Comments received on poems by spilleronsheet

Chasing time
Rocky Lagou said:

Yes! I love this sensation of yearning the past and attempting to retrieve the irretrievable. It\'s best to move on but that lingering wistful feeling will remain if we don\'t make an effort. You presented this gloriously!

April 1st, 2022 10:39

Chasing time
dean langmuir said:

Good one,I echo the comments,take care

April 1st, 2022 07:27

Chasing time
L. B. Mek said:

that last stanza! wow
what a write, worth the wait
thank you! dear empathetic Poet
soar ever-higher
and let nothing, stifle
your limitless dreams..
scale is irrelevant, only
its distilled importance
merited worth, in your life
so choose Boldly, and
Hope wisely
free yourself of expectation\'s
let your wings, be at ease
my young friend)

April 1st, 2022 04:38

Chasing time
Vamsi Sudha said:

Hey Spiller !! you are magic at words .
This last paragraph is damn nice..
Chasing endlessly
Long buried dreams,
they call him “ prisoner of dreams”
a slave of ambitions
drinking wine of fantasies
on roof of reality
sleeping in midst of circumstances
as it breeds….

How beautifully you relate leaves me astounded ..
Great Write...
Chase your time
As it waits for None .. :)

April 1st, 2022 04:10

A note
Neville said:

Note to self ... don\'t dare mess with our spilleronsheet .. she knows what she is talking about .. Neville x

March 30th, 2022 12:58

A note
Bella Shepard said:

Your first two lines grab me. I am the poster child ( actually geriatric) for post-it notes, and reminders on bits of paper all over my kitchen counter. Somehow transferring Life\'s daily reminders to something tangible relieves some of the anxiety of possibly forgetting. As I complete each task that bit of paper is recycled and I go on to the next. Unfortunately it only works in my kitchen. I love the message of your poem, very beautifully said!

March 30th, 2022 09:59

A note
Vamsi Sudha said:

Dear Spiller,
Your note
U really did transpose
Me to Juxtapose
Life deciding events so close !!

Beautiful and engrossing ! Loved each line to the core !!
All the best and you would do wonders !!

March 30th, 2022 09:44

A note
Rocky Lagou said:

I love the way you presented this: \"To the stickers aligned / to the to-do lists flapping with wind\" I mean you really transported I think almost about everybody to the disarray of \"real life.\" We\'re all constantly in a see-saw of time management and SELF-management. Like if we don\'t have a firm hold on ourselves that we can lose who we truly are. And I love the lines: \"a mind of distraction / a surge of anxiety / a swell of fear\" I mean it really hits the reader and makes them relate to the mental chaos that is going on. Great job! ✨

March 30th, 2022 08:31

Slow burn
Rocky Lagou said:

Wow idk why but the word \"tingling\" came to mind when reading this piece. I love the way you described these strong feelings like fear in such interesting images and honestly this is richly portrayed. Maybe it\'s a feeling of tingling uncertainty. Well done!

March 28th, 2022 13:24

Bend and blend
theneophiles_words said:

This one is fine as the blade of a knife! Sharp yet nuanced. Fate does come looking like a coincidence. So If you let it pass by, it is a coincidence. And if you grab on to it, it is fate.

March 28th, 2022 12:36

theneophiles_words said:

Wonderful work! Use of words as clever as ever! But that last sentence explains it all.

March 28th, 2022 12:27

Slow burn
Crowns4Christ said:

Very descriptive and flows well, nice job

March 26th, 2022 15:14

Slow burn
Neville said:

a brilliant title for a great post that
I am sure will burn long ................. N

March 26th, 2022 14:29

Slow burn
Poetic Dan said:

Many directions in this inspiring write my friend..
Thank you

March 26th, 2022 03:42

Bella Shepard said:

Love the allusion to \"the coast of desires, built upon the dream of childhood\". Those dreams were sweet and ours to strive for. Beautiful!

March 23rd, 2022 14:56

Fay Slimm. said:

Love this take on palmistry with its lines leading to fate etc. An inspiring read spills that urges us run our own course to define our own future.

March 23rd, 2022 07:29

Rare the sight
Neville said:

any poem with a hare incorporated in it is gonna be loved by me .. they are such sacred creatures and I truly have a thing for them ..

Personally, I am a tawny owl ........ :)

March 22nd, 2022 17:34

Rare the sight
Bella Shepard said:

Your words are tumbling around in my brain in the most delightful way, beckoning and challenging. A great write!

March 22nd, 2022 12:41

The greatest player
L. B. Mek said:

indeed, and conditioning of that mind
rewarding us
with our most valuable gifts in life..
wise words, and a meditative reading experience
thanks for sharing, dear poet

March 21st, 2022 07:01

Bend and blend
Neville said:

These words are more than just a collection of words that together, comprise a poem .. they are food for thought ................N

March 20th, 2022 03:02

Bend and blend
Caring dove said:

Great poem ! I really like this ! Good choice of words , spiller 🙂

March 19th, 2022 15:23

Bend and blend
Vamsi Sudha said:

Great Rush of thoughts !!

Loved these lines
Flip the pages
the diary of efforts
take the pen of imagination
a ruler of discipline
draw a line\"

Bend to Blend ! speaks volumes.
Shed of ego on the Go,
So much is there for you to bestow
A tree which fruits bends
Only a matured soul bends and blends !!

Great message and very well written !!

March 18th, 2022 23:40

Bend and blend
FallenAngel1🕊 said:

Great concept of bending light to blend all we go through in life as we look for all the meanings. Not sure if I misunderstood your message here but this is how I perceive this little gem.🍻🌞🕊

March 18th, 2022 15:45

Bend and blend
Fay Slimm. said:

Without that bend we would be immune to the euphoric should it favour our blending pens with fancy - love this glance at aiming to win life\'s races - thanks spills for sharing it with us.

March 18th, 2022 13:48

The hypocritic
Thejaswini said:

Great one! :)

March 16th, 2022 14:04

Rocky Lagou said:

I totally felt the emotion in this one. It\'s a strange feeling isn\'t it? The \"cold stares\" and \"crooked faces.\" You expressed this well and those final lines were really intense. The silence. ✨👍

March 15th, 2022 13:45

L. B. Mek said:

when we submit:
and quietude, becomes a bane
in our lives
than a sheltering harbour of solace..
our face of demise, hints little
of the lifetime\'s we invested
in fighting, to find our corner
of sunshine kindness
in the face of life\'s unending
typhoon\'s of strife..
before, this hollow Silence
you\'re witnessing in the now
of the defeated, listless
they too, strived, hoped and coloured
the airwaves, bright
with their thirst for life..
before, the before
of a poet\'s words of empathetic mercy
exude her worth
in-spite of her, state
of self-loathing
lifeless, stealth...
(dear Poet
when my defeat, comes
remember me, kindly
in your sincerity of ink
and like her, even wrapped
within finite silence
I shall rest easy...)

March 15th, 2022 05:58

Vamsi Sudha said:

Dear Spiller !!

That\'s heart wrenching !!

\"resorted to face of silence…
that silence which meant graver than fiercest storms…\"

Extremely powerful lines !!
Very well written !!

March 14th, 2022 23:56

The hypocritic
sorenbarrett said:

Wonderful images, although the overt message of hypocrisy is clear it seems that this poem is far deeper. The madness that it brings and the emptiness that surrounds it.

March 13th, 2022 19:32

Past, a moment to look upon
Vamsi Sudha said:

Dear Spiller ,

Dont know how I missed this.
You were awesome and continue tooo ...
Be your best version and you are unbeatable !! Great One Dear !!

March 11th, 2022 10:12

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