Comments received on poems by dusk arising

should i compare
James Michael said:

Yes you should compare. Be well poetic brother.

October 22nd, 2021 11:05

purple skies grumble
Neville said:

:) Kaleidoscopic mate :)

October 22nd, 2021 07:07

should i compare
Lorna said:

Dusk.... kiss that impossible lover who will keep you with us much much longer -

October 22nd, 2021 06:28

purple skies grumble
L. B. Mek said:

words: as a picturesque
postcard, snap shot
of autumnal, poignancy..
who needs focal length megapixels or frame rates!
(a brilliant shorty, Dusk
loved the choice wording of \'grumble\'
sandwiched between the purple and amber gold)

October 22nd, 2021 04:43

purple skies grumble
Violet bluebell( used to be yellow rose) said:

Good poem , dusk )

October 22nd, 2021 04:39

purple skies grumble
orchidee said:

Good write dusk.

October 22nd, 2021 01:45

purple skies grumble
Goldfinch60 said:

Beauty and the beast indeed d a.


October 22nd, 2021 01:09

should i compare
Goldfinch60 said:

May those summer days be forever with you d a, as I am sure they will be.

Fine emotive words.


October 22nd, 2021 01:00

should i compare
The BlackShakespeare said:

Very deep and nice

October 21st, 2021 17:23

should i compare
Fay Slimm. said:

Your words after such set-back are such an example - personification of chemo. makes her the only sultry seductress to have first class poetry in her train........... masses of loud applause for this write now you are out again dear D.A,. and hugs of warm wishes that bring you to more summer-time health once more.

October 21st, 2021 11:01

should i compare
Neville said:

You have my utmost respect Mr. DA .. and I applaud both You & these words .. Neville

October 21st, 2021 10:43

should i compare
orchidee said:

A fine write dusk.
A sort of \'making friends with an enemy\', though it\'s not intended as an enemy.
Simply to say, whether with any spiritual/religious/whatever connotations or not, that I hope treatment is successful. I don\'t know what some folk go through sometimes, with courage and hope :)

October 21st, 2021 08:50

should i compare
L. B. Mek said:

\'and turning to you, here, now, my chemotherapy
my own sultry, seductress, my deareast \'keemo\'
. ...should i compare thee to a summers day?

neath your wily cloak my shortness of breath draws shorter
through dry cracked lips, over ulcerated gums
rewarding exhaustion upon every exertion
each muscle ache, every aching footstep onwards

you sweet, sour saviour, you lady of deciet\'..
one of your very best, dear Poet
(I\'m so sorry you were going though such a hard time)
this is why I truly believe,
we must all cherish, our everyday
of blissfully generic uneventfulness,
more, than we lament the absence of our happiness...
thank you! for choosing to share

October 21st, 2021 07:15

of the wind
L. B. Mek said:

you been reading Plato\'s \'Phaedo\'?
cos you\'ve got Socrates, unsettled;
his place at the pinnacle of the dialogue king, may
just have a new challenger.. lol
(forgive my overzealous reaction, I laud your choice to showcase
that dialectic writing tradition, in this wonderfully woven classic themed poetry)
A great write Dusk, thank you for sharing!
this made my morning

September 24th, 2021 05:00

of the wind
Neville said:

the yellowrose just countersunked the nail she so squarely hit on the head .. this guys with her mate ... bloomin lovely ............................................. N

September 24th, 2021 03:40

of the wind
orchidee said:

Good write dusk.

September 24th, 2021 01:46

weary n weak
Laura🌻 said:

Dear D.A.,

Such a poignant write…so relatable. You are truly amazing man to be able to pen what you’re experiencing while you’re in such pain. Kudos to you.

I hope you’re feeling better today.


September 24th, 2021 01:14

of the wind
Goldfinch60 said:

Super words d a together with a Weather Report recording I had never heard before - I have now.

September 24th, 2021 01:06

of the wind
Violet bluebell( used to be yellow rose) said:

I like the questions in this and the conversational style . ))

September 24th, 2021 00:50

of the wind
Violet bluebell( used to be yellow rose) said:

Just lovely ... dusk 🙂 truly beautiful poem ....

September 24th, 2021 00:40

weary n weak
L. B. Mek said:

as I was once, a bedridden and generally, sickly kid
my very pulse, remembers
the craving conveyed
in your last verse: intimately..
(thanks for sharing, such a poignant read, for me personally..
sorry if you\'ve been unwell lately Dusk
I hope you\'ll be feeling much better soon)

September 23rd, 2021 05:36

through a glass darkly
beano said:

A potent and profound poem. Who knows what we will come face-to-face with at the end, but this is as good a scenario as any!

September 23rd, 2021 04:50

weary n weak
Fay Slimm. said:

Your courage and determination blaze through these lines my friend -- with you in spirit and thought dear Dusk.

September 23rd, 2021 03:10

weary n weak
orchidee said:

Good wishes dusk.

September 23rd, 2021 02:16

weary n weak
Doggerel Dave said:

But your strength comes through when you pen such a searingly truthful piece in such a structurally disciplined way, dusk.Take very good care of yourself - I\'m sure all here\'s thoughts go with you.

September 23rd, 2021 01:47

weary n weak
Goldfinch60 said:

Keep going d a, the sun is there for you and that brightness will bring wonder and glory to you.


September 23rd, 2021 01:43

once there was spring
Laura🌻 said:


Your written words are delightful and most pleasing. Thank you for sharing.


September 22nd, 2021 00:13

once there was spring
Neville said:

such a little message softly spoken simply screams of quality .. no kiddin

September 21st, 2021 06:22

once there was spring
L. B. Mek said:

I know I\'m a little sentimental for your taste, Dusk
but bare with me on this one, lol..
there\'s a scene, in a film
titled the \'The last Samurai\'
in which, the best character states about Spring\'s, perfect blossoms:
\'You could spend your life looking for one, and it would not be a wasted life.\'
in the final scene of that same film
after this character has died, (having witnesses such a perfect blossom)
the films \'Hollywood\' hero
approaches the Emperor, in which this conversation takes place:
Emperor Meiji:
\'Tell me, how he died.\'
Nathan Algren: \'I will tell you,
how he lived.\'
(that\'s the feeling your words brought back to me,
it took Hollywood an hour or so;
it took you, three
ever so poignant, stanzas)
thanks for sharing, dear Poet

September 21st, 2021 05:13

once there was spring
orchidee said:

Good write dusk.

September 21st, 2021 01:54

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