Comments received on poems by dusk arising

every now and again
sorenbarrett said:

A beautiful way of expressing this feeling of missing someone.

April 23rd, 2022 08:29

every now and again
Saxon Crow said:

Lots said in so very little. Brilliant

April 23rd, 2022 08:26

every now and again
Distant View said:

Oh yes, I have been there too! Some old broken loves still linger in our hearts and minds forever! We may try to forget, but... as you say: \"every now and again.\"

April 23rd, 2022 06:26

looking forward
Goldfinch60 said:

Strong words d a, it is such a shame that the powers that be cannot see the problems they are causing for the future generations.

At our age I feel we have been very fortunate.


April 23rd, 2022 00:35

looking forward
Rozina said:

Very true lines. Unknown answers.

April 22nd, 2022 19:49

looking forward
Bella Shepard said:

For me your poem expresses so well the uncertainty of life. What can we really expect? A very thought provoking write, well said.

April 22nd, 2022 16:46

looking forward
Michael Edwards said:

A melancholic read with which I can empathise - good write dusk.

April 22nd, 2022 14:14

looking forward
Vamsi Sudha said:

Dear Dusk !! Sad state, hope the come out this darkness. Great one indeed !!

April 22nd, 2022 12:35

looking forward
Paul Bell said:

It\'s always the children in every conflict. They\'re always left to pick up the pieces from madmen who are allowed loose in the world.

April 22nd, 2022 10:39

looking forward
Rocky Lagou said:

Wow. This is a message for our generation and all the ones to come. I feel that although there\'s a prominent sense of moving forward and not living in the past. I feel this also speaks to the chaos going on in life and the actions we make today that\'ll negatively affect the ones to come. Deep write.

April 22nd, 2022 07:48

looking forward
Saxon Crow said:

Aching best describes this poem. Love it.

April 22nd, 2022 07:07

looking forward
sorenbarrett said:

A statement of where we are in humanity. Sad but true. Well expressed.

April 22nd, 2022 06:26

offers of nonsense
Rocky Lagou said:

I mean it kept me entertained! Sometimes we just need to write some \"nonsense\" here and there, it keeps the peppiness!

April 21st, 2022 08:46

offers of nonsense
SureshG said:

Nonsense! You say, nonsense
I must declare
I found it to be pure entertainment
The sweetest of eclair!

April 21st, 2022 06:01

offers of nonsense
Goldfinch60 said:

Good fun write d a.


April 20th, 2022 23:56

offers of nonsense
Rozina said:

Delightful nonsense poem! I would love to read this to a class of young children. And I can imagine the drawings that accompany this poem.

April 20th, 2022 17:58

offers of nonsense
Saxon Crow said:

Well it made me chuckle and that\'s always a good thing. Great poem Dusk

April 20th, 2022 09:13

offers of nonsense
sorenbarrett said:

I always loved nursery rhymes and your rendition put a smile on my face. Well done dusk.

April 20th, 2022 05:57

offers of nonsense
Neville said:

In all seriousness, take my word for it sir .. this is indeed the very best kind of absolute nonsense .... Neville :)

April 20th, 2022 03:31

offers of nonsense
Caring dove said:

And a great one too ! Maybe I should try writing one ))

April 20th, 2022 02:40

within a picture in my mind
Neville said:

sadly you raise some of the self same questions I find myself repeatedly asking ... perfectly poemed nevertheless ........ N

April 19th, 2022 13:19

within a picture in my mind
sorenbarrett said:

dusk such a great poem with the first half contrasting with the second half. Unfortunately we have progressed technologically far beyond our social progress. Until we see a revolution for ethical and moral progress equal to our technological one peace is far away.

April 19th, 2022 13:00

within a picture in my mind
Goldfinch60 said:

Such true words d a, those who can find the solutions will not put a single penny on that proffered plate.


April 19th, 2022 00:30

within a picture in my mind
Rozina said:

Ego, to control, to be the winner always, bulldozing anything along the path.

April 18th, 2022 18:24

beautiful pastime
dusk arising said:

Well if you could find me a few ladies upon whom to experiment, I\'d like to try out your supposition LOL thank you Teddy.

April 18th, 2022 09:20

in dark woodland
Rocky Lagou said:

Yes and WOW Dusk. I love this sensation of connecting to one\'s self via nature, and then reflecting on our inconsequential nature. We can truly feel like a star among the many, but what matters is that we all shine in our own unique way. Beautiful.

April 18th, 2022 08:41

within a picture in my mind
Paul Bell said:

Peace will come through British and American weaponry, which in any other world would sound mad, but mad dictators can only be beaten by force.

April 18th, 2022 06:18

within a picture in my mind
Caring dove said:

A good writing dusk .. I think there will be more peace in the future but that is just a feeling I have .. hopefully it will be .

There’s no need for cruelty

April 18th, 2022 06:10

in dark woodland
Rozina said:

I am just imagining this scene - it\'s so real. Great lines!

April 17th, 2022 18:03

in dark woodland
sorenbarrett said:

Dusk this write registered as few do. I believe this to be one of your better writes. It is full of wonderful images. It carries such wisdom of how little we know of nature. I loved the lines all the way through, but one of my favorites is \"carried on the wind through shapeless darkness.\"

April 17th, 2022 14:49

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