Comments received on poems by Neville

Crumbs of Comfort
SerenWise said:

Very emotive write, really has an impact

April 29th, 2019 06:41

Crumbs of Comfort
Michael Edwards said:

A sad but enjoyed tale.

April 29th, 2019 05:14

Crumbs of Comfort
orchidee said:

A fine write N. I only got crumbs left. Fido ate his dog food, then raided me pantry!
Indeed - and some Bible words say that if we see anyone in need and CAN help, but don\'t do so, what use is that?!

April 29th, 2019 03:57

Crumbs of Comfort
Fay Slimm. said:

So often given to poverty\'s children are crumbs of parental comfort - your tale tells well the conditions of need still existing in many parts of our troubled globe Nev. .......... thanks for this poignant reminder.

April 29th, 2019 03:32

Empty Sky
Goldfinch60 said:

Just look into that empty sky and a light will be seen, that light will be the first word of many to rain down into your heart.

April 29th, 2019 00:15

What Happened to the Painter
Suresh said:

A persons wealth is the treasure trove of memories they leave behind.
Your fondness to this person is penned very well.

P.S. I travel back in time, to seek missed treasures. I hope you don\'t mind

April 28th, 2019 19:12

On Waking
Fay Slimm. said:

Another dunk into the scented draw of an early morning bare tease stripping to show her repartee. Grrrreat read this............... x

April 28th, 2019 16:23

Empty Sky
MendedFences27 said:

Sometimes putting words to paper is a lot like chopping wood, much more difficult to do if you fear the axe. They are only words, they will not take an arm or leg. Sometimes, however, we cannot remember where we left the axe .
With a sky to choose from,, surely the words will rain down. - Phil A.

April 28th, 2019 13:42

Empty Sky
dusk arising said:

Empty skies,
forever blue
deserve filling
from a poet
as today
so well
you do

Truly a poets daydreaming mind relaxing on a page/screen before us today...... thank you for the spaces in the summer picture you gave today..... gave me a place to begin summer daydreams.

April 28th, 2019 11:03

Empty Sky
SerenWise said:

Beautifully written!

April 28th, 2019 10:34

Empty Sky
Suresh said:

The words that flow freely, form the best poetry,
Your words flow most freely, and are always a treat to read

April 28th, 2019 09:43

Empty Sky
Poetic Dan said:

Some people like a dry & sweet wine, maturing wonderfully my friend.
There\'s wisdom in your pen!

April 28th, 2019 06:57

Empty Sky
Neville said:

Thank you so much my friend...N

April 28th, 2019 05:20

Empty Sky
Andrew Charles Forrest said:

Great write N

April 28th, 2019 05:15

Empty Sky
orchidee said:

A light bulb will light up in ya head soon again, saying \'IDEA!\'. Just as long as we don\'t blow a fuse, and the bulb goes \'Kaput!\'

April 28th, 2019 04:04

Empty Sky
Fay Slimm. said:

A languid lament that follows from time to time productive writers but described here in such admirable imagery that you are far from drained and dry my friend....Muse strikes when least expected they say Nev. and waits while we rest..... a very relatable read.

April 28th, 2019 03:57

Goldfinch60 said:

No need for a storm, we have many orchids and they fade after a time but we are secure in the knowledge that they will return.

April 28th, 2019 00:38

SerenWise said:

Sad and sensitive little write

April 27th, 2019 22:19

Blank Pages
Suresh said:

That which flows
Effortlessly flows
Let it flow

That I find is the sincerest form of writing

April 27th, 2019 21:17

Beautiful Bruises
Suresh said:

Some like it wild, but I\'m in tune with you.
Nothing beats the estacy of a gentle caress.
Very pleasing to the sense of imagination

April 27th, 2019 21:14

A Travelling Man
Suresh said:

If we can spill our inner self for all to see, we may find a true soul mate we never knew.
What a wonderful world that would be.
Your words are spilled emotions

April 27th, 2019 21:08

A Taste of Nothing
Suresh said:

A silent lover/admirer, whose not even on the radar, feels the pain of their subject, and feels helpless to do anything

April 27th, 2019 20:39

The Pyramid of Longing
Suresh said:

This was not a scribble, and it may have been a long time ago, but the memory of it is as fresh in your mind, as if it happened only an instant ago.

You have and will continue to CHEERISH them forever...

April 27th, 2019 17:18

Suresh said:

and he said -----

April 27th, 2019 10:47

orchidee said:

What you doing, writing about me?! heehee. Me singing is not beautiful, so it\'s a true write, to be sure!
I was an orchid in a storm today too. Not much rain, so it seemed like a sand storm, blowing dust, blossom, etc. Could hardly see a thing! Horrid.

April 27th, 2019 09:59

A Travelling Man
Fay Slimm. said:

This I can relate to as I watch seagulls too -- ha -- and have baked a decent loaf or two -- looking for miracles though and hoping they yet happen - or am I a lost cause.... glad to read your very first offering on this friendly site my romantic friend.

April 27th, 2019 05:51


Thanks for sharing NEV and a reminder that BEAUTY is transient. Im only 31 so I maintain much of my Inner & Outer BEAUTY. But BRIAN & I have found TRUE LOVE and the Beauty of True Love never diminishes : AMEN
Yours ANGELA 🧡

April 27th, 2019 04:41

Fay Slimm. said:

Beauty they say is in the eye of the beholder so lets hope that storm-torn orchid will stand taller when love calls again - - - interesting read Nev.

April 27th, 2019 03:35

dusk arising said:

A beauty beheld can indeed lose its magnificence when the storm of argument taints the appeal.

April 27th, 2019 03:24

In a Moment Gone
Goldfinch60 said:

So very true, each moment is so precious.

April 27th, 2019 00:18

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