Comments received on poems by Parisab
Love Potion No.19
Thomas W Case said:
You capture the passion and drive well here.
October 25th, 2023 00:51
Thomas W Case said:
You capture the passion and drive well here.
October 25th, 2023 00:51
The Fig Tree and the Bird
Garth Rakumakoe said:
There\'s just something about the reassurance trees exude to all life about. This is exquisitely penned, dear poet.
October 24th, 2023 08:17
Garth Rakumakoe said:
There\'s just something about the reassurance trees exude to all life about. This is exquisitely penned, dear poet.
October 24th, 2023 08:17
Midlife Rap
Parisab said:
LOL, I’m glad we had fun-you must be fabulous Teddy…
October 22nd, 2023 11:45
Parisab said:
LOL, I’m glad we had fun-you must be fabulous Teddy…
October 22nd, 2023 11:45
Midlife Rap
Teddy.15 said:
Superb, and very relatable I don\'t know what midlife really means but as a woman at the gorgeous age of 49 I\'m feeling this, I still feel like an 18 year old though. Loved this it obviously has all your character painted in the lines. The language made me chuckle... 🤗
October 22nd, 2023 03:57
Teddy.15 said:
Superb, and very relatable I don\'t know what midlife really means but as a woman at the gorgeous age of 49 I\'m feeling this, I still feel like an 18 year old though. Loved this it obviously has all your character painted in the lines. The language made me chuckle... 🤗
October 22nd, 2023 03:57
Elegy to the memory of Anthony Bourdain
Thomas W Case said:
Superb tribute. Thank you for bringing to light the struggles we all have with mental health. Great poem.
October 21st, 2023 11:49
Thomas W Case said:
Superb tribute. Thank you for bringing to light the struggles we all have with mental health. Great poem.
October 21st, 2023 11:49
Holy Amnesia
Parisab said:
Thank you! We must be returning somewhere good, in such haste…
October 19th, 2023 12:02
Parisab said:
Thank you! We must be returning somewhere good, in such haste…
October 19th, 2023 12:02
Holy Amnesia
Thomas W Case said:
Beautiful. This life is just a flash. Glad you have solace.
October 19th, 2023 11:59
Thomas W Case said:
Beautiful. This life is just a flash. Glad you have solace.
October 19th, 2023 11:59
Thomas W Case said:
Stunning. Very powerful. You convey emotion well.
October 19th, 2023 11:38
Thomas W Case said:
Stunning. Very powerful. You convey emotion well.
October 19th, 2023 11:38
My son of 2000, My son of now
Parisab said:
Appreciate your kind comments and glad that you found the poem beautiful…
October 18th, 2023 09:31
Parisab said:
Appreciate your kind comments and glad that you found the poem beautiful…
October 18th, 2023 09:31
My son of 2000, My son of now
Teddy.15 said:
Such beauty in your thoughts in your imagery and in your heart. Loved this. Truly beautiful ❤️
October 18th, 2023 04:59
Teddy.15 said:
Such beauty in your thoughts in your imagery and in your heart. Loved this. Truly beautiful ❤️
October 18th, 2023 04:59
My son of 2000, My son of now
Parisab said:
Thank you for appreciating the read…
October 18th, 2023 00:51
Parisab said:
Thank you for appreciating the read…
October 18th, 2023 00:51
Old Men of Steel
Thomas W Case said:
So much corruption, new and old. Great write.
October 18th, 2023 00:40
Thomas W Case said:
So much corruption, new and old. Great write.
October 18th, 2023 00:40
Thomas W Case said:
Great work. Strange, I always thought the pomegranate was a sensual fruit. Something about those seeds. Well crafted and powerful.
October 16th, 2023 15:12
Thomas W Case said:
Great work. Strange, I always thought the pomegranate was a sensual fruit. Something about those seeds. Well crafted and powerful.
October 16th, 2023 15:12
The Fig Tree and the Bird
Parisab said:
So glad you enjoyed this dear Teddy…
October 14th, 2023 01:24
Parisab said:
So glad you enjoyed this dear Teddy…
October 14th, 2023 01:24
The Fig Tree and the Bird
Teddy.15 said:
A stunning piece of poetry dear Parisab wonderful imagery and you truly did make the tree stand strong loved your last lines too. ❤️
October 14th, 2023 01:22
Teddy.15 said:
A stunning piece of poetry dear Parisab wonderful imagery and you truly did make the tree stand strong loved your last lines too. ❤️
October 14th, 2023 01:22
Like a Video
Thomas W Case said:
I love the way you use assonance and alliteration in this poem. Great job.
October 14th, 2023 01:10
Thomas W Case said:
I love the way you use assonance and alliteration in this poem. Great job.
October 14th, 2023 01:10
The Fig Tree and the Bird
Parisab said:
Thank you-your poems are good fruits…
October 13th, 2023 22:47
Parisab said:
Thank you-your poems are good fruits…
October 13th, 2023 22:47
Forever Losses
Parisab said:
Unfortunately this topic is always a reminder! War is hell and PTSD ‘sucks’ as I’m told… Thank you for the read.
October 13th, 2023 21:41
Parisab said:
Unfortunately this topic is always a reminder! War is hell and PTSD ‘sucks’ as I’m told… Thank you for the read.
October 13th, 2023 21:41
Forever Losses
Thomas W Case said:
Powerful and poignant. Great poem. War is hell.
October 13th, 2023 20:00
Thomas W Case said:
Powerful and poignant. Great poem. War is hell.
October 13th, 2023 20:00
The Fig Tree and the Bird
peto said:
I always look forward to your writes
As they are always full of meaning
Hope everything is good at your side if the world
With fingers being pointed in all directions
A writer always worth reading
October 13th, 2023 10:12
peto said:
I always look forward to your writes
As they are always full of meaning
Hope everything is good at your side if the world
With fingers being pointed in all directions
A writer always worth reading
October 13th, 2023 10:12
The Fig Tree and the Bird
L. B. Mek said:
what an ode, a lucky tree
serenity versed poetic
thank you cherished Poet
we need all the peace we can get🙏
October 13th, 2023 07:53
L. B. Mek said:
what an ode, a lucky tree
serenity versed poetic
thank you cherished Poet
we need all the peace we can get🙏
October 13th, 2023 07:53
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