Comments received on poems by Fay Slimm.

And Now
The elder poet said:

Very well written . Thank you for sharing.

August 8th, 2021 10:32

And Now
dusk arising said:

Such a concise poetic passing of the seasons.
Exquisite. One for my favs.

August 8th, 2021 10:11

Accidental Poet said:

I wonder, what MPS would be if not for the beautiful and thought provoking writings from your hands Fay. A gloriously penned write for this Sunday morning. πŸ‘

August 8th, 2021 07:04

And Now
Neville said:

tis best to be prepared .. and thanks for reminding me to place my log order ...

remarkably atmospherically and of the moment but with that much loved dated feel that you are so good at conveying .................... x

August 8th, 2021 05:52

And Now
orchidee said:

A fine write Fay.

August 8th, 2021 05:16

Goldfinch60 said:

Your ponderings Fay bring us more joy every day.


August 8th, 2021 00:52

Jerry Reynolds said:

Good write, Fay.
My favorite exercise.

August 7th, 2021 11:38

Dove said:

Indeed, tis wise to ponder! Love thy thinking

August 7th, 2021 08:23

Neville said:

there is something rather special here .. something that makes the reader do exactly what it says on the label .. x

August 7th, 2021 07:12

orchidee said:

Good write Fay.

August 7th, 2021 06:18

Trenz Pruca said:

Always a pleasure to read, Fay. Thank you.

August 6th, 2021 16:29

SureshG said:

While all I can muster is ooooh! and aaaah! to my favorite scene of the day, your words breathes it life

August 6th, 2021 12:18

Neville said:

these words have just found their ever home .. I note how comfortable they sit here ... and my guess is that if they could, they would be smiling with us too .....

Neville .............................. :) x

August 6th, 2021 07:00

L. B. Mek said:

share, and share it again dear Fay
your poetry, gets better with every read
(in my humble opinion)
\'I saw change, changing
ether-haze hue to dusk-covered, eeriness
creeping, round sickle-shaped moon-smile
thru\' dull-as-dust gloom.

I heard in day\'s goodbye: goodbye\'s, solo
purple-trailed, scarlet-dyed, gold-streaked
striped, azure sung
in lunar duet, with dark\'s rising crescendo. \'

August 6th, 2021 04:45

Doggerel Dave said:

How do you put words together and structure them to produce such richly embroidered tapestry, Fay?

August 6th, 2021 00:59

Goldfinch60 said:

Beautiful art turned into words Fay.


August 6th, 2021 00:52

SureshG said:

If not for the dance between fire and water, life as we know won’t have a foothold to stand on, and poetic words, such as yours, to romance us.

August 5th, 2021 13:38

Accidental Poet said:

The music of Mother Earth combined with your lyrics is a beautiful work of art Fay. I believe you\'ve made Mother Earth smile with this write. πŸ‘

August 4th, 2021 18:34

MendedFences27 said:

The Earth actually produces a sound as it spins on its axis. This and the sounds of other planets are sometimes referred to as the \"Music of the Spheres.\" Surely, that sound would be \"re-fashions\" as the \"Fire and water affair\" alters the planet. My comments are meant to support your image of \"Music\" from this planet, and to praise your six lines of \'Music \" of another sort. Sweet words, Fay -Phil A.

August 4th, 2021 16:22

dusk arising said:

oooh and ouch Fay. A bit contravertial in this weird global july/august with disasters all over the place.

On second thoughts though, they are disasters for life as WE know it and not for planet earth. Though, regardless of cause, I cant welcome todays type of changes.

But my, you do dress them nicely here.

August 4th, 2021 13:34

Doggerel Dave said:

Lovely piece, Fay - just wish it were true......

August 4th, 2021 05:52

Goldfinch60 said:

If only that oak could talk it would have some amazing stories to tell. Wonderful words Fay.


August 4th, 2021 00:28

Goldfinch60 said:

If only that oak could talk it would have some amazing stories to tell. Wonderful words Fay.


August 4th, 2021 00:27

Thekkinkkattil said:

The law of nature is for the old to go and your sapling to grow .Beautifully penned

August 3rd, 2021 20:05

Time Versus Love
Freni Karaluthara said:

I liked your poem. most loved lines
Love the ageless young mistress

smiles at rushed hunger,

comforts each searcher

who needs some assistance

to find ease in another

with frequent undisguised thirst.

August 3rd, 2021 15:50

Coyote said:

An excellent write on the futility and reality of war and how the public is drawn into them. Nicely penned Fay.

August 3rd, 2021 13:52

Jerry Reynolds said:

Great write, Fay.
Sent me on a jog down a red dirt road where an Oak just like that still lives.

August 3rd, 2021 09:22

Doggerel Dave said:

A great English oak - one of my my favourite trees.
Should be given an \'X\' rating Fay - the though of it as firewood.....
Here\'s hope for the sapling, but who knows?

August 3rd, 2021 06:55

orchidee said:

A good write Fay.

August 3rd, 2021 05:52

L. B. Mek said:

\'Yet I see a sapling, has been
fighting for air\'..
and that\'s just enough - ain\'t it
for us, to anchor our Hopes upon
and somewhere - far
Nature knows this, to be true
that\'s why
there\'s always been a \'But - for\', in every
cataclysmic: event...
(such an important message, dear Fay
thanks for sharing)

August 3rd, 2021 05:10

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