Comments received on poems by Parisab
Old Men of Steel
Bella Shepard said:
I Love this poem, wise words indeed. I look around and don\'t recognize my country any more. The principles upon which our U.S. was founded have gone by the wayside, and what we have is exactly what you have so succintly described. We need young leaders whose minds are free of corruption, to lead us, it is their future that is at stake. The clock is indeed ticking! Thank you for telling it like it is.
August 26th, 2023 10:26
Bella Shepard said:
I Love this poem, wise words indeed. I look around and don\'t recognize my country any more. The principles upon which our U.S. was founded have gone by the wayside, and what we have is exactly what you have so succintly described. We need young leaders whose minds are free of corruption, to lead us, it is their future that is at stake. The clock is indeed ticking! Thank you for telling it like it is.
August 26th, 2023 10:26
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Parisab said:
Thank you for viewing and noticing my instinct for inventive styling, at your first view, poet peer…
August 25th, 2023 04:28
Parisab said:
Thank you for viewing and noticing my instinct for inventive styling, at your first view, poet peer…
August 25th, 2023 04:28
Old Men of Steel
Parisab said:
Yes for sure ‘new engagement’ is needed-while gender and age were not my main contention, I’m glad that it looked and quacked like the ‘old men of Steele’ whom have set up the system which all kind of players have to play by its fundamental principals-I’m particularly looking at our possible US presidential contenders, whom both fit the Bill of Wrongs for these times… It’s great to see you back, dear LB Mek
August 25th, 2023 04:15
Parisab said:
Yes for sure ‘new engagement’ is needed-while gender and age were not my main contention, I’m glad that it looked and quacked like the ‘old men of Steele’ whom have set up the system which all kind of players have to play by its fundamental principals-I’m particularly looking at our possible US presidential contenders, whom both fit the Bill of Wrongs for these times… It’s great to see you back, dear LB Mek
August 25th, 2023 04:15
Old Men of Steel
L. B. Mek said:
I don\'t know if we can just assume
the male gene, is at fault
Hilary Clinton or Kamala Harris or Nicola Sturgeon
aren\'t really flying a high flag..
or the \'age\' alone being the problem
(Justin Trudeau\'s as just one example
of how quickly youthful fervour
can curate a warped dictatorial mindset)
maybe, its more the \'mindset\'
of the people attracted to power positions
\'in general\'
that needs to be considered..
and no, i\'m not trying to belittle
the majority male patriarchy legacy
that\'s curated most of our problems
with politics and democracy as a whole
still, there\'s something deeper going on
than assuming getting rid of all the old fellas
in charge and replacing them with younger or the opposite sex
would solve our problems...
look at chicago, san fran, california etc
failed states who have been doing this for decades
(voting young and empowering ladies)
but hey what do i know, still
love the open discourse
we need more of this active engagement to take back ownership
of a political system, supposedly designed
with us, \'the voters\'
in the power seat... ha!
August 25th, 2023 00:38
L. B. Mek said:
I don\'t know if we can just assume
the male gene, is at fault
Hilary Clinton or Kamala Harris or Nicola Sturgeon
aren\'t really flying a high flag..
or the \'age\' alone being the problem
(Justin Trudeau\'s as just one example
of how quickly youthful fervour
can curate a warped dictatorial mindset)
maybe, its more the \'mindset\'
of the people attracted to power positions
\'in general\'
that needs to be considered..
and no, i\'m not trying to belittle
the majority male patriarchy legacy
that\'s curated most of our problems
with politics and democracy as a whole
still, there\'s something deeper going on
than assuming getting rid of all the old fellas
in charge and replacing them with younger or the opposite sex
would solve our problems...
look at chicago, san fran, california etc
failed states who have been doing this for decades
(voting young and empowering ladies)
but hey what do i know, still
love the open discourse
we need more of this active engagement to take back ownership
of a political system, supposedly designed
with us, \'the voters\'
in the power seat... ha!
August 25th, 2023 00:38
Like a Video
L. B. Mek said:
some music videos stay with you throughout life
but we can never recreate that first viewing feel..
(a quirky write, love the free spirit energy and uniquely inventive style)
thank you, dear Poet
August 25th, 2023 00:15
L. B. Mek said:
some music videos stay with you throughout life
but we can never recreate that first viewing feel..
(a quirky write, love the free spirit energy and uniquely inventive style)
thank you, dear Poet
August 25th, 2023 00:15
Social Media Whore
Parisab said:
It’s great that you visited and connected with my words, Maxine-I’m looking forward to the rest of your raw and authentic poetry…
August 20th, 2023 16:18
Parisab said:
It’s great that you visited and connected with my words, Maxine-I’m looking forward to the rest of your raw and authentic poetry…
August 20th, 2023 16:18
Love Potion No.19
Parisab said:
Thank you for your input and insight-looking forward to visiting more of your words and distinct voice, in the near future…
August 19th, 2023 23:44
Parisab said:
Thank you for your input and insight-looking forward to visiting more of your words and distinct voice, in the near future…
August 19th, 2023 23:44
Love Potion No.19
DREEK0 said:
Experience is the journey to the destination of choice. \"what fuels the misinterpretation of our sexual energy\" I think, Is the question that would lead us to our highest, and lowest parts of ourselves
\'Love potion No 19\' is a great read
August 19th, 2023 23:40
DREEK0 said:
Experience is the journey to the destination of choice. \"what fuels the misinterpretation of our sexual energy\" I think, Is the question that would lead us to our highest, and lowest parts of ourselves
\'Love potion No 19\' is a great read
August 19th, 2023 23:40
Social Media Whore
DREEK0 said:
I remember enjoying what they had to offer...those were the days, but definitely better days ahead lol,
Love it.
August 19th, 2023 23:13
DREEK0 said:
I remember enjoying what they had to offer...those were the days, but definitely better days ahead lol,
Love it.
August 19th, 2023 23:13
Midnight Flight
Sunsetmet said:
Lovely my earths synergy
Giving birth to infinity lovely lines to hear thanks so much
August 15th, 2023 08:36
Sunsetmet said:
Lovely my earths synergy
Giving birth to infinity lovely lines to hear thanks so much
August 15th, 2023 08:36
Old Men of Steel
Neville said:
I think you may well have something here ..
both Britain\'s Bozo & the US Trump need to be Putin a pot and rendered down into an opaque amorphous paste .. Neville 👍
August 14th, 2023 23:21
Neville said:
I think you may well have something here ..
both Britain\'s Bozo & the US Trump need to be Putin a pot and rendered down into an opaque amorphous paste .. Neville 👍
August 14th, 2023 23:21
Old Men of Steel
Bobby O said:
That’s is exact and the suggestive political fix encouraged is the finger on the pulse needed NEXT!
Simpatico !
August 13th, 2023 17:49
Bobby O said:
That’s is exact and the suggestive political fix encouraged is the finger on the pulse needed NEXT!
Simpatico !
August 13th, 2023 17:49
Old Men of Steel
Doggerel Dave said:
Yes, yes and yes – number of other B words to describe this phenomenon other than ‘Business’.
You can add R for Rich to that list of qualities which apparently attach to these leaders.
August 13th, 2023 17:45
Doggerel Dave said:
Yes, yes and yes – number of other B words to describe this phenomenon other than ‘Business’.
You can add R for Rich to that list of qualities which apparently attach to these leaders.
August 13th, 2023 17:45
Old Men of Steel
Parisab said:
Glad if you enjoyed Sunset…I May remove the capital on the last stanza, too, inspired by your comment
August 13th, 2023 16:35
Parisab said:
Glad if you enjoyed Sunset…I May remove the capital on the last stanza, too, inspired by your comment
August 13th, 2023 16:35
Old Men of Steel
Teddy.15 said:
Wow, I couldn\'t comment on US politics because I have never lived there, however you do make a very colourful poem which also makes me chuckle the state of politics throughout the world is abysmal right now. There\'s simply nothing good. Very much appreciated this dear Parisab. 💖
August 13th, 2023 16:35
Teddy.15 said:
Wow, I couldn\'t comment on US politics because I have never lived there, however you do make a very colourful poem which also makes me chuckle the state of politics throughout the world is abysmal right now. There\'s simply nothing good. Very much appreciated this dear Parisab. 💖
August 13th, 2023 16:35
Old Men of Steel
Sunsetmet said:
Yes vote for the young to grow new misstates I like that good read
August 13th, 2023 16:30
Sunsetmet said:
Yes vote for the young to grow new misstates I like that good read
August 13th, 2023 16:30
Old Men of Steel
Parisab said:
So I hear, I’m not running to the pole to exercise my right… They keep pushing that old agenda that, if this old man doesn’t win, the other old man will win! Is this how it was supposed to be? Thanks for reaching out, Peto….
August 13th, 2023 16:22
Parisab said:
So I hear, I’m not running to the pole to exercise my right… They keep pushing that old agenda that, if this old man doesn’t win, the other old man will win! Is this how it was supposed to be? Thanks for reaching out, Peto….
August 13th, 2023 16:22
Old Men of Steel
peto said:
Oh you always have me thinking
If it\'s any consolation ( doubt it will be)
It\'s every bit as bad here in the uk
We recently had a clown who rugby tackled kids broke his own laws constantly
And of course they lie constantly
I\'m ashamed to say I didn\'t even vote last time around
Be in no rush next time either
Sorry for going on
Hit a raw nerve
August 13th, 2023 16:16
peto said:
Oh you always have me thinking
If it\'s any consolation ( doubt it will be)
It\'s every bit as bad here in the uk
We recently had a clown who rugby tackled kids broke his own laws constantly
And of course they lie constantly
I\'m ashamed to say I didn\'t even vote last time around
Be in no rush next time either
Sorry for going on
Hit a raw nerve
August 13th, 2023 16:16
Midnight Flight
Parisab said:
Thank you for visiting and your thoughtful attention.
August 11th, 2023 11:22
Parisab said:
Thank you for visiting and your thoughtful attention.
August 11th, 2023 11:22
Midnight Flight
AuburnScribbler said:
A wonderfully written piece here Parisab, to me, each word helps to create a beautiful wispy cloud, and when fully formed, the last words of your poem, speak volumes of the unfair swiftness of life.
Bravo, and I hope that all is well.
August 11th, 2023 09:07
AuburnScribbler said:
A wonderfully written piece here Parisab, to me, each word helps to create a beautiful wispy cloud, and when fully formed, the last words of your poem, speak volumes of the unfair swiftness of life.
Bravo, and I hope that all is well.
August 11th, 2023 09:07
Teddy.15 said:
Such beauty in every stanza 💖 I love your title,
Some never gained momentum, when they were sitting on the edge of this tree of life and someone or something pushed them off
Outstanding lines perfectly described. 💖
August 10th, 2023 23:47
Teddy.15 said:
Such beauty in every stanza 💖 I love your title,
Some never gained momentum, when they were sitting on the edge of this tree of life and someone or something pushed them off
Outstanding lines perfectly described. 💖
August 10th, 2023 23:47
Neville said:
you can beat an egg, a rug and a drum .. but you just can\'t beat being fulfilled with the scent of pomegranates .. 🙂
August 10th, 2023 12:25
Neville said:
you can beat an egg, a rug and a drum .. but you just can\'t beat being fulfilled with the scent of pomegranates .. 🙂
August 10th, 2023 12:25
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Neville said:
so many options to choose from one is literarily spooled for choice .. Neville
August 10th, 2023 06:46
Neville said:
so many options to choose from one is literarily spooled for choice .. Neville
August 10th, 2023 06:46
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peto said:
I had to rewind and play again
1st read had me imagine you singing in the mirror with hairbrush as a microphone
Now see it more as an MTV\' moment
Or a metaphor for a 3 minute wonder
Will be reading yet again
Probably reading too much into it
But I love that my interpretation has so many options
Long story short
Thoroughly enjoyed
August 9th, 2023 20:27
peto said:
I had to rewind and play again
1st read had me imagine you singing in the mirror with hairbrush as a microphone
Now see it more as an MTV\' moment
Or a metaphor for a 3 minute wonder
Will be reading yet again
Probably reading too much into it
But I love that my interpretation has so many options
Long story short
Thoroughly enjoyed
August 9th, 2023 20:27
Social Media Whore
L. B. Mek said:
what bothers me most
is that this once trend, is now
accepted as a societal norm
a concept, career path
where new generations will seek
to emulate for its ease of access
to instant attention and
hollow validation.. scary!
(what a brave and important write
dear Poet)
August 4th, 2023 02:52
L. B. Mek said:
what bothers me most
is that this once trend, is now
accepted as a societal norm
a concept, career path
where new generations will seek
to emulate for its ease of access
to instant attention and
hollow validation.. scary!
(what a brave and important write
dear Poet)
August 4th, 2023 02:52
Summer Feast
Sunsetmet said:
This is vibrant refreshing and totally amazing love the words like an artist palette all the colors could brighten up any mood Thanks so much
August 3rd, 2023 13:39
Sunsetmet said:
This is vibrant refreshing and totally amazing love the words like an artist palette all the colors could brighten up any mood Thanks so much
August 3rd, 2023 13:39
Love Potion No.19
Sunsetmet said:
Just lovely well put together
Two voices** will rise waves an ocean embrace* that is nice Thanks
August 3rd, 2023 13:34
Sunsetmet said:
Just lovely well put together
Two voices** will rise waves an ocean embrace* that is nice Thanks
August 3rd, 2023 13:34
Social Media Whore
Doggerel Dave said:
Really don\'t know what you are on about. I don\'t do social media. why would I ? I encounter enough stupid people in my everyday existence without what I hear is that.
August 3rd, 2023 06:02
Doggerel Dave said:
Really don\'t know what you are on about. I don\'t do social media. why would I ? I encounter enough stupid people in my everyday existence without what I hear is that.
August 3rd, 2023 06:02
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