Comments received on poems by Neville

Goldfinch60 said:

Such a wonderful canvas on which to produce such wonderful feelings.

April 9th, 2019 14:58

SerenWise said:

Interesting little write

April 9th, 2019 12:35

orchidee said:

Should I meet her too?!

April 9th, 2019 07:34

dusk arising said:

Keep her fresh by keeping your love vibrant.
I am a fan of short pieces. The beauty of compact writing is it\'s invitation for each reader to expand the mental picture with their own colours and detail.

Indeed today you provide a canvas upon which many pictures will be painted today.

In a word .. \'enthralling\'.

April 9th, 2019 07:23

Fay Slimm. said:

Answering -- Not if love is the oil your lips feel my friend - - a warm romantic read.

April 9th, 2019 04:17

Goldfinch60 said:

Poppies are so special.


April 8th, 2019 14:50

SerenWise said:

Beautifully written, well done

April 8th, 2019 13:10

dusk arising said:

This beautiful fragile flower has as you write many associations. Chief amongst them being the flower of our respectful remembrance, and latterly its white brother.
On seeing a field of poppies - a quite remarkable sight - once in Oxfordshire and again in Gloucestershire i was taken with the thought that each one of these hundred of thousands of bloody blooms could well represent a life lost in some ridiculous carnage of WW1 battle. Humbling and moving, just as is your poem today.

\'Lest we forget\'

There must always be another day.

April 8th, 2019 12:05

Suresh said:

With each line I envision the color you so engender. A nice light read.

April 8th, 2019 11:36

orchidee said:

A fine write Neville.

April 8th, 2019 11:12

Neville said:

Thank you dear Fay, as always, your reasoned responses, both apt and appreciated.... Neville

April 8th, 2019 05:58

Fay Slimm. said:

The bearers of so many emotions are poppies and what they have become - you verse them well here along with the reminders of what colour can do to our psyche - crimson shouts out for worldwide remembrance of battlefields past and present. That meaningful sighting of a few early arrivals inspired a fine poem my friend.

April 8th, 2019 05:38

The Freedom of Slaves
orchidee said:

A fine write Neville. Woof! Not cos it should be marked 18+, but Fido barked cos I\'m about to sing: \'Born Free...….!\'
All are in slavery to my singing. heehee.

April 8th, 2019 02:09

The Freedom of Slaves
Goldfinch60 said:

Super write Neville, those eagles show the freedom and peacefulness that could be everybody\'s.

April 8th, 2019 00:33

The Freedom of Slaves
dusk arising said:

Slaves are human beings and like you and me and our loved ones have human awareness, desisres, needs and hopes.

Your writing today is so powerful a reminder of injustices in our world. Love the way you have started with such an innocent mind picture drawing your reader in and finally zapping with a cruel reality.

April 8th, 2019 00:21

The Freedom of Slaves
Fay Slimm. said:

The wonder of flying to freedom never ceases to draw eyes of the captured I imagine - - a great tribute to the majesty of birds like the eagle who shows the way to the stars will always be there. x

April 7th, 2019 16:37

The Freedom of Slaves
Poetic Dan said:

What a brilliant way to end my day
Thinking of that feeling will be mine, one day.

Thank you very much

April 7th, 2019 16:15

The Freedom of Slaves
Laura🌻 said:


Your wonderful poem reminds me of the great song, BORN FREE...

“Born free and life is worth living
But only worth living
‘Cause you’re born”


April 7th, 2019 13:38

The Freedom of Slaves
Suresh said:

For a moment I thought you were going somewhere else (eagles circling usually means death) till I got to the last line.
To be eternally free is everyone\'s BIRTH RIGHT.
Individuals labor is for sale, but not the individual itself.

April 7th, 2019 11:53

Poetic Dan said:

Start to end brilliant my friend!

April 7th, 2019 03:24

Goldfinch60 said:

Super loving write Neville.

April 7th, 2019 00:48

SerenWise said:

Thought provoking piece, love the ending

April 6th, 2019 12:57

orchidee said:

Reminds me of \'Dance of the sugar plum fairy\' by someone or another. I\'m not \'into\' classical stuff as an expert, as you see! lol. Some Chai-coughski bloke it is.

April 6th, 2019 07:07

Michael Edwards said:

Great aah factor - I love it.

April 6th, 2019 05:14

Fay Slimm. said:

A love affair to remember when ending with such a tender confession - -- an evocative weekend read my friend.

April 6th, 2019 04:28

Our Lady of the Harbour
Goldfinch60 said:

Brilliant write and take if histiric value.

April 5th, 2019 14:52

Our Lady of the Harbour
Suresh said:

Much has been written, but you captured it well.

April 5th, 2019 11:08

Our Lady of the Harbour
Michael Edwards said:

Today\'s the day for original poems - love this one - top score Neville.

April 5th, 2019 10:26

Our Lady of the Harbour
SerenWise said:

Beautifully written! Very evocative and enjoyable read.

April 5th, 2019 10:23

Our Lady of the Harbour
dusk arising said:

A scorcher of a pile for the maid of Orleans.
What horrible times those must have been for all humanity.

April 5th, 2019 09:14

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