Comments received on poems by Neville

What We Got
Michael Edwards said:

I look at things from both sides now - great concept well expressed and great result.

January 27th, 2019 01:32

When They Took Away the Tumour
orchidee said:

Yes, glad is all well now. We might never know what some folk have been through. We had special prayers for a couple of church members. But they \'departed\'. Some say there is healing in that - relief from pain, etc. I might have supported them more, but did not know them too closely.

January 26th, 2019 09:25

When They Took Away the Tumour
Michael Edwards said:

Super sensitive write - I can empathise - My wife had kidney cancer 7 years ago and had to have a kidney removed - the surgery was touch and go but she pulled through and is still clear. She has a 14ins scar but I love it - it means she is still with me. Thanks for posting this Neville.

January 26th, 2019 06:58

When They Took Away the Tumour
Laura🌻 said:


I love your “scribble”!

A beautiful and loving poem for your wife!
Glad the tumour is gone! Scars are an important. They reminds us to hold dear the ones we love!
The scar is there and your love is stronger than ever!



January 26th, 2019 05:35

Goldfinch60 said:

Your memories sound as if you have had a wonderfully intriguing life.

January 25th, 2019 16:19

Michael Edwards said:

Great memoric discompilations Neville

January 25th, 2019 11:50

orchidee said:

Oohh you met her! Should I meet her? Will she be too much for me? Is she a dark horse? heehee.

January 25th, 2019 05:19

dusk arising said:

Excellent story and excellent composition.
Each line a thrill leading to the next line.
If you wrote that autobiography Fay encourages, and in this style, it would be \'un-put-downable\'.

January 25th, 2019 05:08

sylviasearcher said:

You have some wonderful memories, all I have is my imagination...

January 25th, 2019 04:28

Fay Slimm. said:

An intriguing read Neville - - - these romantic walks down your memory lane have all the flavour of a good autobiography in the making - ever considered it my tale-telling friend ?

January 25th, 2019 04:18

Waiting for Cancer
Goldfinch60 said:

The concept of waiting for many things and ending up waiting for nothing is superbly expressed in your words Neville.

January 25th, 2019 01:56

Waiting for Cancer
dusk arising said:

Strange frame of mind comes thru your words. Is it one of defeat? Is it giving up? I really hope not.
Whilst moods can lower us into pits of hopelessness and despair they are transient. The world with all it\'s cancers is still a beautiful stage on which we fluff our lines and play to a sceptical front row - but now and again the applause is resounding.

January 24th, 2019 17:26

Waiting for Cancer
orchidee said:

It was my fault. I chopped off the ends of all the straws. Everyone drew a short straw! heehee.

January 24th, 2019 11:02

Waiting for Cancer
Michael Edwards said:

Love the conception of this - today I am a memory - tomorrow dust on the wind

January 24th, 2019 10:09

Waiting for Cancer
sylviasearcher said:

Sometimes people get oh do very tired of waiting for something greater than nothing.

Sometimes people just keep moving instead.

Today I sensed a stillness in this poem.

It gave me a feeling less like that instilled by a Grecian urn and more like that when the ocean is stronger than my ability or inclination to swim and I become one with it or drown.

January 24th, 2019 08:05

Waiting for Cancer
Neville said:

you read me so very well, bless you Fay my dear friend.. Peace & All Good Things, Neville

January 24th, 2019 07:04

Waiting for Cancer
Fay Slimm. said:

The sad unhappy state oozes through every line of this masterful poem Neville - - waiting is ever the most frustrating game. A read full of pathos which must have been as painful to write.

January 24th, 2019 07:00

An Occasional Dream
Goldfinch60 said:

The truth can be found in many ways and sometimes is by accident.

January 24th, 2019 01:16

An Occasional Dream
dusk arising said:

Let dreams be as dreams are.... dreams.
The reality is in the everyday and it may take courage to accept what you come to perceive. Wisdom will quiet ones tongue as he/she comes to terms with this (i.e. don\'t question it until you are really sure you know the right questions to ask).

January 23rd, 2019 14:10

An Occasional Dream
orchidee said:

A fine write Neville. Similar to \'Did he fall or was he pushed?\' Or maybe nothing to do with that?! Just me spouting rubbish? And nothing new there then?! lol.

January 23rd, 2019 05:48

An Occasional Dream
Fay Slimm. said:

A touch of the ironic contained in these few cleverly gentle lines Neville

January 23rd, 2019 04:37

An Occasional Dream
sylviasearcher said:

And there is a beautiful tenderness to them too.

January 23rd, 2019 04:27

What Happened to the Painter
Goldfinch60 said:

Things do change but love can always be there, good loving write Neville.

January 23rd, 2019 01:32

What Happened to the Painter
dusk arising said:

Where did our magic go, those differences which pleased me into loving you. The velvet electricity which filled our home.
Great piece today from you..... love does to us things odd and frightening.

January 22nd, 2019 19:06

What Happened to the Painter
Michael Edwards said:

Another original piece - super stuff

January 22nd, 2019 14:43

What Happened to the Painter
orchidee said:

Well, that\'s told me! OK, I\'ll get painting again, write poems, stop smoking, have a natter with ya, go for a walk with ya, and whatever else you\'ve said! heehee.

January 22nd, 2019 07:55

What Happened to the Painter
Neville said:

old mirrors have the very same effect on me... thank you for visiting sylviasearcher.... N

January 22nd, 2019 05:35

What Happened to the Painter
sylviasearcher said:

Nice romantic touching poem, it briefly made me feel sad though.

Just like Grecian urns do.

January 22nd, 2019 05:23

Fay Slimm. said:

Great tale again Neville - you have a way with words that make scenes alive - - hope the moment of truth re. the i-phone did not prevent the eye-contact again. Ha - what a world we live in today.

January 21st, 2019 17:32

Goldfinch60 said:

Some people just cnnot be trusted even those who claim they can be trusted.
Great write.

January 21st, 2019 14:49

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