salt brisket‘ that ‘tuppence can buy’...and perhaps more!


June 25th, 2020 11:07

Taking in Water
orchidee said:

Someone having fun there?! lol.

June 25th, 2020 06:11

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