Comments received on poems by FredPeyer

Nobody\'s Fool, a short story
orchidee said:

A fine write Fred. I suppose it\'s only the grumps who find positive and enthusiastic people tiresome.

September 20th, 2017 02:00

Nobody\'s Fool, a short story

Thanks FRED ~ This rang a BELL for me ~ because I am JACK. I am an eternal OPTIMIST ~ I see Good & Beauty in everything ~ on MPS I\'m an encourager. In College I\'m castigated for not being hard enough on Students who are already struggling ! I wish everyone on MPS could be more like JACK ! Yours BRIAN

September 20th, 2017 01:26

Nobody\'s Fool, a short story
Goldfinch60 said:

This is a wonderful write Fred and to some extent it is the way I feel. Ten years ago I had a lifesaving operation and it completely changed my view on life, i try to see good in all things now, it is difficult at times, especially with my wife\'s problems but I am very rarely negative about life.

September 20th, 2017 01:25

Monstichs by Fred (inspired by Michael Edwards)
dusk arising said:

Each one a thriller waiting to be written..... so many plots... so little time.

September 19th, 2017 19:11

Monstichs by Fred (inspired by Michael Edwards)
Poetic Dan said:

What scribbles they are my friend
I\'ll now have to check what inspired you

The lines in this are keepers for sure
I thank you for keeping the Ripples going

September 19th, 2017 12:02

Monstichs by Fred (inspired by Michael Edwards)
malubotelho said:

So lovely clever Fred. I got special feelings for some of them. Great reading.

September 19th, 2017 11:41

Monstichs by Fred (inspired by Michael Edwards)
myself and me said:

Like those one liners. It get the target in one shot, very incisive.

September 19th, 2017 11:32

Monstichs by Fred (inspired by Michael Edwards)
Goldfinch60 said:

These are some good thought Fred.

September 19th, 2017 08:02

Monstichs by Fred (inspired by Michael Edwards)
WL Schuett said:

A lot of humor and some wisdom here well done Fred I enjoyed this

September 19th, 2017 07:59

Monstichs by Fred (inspired by Michael Edwards)
Michael Edwards said:

Brilliant - I\'m out-gunned - 12 in one go - I\'ll not match that but I\'ll sharpen my pencil for a few tomorrow.

September 19th, 2017 07:25

Monstichs by Fred (inspired by Michael Edwards)

Excelent FRED you even OUT~MICHAELLED ~ MICHAEL 12 excellent mustaches ti brighten a Tiresome Tuesday. As a Pacifist No. 8 is my fave. We don\'t need TRIDENT and scrapping it and its upkeep would solve all the financial problems of the NHS in one blow of the Nackers Yard. In 50 years time I may need a new HIP and I cant afford £100 k ! Yours BRIAN Please sample my RICE PEAS \'N CHICK befor Steve eats it all ! Thanks B.

September 19th, 2017 03:47

Monstichs by Fred (inspired by Michael Edwards)
orchidee said:

A fine write Fred. You gone to bed, with the last line?!

September 19th, 2017 03:14

The Gambler
Goldfinch60 said:

This can be very true and seems to happen so often and possibly through no fault of their own. Good write.

September 19th, 2017 00:28

The Gambler
Accidental Poet said:

Yes Fred, life is a gamble to which the outcome could go in many directions. But without some risk, life would be like living in windowless room and no way in or out. Like martina said, a calculated risk is attractive. Great write Fred. ; )

September 18th, 2017 19:16

The Gambler
dusk arising said:

i used to be a big shot long time ago
had a cadillac and whole lotta doe
real fine women used to track me down
now not one o those girls can be found
i\'m broke
stone cold broke
aint got a lousy dime
(not my words)

but everything we do is a gamble as you rightly point out, and not just for money.

September 18th, 2017 16:38

The Gambler
Fay Slimm. said:

A poignant ending for the gambler who never touched cards Fred - a lesson in this perceptive write. Thanks for sharing.

September 18th, 2017 14:48

The Gambler
malubotelho said:

Wow Fred! The end surprised me. Was not expecting this. Great fun reading.

September 18th, 2017 14:14

The Gambler
Louis Gibbs said:

A tough life-lesson well described in this one, Fred! Kudos.

September 18th, 2017 13:59

The Gambler
myself and me said:

We are all gamblers in a sense on the life stage, and the stake is our future.
This poem is bit heavy.

September 18th, 2017 13:52

myself and me said:

Why? Since most of the time you know the why, or you do not care about the why. Now my favorite is \" I know\" even though I don\'t. Ha ha.

September 18th, 2017 13:46

The Gambler
orchidee said:

A fine write Fred.

September 18th, 2017 13:22

The Gambler
WL Schuett said:

It is said especially by my Mother back in the day that you shouldn\'t gamble with what you can\'t afford to lose ... but life\'s just not that simple is it .... good write Fred

September 18th, 2017 13:16

The Gambler
Michael Edwards said:

Well I\'ve never set foot in a casino, wouldn\'t have a clue how to bet on the horses and haven\'t the vaguest idea how to play any game of of cards whether or not playing for money (except snap with the kids that is) and what\'s more I haven\'t the faintest desire to partake in any of these activities. At least the odds are shortened in my favour - nice one Fred.

September 18th, 2017 12:54

malubotelho said:

Hey Fred, you need to chose if you want to be like an innocent child or the sexual beast from the slave poem. One don\'t go with the other. Haha 😂
Right now the closest we can get to be innocent is being playful.
Maybe we can get at least being teenagers.

September 18th, 2017 07:48

Poetic Dan said:

If you really want that view
Mother nature provides for you
A few nice Mushrooms will nicely do
Taking you back to all being new

Great work my friend

September 18th, 2017 02:06

Goldfinch60 said:

The innocence of childhood is so wonderful and seeing it in children is so uplifting, it is such a shame that the real world intrudes on this innocence. Good write Fred.

September 18th, 2017 00:57

dusk arising said:

Do you really want a diaper already Fred? Is there something you\'re not telling us?

Actually i think this current fashion of \'mindfulness\' may be just the solution you seek.

Enjoyed reading you.

September 17th, 2017 16:38

Christina8 said:

To be young and innocent again. I wouldn\'t want to relive my 3 yr old self again but I get what you mean. To see the world through the eyes of a child and ask why and question everything!

September 17th, 2017 15:58

malubotelho said:

Wow Fred. What is it now. I blushed reading your poem. Revelation. I\'m swooning now too, not only Orch. So hot I need an ice cube on my forehead. Congrats on your writing. Sooo good.

September 17th, 2017 15:54

WL Schuett said:

I like this Fred not sure I would like to be questioning why to everything but neither Do I want to be so calloused that I never ask why ....good thoughts good poem

September 17th, 2017 12:54

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