Comments received on poems by FredPeyer

WL Schuett said:

Yeah I have missed the boat on many things myself ... good write

October 7th, 2017 08:58

Fay Slimm. said:

Ooooh now this I can relate to Fred - - a missed train stands for so much in our busy lives. Great read.

October 7th, 2017 08:38

orchidee said:

Doh! Missed again. A fine write Fred. A meta-wotsit train. Oh, I can\'t say any words over 3 syllables. It\'s the sherry does it. lol.

October 7th, 2017 05:48

dusk arising said:

When those chains are heavy and youve dragged them around through your lacklustre life.... along comes an opportunity..... safety of more lacklustre years or a chance of happiness and joy.... wouldn\'t you risk it?

October 6th, 2017 17:06

malubotelho said:

If it is literally to jump in the see, I would get a floater before jumping or would not jump at all once I cannot swimming. If is metaphoric I always jump to see what happens. I love adventures. Great writing Fred.

October 6th, 2017 13:34

lasergraph said:

Our fear of the unknown always hinders forward progress. Well expressed

October 6th, 2017 09:00

WL Schuett said:

Cool poem Fred and I never even thought of using the phone as a recorder

October 6th, 2017 06:39

Christina8 said:

Very good metaphorical write! Loved how you left this open to interpretation. Very very good!

October 6th, 2017 06:37

Goldfinch60 said:

Good write, the chains must be discarded then when he jumps he will float into a wonderful life.

October 6th, 2017 02:13

orchidee said:

A fine write Fred.

October 6th, 2017 01:43

Louis Gibbs said:

Those chains could well tip the scale of buoyancy, Fred. I\'d hesitate too. Nice piece!

October 6th, 2017 00:15

Michael Edwards said:

An enigmatic message here - I do like poetry that males you think and leaves it to the reader to interpret - great work Fred.

October 6th, 2017 00:15

malubotelho said:

Fred, you are one of the most beautiful and talented person here. Actually you are awesome. And I truly believe you make all the difference in this world. For me just for the fact that you are a positive thinker, a happy soul, it is enough.

October 5th, 2017 14:52

Tony36 said:

Great write

October 5th, 2017 11:35

malubotelho said:

A great write Fred. I believe in return so I think for many lives death is just a decay of our body to come back in a new one. The spirit remains. Beautiful poem. I once dreamed about one of my deaths. Was very real. Was a scary but nice dream.

October 5th, 2017 09:55

WL Schuett said:

Very nice Fred a fine poem , sorry for your losses . This poem serves as both your thoughts on your own mortality and as a tribute to loved ones

October 5th, 2017 07:42

Christina8 said:

I too have been thinking about mortality. Not my own but have lost someone recently. It\'s almost like the opposite of a birth...some are easy, some are hard. You did an excellent job on this poem! You wrote what I have been unable to . Thanks for sharing! Christina

October 5th, 2017 06:26

Louis Gibbs said:

\"From confinement to freedom\", used herein to describe coming into this life from the womb, also describes quite well an out-of-body experience I once had. That felt like I had left the confinement of the body into an indescribably wonderful new freedom. Interesting that the phrase fits both the birth and the death experiences.
Good, thought-provoking poem, Fred!

October 5th, 2017 04:40

Accidental Poet said:

This an oh so beautiful write Fred. My only fear of death of my physical life is that I might have left unfinished goals. But, crossing over will be a gift. ; )

October 5th, 2017 04:06

Poetic Dan said:

I\'m sorry to hear that such a wise writing came from sorrow.
This is an interesting pattern of thought, I\'m told by others that we do know our other lives but just like you I\'ve not been shown this so I\'ll have to wait and find out!

Such a hard subject that you\'ve spoken of so well. It reminded me of something I once read \" if animals do not fear death as we do, it\'s because they\'re not burdened with the sense of time\"

October 5th, 2017 02:58

Michael Edwards said:

It\'s a sign that you\'re living
when the bladder is calling.

Yes you\'re okay at the moment Fred thankfully - enjoyed the read.

October 5th, 2017 02:28

Goldfinch60 said:

Good write, you are still with us and will stay with us and we will meet as we go towards eternity.

October 5th, 2017 01:42

orchidee said:

A nice tribute within the poem Fred. Not going too soon, are you? Meanwhile - I\'m millions of years old, so I say, in me dafter moments!

October 5th, 2017 01:33

Goldfinch60 said:

Good write Fred, the world is always a better place as you have gone through life trying to do your best and if in that life you have made even just one person smile or laugh that will always be with them, without you that joy may never have happened.

October 5th, 2017 00:40

kevin browne said:

Amen, to your wonderful attribute towards the unfortunate.

October 5th, 2017 00:31

MendedFences27 said:

This world will go on without us and the billions who have gone before.We need not make it a better place, or be remembered after we leave. Just give it our best go and close the door on the way out. The only effect we have is on those with whom we inter-react. If that makes a small piece of this world better, then so be it. Loved your poem. - Phil A.

October 4th, 2017 14:46

Louis Gibbs said:

I think we all will be surprised at the many positive ways we touched the lives of others when we get to the \'instant replay\' on the other side. Good, thought-provoking write, Fred!

October 4th, 2017 10:00

WL Schuett said:

Nice reflection , you have a good spirit Fred

October 4th, 2017 07:47

Mugsdaddy said:

Great write, I agree with you it\'s the little things that make us or break us those things we do when nobody else is looking because we know it\'s the right thing to do. Those little things that keep us true to our nature or to make us the better person we all want to be.

October 4th, 2017 04:17

Accidental Poet said:

I can tell you one thing, the world\'s a better place just having you in it. The rest just comes naturally. Great write Fred. ; )

October 4th, 2017 03:21

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