Comments received on poems by spilleronsheet
In their
Rocky Lagou said:
\"The black swan on streets\" What a message! This poem is so evolutionary as we\'re following this development of the tiara-wearing speaker. So lovely and the execution was glittering! 💖✨
March 2nd, 2022 09:24
Rocky Lagou said:
\"The black swan on streets\" What a message! This poem is so evolutionary as we\'re following this development of the tiara-wearing speaker. So lovely and the execution was glittering! 💖✨
March 2nd, 2022 09:24
In their
Vamsi Sudha said:
Good one, but very sorrowful to read ! Was it imaginary or implying any situation ?
March 2nd, 2022 07:20
Vamsi Sudha said:
Good one, but very sorrowful to read ! Was it imaginary or implying any situation ?
March 2nd, 2022 07:20
In their
Neville said:
What an amazing journey you have invited to take your readers on today dear spills .. a journey deceptively deep and dark and mysterious .. a journey that may be viewed in so many different ways .. the life story of a woman, a country or nation ........ of beauty and longsuffering and so many more things ........ a great and memorable poem as far as I am concerned .... Neville x
March 2nd, 2022 03:16
Neville said:
What an amazing journey you have invited to take your readers on today dear spills .. a journey deceptively deep and dark and mysterious .. a journey that may be viewed in so many different ways .. the life story of a woman, a country or nation ........ of beauty and longsuffering and so many more things ........ a great and memorable poem as far as I am concerned .... Neville x
March 2nd, 2022 03:16
In their
dusk arising said:
That lady of liberty gifted by the nation of France to a victorious North america. A great symbol of freedom through the years, now scarred with many sorrows where endeavor has met with disappointment and today do we fear disallusion as freedom itself is threatened with planetary destruction by yet another mad man.
Freedom is born of love..... let love prevail.
March 2nd, 2022 02:18
dusk arising said:
That lady of liberty gifted by the nation of France to a victorious North america. A great symbol of freedom through the years, now scarred with many sorrows where endeavor has met with disappointment and today do we fear disallusion as freedom itself is threatened with planetary destruction by yet another mad man.
Freedom is born of love..... let love prevail.
March 2nd, 2022 02:18
Paul Bell said:
I like this, you can play around with it.
Where destiny leads
listless autumn leaf
On whims of oceanic breeze.
I\'ll need to try it.
February 28th, 2022 12:28
Paul Bell said:
I like this, you can play around with it.
Where destiny leads
listless autumn leaf
On whims of oceanic breeze.
I\'ll need to try it.
February 28th, 2022 12:28
Rocky Lagou said:
Wow what a fine write! Very rich in meaning and interpretations! Destiny and our odds against the world we\'re living in! 💖
February 28th, 2022 09:45
Rocky Lagou said:
Wow what a fine write! Very rich in meaning and interpretations! Destiny and our odds against the world we\'re living in! 💖
February 28th, 2022 09:45
Rocky Lagou said:
What a finely expressed bundle of emotions. Eloquently expressed dear poet! 💖
February 28th, 2022 09:41
Rocky Lagou said:
What a finely expressed bundle of emotions. Eloquently expressed dear poet! 💖
February 28th, 2022 09:41
Neville said:
I know for a fact these are not easy .. not even bad ones are easy .. but you make it look so bloomin easy and my word ... this is so much better than just GOOD ........ Neville :)
February 28th, 2022 08:55
Neville said:
I know for a fact these are not easy .. not even bad ones are easy .. but you make it look so bloomin easy and my word ... this is so much better than just GOOD ........ Neville :)
February 28th, 2022 08:55
L. B. Mek said:
a wonderful effort
staying true, to Haiku\'s Nature roots
thanks for sharing, dear poet
February 28th, 2022 05:43
L. B. Mek said:
a wonderful effort
staying true, to Haiku\'s Nature roots
thanks for sharing, dear poet
February 28th, 2022 05:43
Vamsi Sudha said:
Dear Spiller, your first Haiku ..WOW. But I too feel the same way, haiku limits the expression....
Cute and precise !!
Fill it up....where destiny leads in your next poem ...awaiting :)
February 28th, 2022 01:17
Vamsi Sudha said:
Dear Spiller, your first Haiku ..WOW. But I too feel the same way, haiku limits the expression....
Cute and precise !!
Fill it up....where destiny leads in your next poem ...awaiting :)
February 28th, 2022 01:17
Doggerel Dave said:
No dreams... none possible in such a situation. A pure statement of fact. Thanks.
February 27th, 2022 19:46
Doggerel Dave said:
No dreams... none possible in such a situation. A pure statement of fact. Thanks.
February 27th, 2022 19:46
Rozina said:
I admire this so much as I now realise crafting 3 lines to put up a whole picture is not at all easy! Another senryu to learn from. Thank you.
February 27th, 2022 18:27
Rozina said:
I admire this so much as I now realise crafting 3 lines to put up a whole picture is not at all easy! Another senryu to learn from. Thank you.
February 27th, 2022 18:27
Crowns4Christ said:
I agree with dusk,so powerful for such few words.great job
February 27th, 2022 14:56
Crowns4Christ said:
I agree with dusk,so powerful for such few words.great job
February 27th, 2022 14:56
dusk arising said:
My thoughts went to the picture we have seen in the terrible news from Ukraine - the bloodied face of a schoolteacher lady outside the ruins of an attacked Kyiv apartment block.
You words say so much of her plight.
February 27th, 2022 14:38
dusk arising said:
My thoughts went to the picture we have seen in the terrible news from Ukraine - the bloodied face of a schoolteacher lady outside the ruins of an attacked Kyiv apartment block.
You words say so much of her plight.
February 27th, 2022 14:38
Neville said:
this little gem can not be faulted .. a real jewel if ever there was ........ N x
February 27th, 2022 14:00
Neville said:
this little gem can not be faulted .. a real jewel if ever there was ........ N x
February 27th, 2022 14:00
That one
Paul Bell said:
It never matters how far back in time it is, it\'s in the present. Some things you can change in the present, that suits your mood at that particular time, before it all has to drift back into the past.
February 27th, 2022 06:29
Paul Bell said:
It never matters how far back in time it is, it\'s in the present. Some things you can change in the present, that suits your mood at that particular time, before it all has to drift back into the past.
February 27th, 2022 06:29
That one
Rozina said:
Yes very beautiful lines of love. Thank you for sharing this.
February 26th, 2022 17:38
Rozina said:
Yes very beautiful lines of love. Thank you for sharing this.
February 26th, 2022 17:38
That one
Poetic Dan said:
Not sure where you draw your words from but it\'s from a soul that has lived and still trying to shine.
Thank you so much for sharing my friend
Much peace and respect
February 26th, 2022 15:59
Poetic Dan said:
Not sure where you draw your words from but it\'s from a soul that has lived and still trying to shine.
Thank you so much for sharing my friend
Much peace and respect
February 26th, 2022 15:59
That one
Neville said:
I think I must write out several thousand times ... \'I must not keep agreeing with Teddy\' .... but why not, I ask myself repeatedly .. she is so bloomin write ... that final stanza of yours is surely among the best I have read & considered for a very long while ................💖 and hereby awarded the Teddy heart of excellence ......... Neville :)
February 26th, 2022 12:44
Neville said:
I think I must write out several thousand times ... \'I must not keep agreeing with Teddy\' .... but why not, I ask myself repeatedly .. she is so bloomin write ... that final stanza of yours is surely among the best I have read & considered for a very long while ................💖 and hereby awarded the Teddy heart of excellence ......... Neville :)
February 26th, 2022 12:44
Neville said:
What a FAB title & I love the poem too
a little bit of heaven soaked in tears
February 26th, 2022 03:16
Neville said:
What a FAB title & I love the poem too
a little bit of heaven soaked in tears
February 26th, 2022 03:16
junia said:
really beautiful! your focus on nature and your ability to paint pictures actually remind me a bit of Emily Dickinson.
February 25th, 2022 14:28
junia said:
really beautiful! your focus on nature and your ability to paint pictures actually remind me a bit of Emily Dickinson.
February 25th, 2022 14:28
Vamsi Sudha said:
Dear Spiller,
Let Emotions flow
And they leave you out of low
Giving way to newness to grow
And you would then mellow !
Deep feelings captured well with your poetic heart!!
February 25th, 2022 13:39
Vamsi Sudha said:
Dear Spiller,
Let Emotions flow
And they leave you out of low
Giving way to newness to grow
And you would then mellow !
Deep feelings captured well with your poetic heart!!
February 25th, 2022 13:39
Rocky Lagou said:
What a lovely poem! I love the imagery that your painting and the analogy between the passing of a day and humans and emotions. Great job on this one. 💖
February 25th, 2022 13:09
Rocky Lagou said:
What a lovely poem! I love the imagery that your painting and the analogy between the passing of a day and humans and emotions. Great job on this one. 💖
February 25th, 2022 13:09
Past, a moment to look upon
Goldfinch60 said:
So true spilleronsheet, looking back over our lives can show us the glorious times we have had.
February 24th, 2022 01:58
Goldfinch60 said:
So true spilleronsheet, looking back over our lives can show us the glorious times we have had.
February 24th, 2022 01:58
Past, a moment to look upon
Rozina said:
No the past is not that bad. Many wonderful memories too. And learning not to repeat mistakes made in the past is a great step forward. Your poem is really excellent.
February 23rd, 2022 21:16
Rozina said:
No the past is not that bad. Many wonderful memories too. And learning not to repeat mistakes made in the past is a great step forward. Your poem is really excellent.
February 23rd, 2022 21:16
Past, a moment to look upon
ProfessionalPaperDigester said:
Great use of spaces, it adds a weird sort of tension to reading, and your lines, as already mentioned by most, are really good. I definitely want to see more of this.
February 23rd, 2022 15:54
ProfessionalPaperDigester said:
Great use of spaces, it adds a weird sort of tension to reading, and your lines, as already mentioned by most, are really good. I definitely want to see more of this.
February 23rd, 2022 15:54
Past, a moment to look upon
Rocky Lagou said:
Okay can we just talk about the line: \"Bloomed in a furnace.\" Because I\'m not just going to overlook it as if it weren\'t a result of a genius mind. I mean WOW. Not only does it visually evoke an image onto the reader, like a blossoming rose in a stifling furnace. But it holds so much power when taking into consideration its connotative meanings. Like I personally think that that line implies an upbringing from a soft and sensitive person who was surrounded, and influenced, by chaotic figures in life. But also the evolution of this speaker (despite their ring of bad influence) into something \"not too brittle.\" Once again bouncing back to that furnace analogy, which one could conclude that if something is left in a furnace for too long it will eventually disintegrate, really ties in the idea that the past doesn\'t have the final say over your life. So although this poem could be interpreted as a fun nostalgic moment of recollection, I feel like the deeper meaning is that the past doesn\'t define you. Wow, powerful. ✨💖
February 23rd, 2022 14:02
Rocky Lagou said:
Okay can we just talk about the line: \"Bloomed in a furnace.\" Because I\'m not just going to overlook it as if it weren\'t a result of a genius mind. I mean WOW. Not only does it visually evoke an image onto the reader, like a blossoming rose in a stifling furnace. But it holds so much power when taking into consideration its connotative meanings. Like I personally think that that line implies an upbringing from a soft and sensitive person who was surrounded, and influenced, by chaotic figures in life. But also the evolution of this speaker (despite their ring of bad influence) into something \"not too brittle.\" Once again bouncing back to that furnace analogy, which one could conclude that if something is left in a furnace for too long it will eventually disintegrate, really ties in the idea that the past doesn\'t have the final say over your life. So although this poem could be interpreted as a fun nostalgic moment of recollection, I feel like the deeper meaning is that the past doesn\'t define you. Wow, powerful. ✨💖
February 23rd, 2022 14:02
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