Comments received on poems by Parisab

Young Moon Killers
falcon_mn said:

Interesting poem with political issues.
I would say this :
It is a shame that this is happening in a country of great Persian culture and heritage. Country of great poets, Rumi, Hafiz, and others

October 3rd, 2023 03:31

My son of 2000, My son of now
falcon_mn said:

This poem hit my thoughts.
It is a great poem.
In my country, we would often say
My falcon to a young man or a child.
Words Go on falcon in my country is often said to encourage to support a young man to endure to fight. Mothers are sensitive and they would say to their son My falcon to express how proud they are. Thank you. Bravo!!

October 3rd, 2023 03:27

falcon_mn said:

Thanks for a beautiful poem
Three closing lines are so strong and effective! Bravo!

October 3rd, 2023 03:14

Elegy to the memory of Anthony Bourdain
falcon_mn said:

Thanks for sharing the Elegy.. dedicated to Anthony Bourdain.

October 3rd, 2023 03:10

Sunday Morning with Miss Etta James
L. B. Mek said:

(Dear cherished Poet, you\'ve penned
Such a beautiful ode
to a most tragic, yet Talented
what a wonderful read, thank you!
for inspiring my little scribbled reply
and letting me join you in celebrating
a True legend..)
troubled Grandmother of jazz/soul
Her name, as head of a household
that never let her head rest
nor heart feel sustained peace..
still, despite it all she triumphed
graced us with 73 years, and music
that will serenade
\'Sunday morning, Love\'
to a generation of generations
\'At Last\', may she rest in peace..

September 25th, 2023 03:13

Sunday Morning with Miss Etta James
Neville said:

I am sure this is a fine tribute
I had never heard of her until just now but will certainly go check her vocal chords out .. 🎶🎶🎵👍

September 24th, 2023 10:47

Sunday Morning with Miss Etta James
Doggerel Dave said:

Thanks for the introduction, Parisab. Decided to find her and what she was about (my ignorance). Dived down the rabbit hole. The utube warren is a wonderous place and after an interlude with Etta slipped down a side passage and found myself with Nina once more.....

September 23rd, 2023 20:52

Sunday Morning with Miss Etta James
vividvoid14 said:

etta is amazing but i dont know if she cn compare to the talent you showed in this poem

September 23rd, 2023 18:12

Sunday Morning with Miss Etta James
Bobby O said:

I am such a fan. Are you possibly familiar with Miss Cecile McLoren Salvant? On one song yiu May hear bits of Sarah, Billie, Ella, and Etta. Considered the foremost female jazz vocalist in the world and is subtle and wonderful in a most creative snd artful approach

September 23rd, 2023 17:27

Sunday Morning with Miss Etta James
jarcher54 said:

Wonderful share of your morning music reverie! Yes, she\'s a gem, and it\'s wonderful that souls like her (and like you!) can be right here with us!

September 23rd, 2023 13:24

Sunday Morning with Miss Etta James
Teddy.15 said:

I adore Etta James her music is poetry and her blues and soul voice outrageously gorgeous. I do love this ❤️

September 23rd, 2023 13:15

Young Moon Killers
L. B. Mek said:

6 Billion is Biden\'s number??
USA in Trillions of debt
6 Billion thrown at Ukraine\'s
clown leader, just a few months ago
and here another 6 Billion
to USA\'s supposed enemies
who are supporting Russia
(please I\'m too stupid
to comprehend this idiocy
why would you give money
to support one side of a war
then give the same amount
to the opposing side, via
\'a friend\'
to keep war going? for what
to what end, to win an election?
thousands of deaths for that?!
help it make sense!?)
plus Afghan debacle
(all hair/beauty salons
closed, by LAW...)
and this is not a religious
this is methodologies of oppression
disguised as social conflict points
that poor young lady..
and the many more
without \'a photogenic\' face
that the press ignore...
I\'m so grateful
for the small mercy\'s in my life
we must treasure what
breath, life, freedom, peace
we\'re granted, truly..
(sorry for ranting a little
i got a little emotional)

September 18th, 2023 03:02

Young Moon Killers
Doggerel Dave said:

Parisab, your very short three liner made for some very interesting debate.
Of the two issues you choose to highlight, for me, the death of a young Iranian woman seems the easiest to understand in terms of repressive regime, oppression of women and so on.
Your second, for me, is much more complicated in one sense. I’ve never properly been able to quite understand the labyrinthine nature of the US political system or, for that matter their foreign policy – although in the case of the latter the results are there for all to behold.
I was your ”must learn from the history” phrase which really cheered me. I’ve pushed this point before (at boring length some might argue) with little positive response. Nice to see someone else here give it at least an honourable mention.
You’ll note I excluded the ‘we’ from the quote – another bee which buzzes around in my bonnet at times and which I’ve occasionally allowed to buzz on these pages – again with an indifferent response.

September 17th, 2023 20:57

Young Moon Killers
Bella Shepard said:

After reading your poem I searched to learn more about this murder, for I believe that is what it was. The first thing that struck me was that she was in the custody of Morality Police, which puts me in mind of the thought police in George Orwell\'s 1984\". I can\'t speak to the politics of the situation with Biden, but I certainly support the Woman Life Freedom movement, and it sickens me that any where in this world today, women have to fight for the basic human right to be free. I certainly understand your position, and I hope and pray that one day such repression will be a thing of the past. God bless my friend.

September 17th, 2023 10:54

Young Moon Killers
Neville said:

regardless of the inspiration that underpins this little gem, I fear repercussions are just beyond our horizon .. Neville

September 17th, 2023 03:39

Young Moon Killers
Parisab said:

You have been so generous in your kindness, but I’m afraid it is much more complicated than that-Obama promised a measured response and all the money released ‘for humanitarian use’ never got to the hand of the people and only the hands of IRGC to make drones for the Russians, fan the war in Syria, sell black market petroleum to China, and crack down the protestors-We must learn from the history and not engage in short term and naive? policy, timing is symbolic too-we are enabling crooks and state mafia-thank you once again for care and attention-

September 16th, 2023 20:54

Young Moon Killers
jarcher54 said:

Thank you... The state murders of Mahsa and all the other brave victims of the fanatical regime are worthy of constant reminders. I suggest being patient with the Biden administration. This is not remotely a situation of their making and the release of the funds is a controlled, measured effort to free some of the other detainees of the lawless IRI. I follow the situation closely and I know that sanctions have not worked very well because many other states are willing to support the regime, like Russia and China and Syria. Love to you.

September 16th, 2023 20:49

Young Moon Killers
Parisab said:

Indeed, it is inevitable-I was referring to my body of work in general, and that I’m not brave enough at the moment-

September 16th, 2023 19:40

Young Moon Killers
Doggerel Dave said:

A situation (your second proposition) I\'m not familiar with.
What is to be done?
Not sure your statement can be \'not political\' I\'d consider it was - but non the worse for that.
Almost any statement about human interaction, the doings of man (term used advisedly) is at base political.

September 16th, 2023 19:19

Holy Dreamscape
sorenbarrett said:

Thought provoking and enigmatic in its symbols. They may be taken several ways and are left open to interpretation which is wonderful in and of itself. It allows the reader to project a bit of themselves into it.

September 14th, 2023 17:21

Love Letter to God
Parisab said:

LOL-as to your daily practice, may it always be received by the correct destination-Gestalt is staring at an empty chair and it is not answering back, he he

September 14th, 2023 12:40

Love Letter to God
Neville said:

I have a habit of writing them, then throwing them away .. I know each one is subsequently found and read in full each and every day ... well penned .. Gestalt would have a field day .. Neville

September 14th, 2023 01:23

Holy Dreamscape
Neville said:

you can beat an egg but you just can\'t beat a bloomin good dreamscape ..

September 13th, 2023 13:33

Blood Moon
Parisab said:

Thank you for your attention, this is near the anniversary of her killing and the
Woman Life Freedom uprising, poet and brother in pen…

September 11th, 2023 02:04

Blood Moon
L. B. Mek said:

these words will be needed
should be repeated
for every new generation, to realise
until someday
people will learn, belief\'s or culture
if our ideal\'s equate to us judging
another person, as being less
due to our differences
and their entitled, choices
then it is our ideals that must
such a timely and needed write, dear Poet
thank you!

September 11th, 2023 01:59

Love Potion No.19
Parisab said:

Thanks my dear poet friend-my words described that intoxicated feeling-I know if you’re aware that research suggests the brain releases those intense chemicals couple times in a life span and after that it releases the chemicals for attachment and bonding (and more mature and stable love:))

September 10th, 2023 10:23

Old Men of Steel
Alex Praw said:

I love it. It is short, accurate and funny. With good rhymes and meaning. It has everything.

September 9th, 2023 14:51

Holy Dreamscape
Parisab said:

I’m so glad you found this piece engaging, Maxine:)

September 8th, 2023 23:43

Love Letter to God
vividvoid14 said:

getting to read a poem is a privilege getting to read one of your poems is a gift

September 7th, 2023 10:14

Holy Dreamscape
Parisab said:

Thank you-You are so cool, Vivid! Write on!!

September 4th, 2023 17:20

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