Comments received on poems by dusk arising

a tired heart
SureshG said:

You are a poet, to whom a subject is only a reason.

February 14th, 2021 12:02

a tired heart
Fay Slimm. said:

You broaden the effect that these troubled times has on us all dear friend and you word it so well that it brings sad sighs - - lockdown and continual news has proved so powerful to many -- yet your poetic mention of Spring\'s entrance lifts this reader\'s heart as buds stand ready to show that - - \"this too will pass\" - - a moving read Dusk - - roll on these needed changes.

February 14th, 2021 05:29

a tired heart
Michael Edwards said:

Very sad write but a beautiful piece nontheless. I also feel somewhat down with all the awful news but have a happy streak within me looking forward to Springs rebirth. Already so many signs are showing so all will be well despite the aging bones, uncut hair, leaking garage roof, collapse of the art market, fault on the tv outlets around the house, Trump effectively in charge of the Republicans who are s**t scared to go against him, still damn cold outside. But otherwise all okay!!!

February 14th, 2021 05:19

a tired heart
orchidee said:

Good write dusk.
Nothing \'tired\' about this poem! A hymn-line says \'This tired and weary earth\'.

February 14th, 2021 03:13

a tired heart
Doggerel Dave said:

You go very metaphorical (probably a better word, but I can\'t think of it right now) at times , dusk and loose me.
Unfortunately YouTube is holding out on me where I am (Video unavailable) wherein may lie the solution.....

February 14th, 2021 01:06

SureshG said:

Reminds me of men who adorn whiskers as well , and the pride they feel and the hours they spend grooming, waxing etc etc, as can be noticed in historical photos.
Loved the subject and the poem as well.

February 11th, 2021 13:17

Poetic Dan said:

Enjoy read, be proud you should. Properly chuckled at the end...

Thank you

February 9th, 2021 16:11

L. B. Mek said:

\'call me twitchy, if you will,
but my whiskers are my pride\'

\'I look forward to the day
when safe in the knowledge
they are both sporting
whiskers \'par excellence\'
they can bugger off
and find their own
bluddy worms to chew.\'

\'and i\'m only scribbling this
to try to defeat this
damned insomnia.
I should be warmly
curled into a nesty ball
with her indoors\'


February 9th, 2021 04:50

Andrew Charles Forrest said:

Good day Whiskers... Where do you stand on ear wax?

Love this DA we must keep safe the little ones

February 9th, 2021 04:12

Goldfinch60 said:

Wonderful words d a that took me to another place in these times of sadness.


February 9th, 2021 01:19

Doggerel Dave said:

I fervently hope he does get a good kip, because I wish Freddie (whiskers) Field Mouse would return and indulge in some regular scribbles in order to keep us up to date with his further doings...
Lightened my morning, dusk

February 8th, 2021 17:28

FredPeyer said:

I enjoyed the read, dusk.

February 8th, 2021 15:59

Jerry Reynolds said:

What a cool story Dusk. Sweet character that Whiskers love him.

February 8th, 2021 09:33

orchidee said:

Good write dusk.
I nearly saved a mouse that size from a cat, but was not quick enough. Oh dear!

February 8th, 2021 08:16

the richest soil
L. B. Mek said:

passing-on our responsibility \'down the line\' has led us to this predictably short-sighted mindset, however well intended...
chairman Mao accounted for \'Millions\' of deaths to see his plan fail, he is no hero of \'humanity\' or \'humane ideologies\'!
and enforcing responsibility on children, however ethical its sentiment, is tantamount to the thinking that has millions of children being weaponised by their governments and drugged to perform acts of genocide (child soldiers)...
a slippery slope we dare to play, when we \'choose\' to let children provide us the answers we so-called adult\'s are too inept to excavate for ourselves!
let us educate, indeed...
but let us gift them a chance at living their own life\'s, not those we deign to design as \'being in their best interest\'...
I say let children be children for as long as fate grants them the opportunity to be...
(forgive me if my opinions upset you my friend, I am replying to your proposed idea, not you directly)
thank you for sharing dear Poet!

February 4th, 2021 07:09

the richest soil
orchidee said:

Good write Dusk.

February 4th, 2021 02:45

the richest soil
Goldfinch60 said:

That last stanza is so true d a, in this well written poem. Our cjildren deserve to inherit a better earth than we have at present.


February 4th, 2021 01:48

the richest soil
AlitaOpal said:

Our children will most definitely inherit what\'s left of this earth but I trust they will do better, like a rose growing on a crack between concrete ground.. they will find a way to thrive, great read.. 🌹

February 4th, 2021 01:09

the richest soil
Doggerel Dave said:

Well put, Dusk. Great to see you fearing for the world rather than just appreciating it, as the spirit or whatever you perceive in there ain\'t going to survive in the face of human depredations.
Kids have. of course already taken up the issue (some of them), as they recognise that they are the ones to inherit the mess we leave. Hopefully, if covid comes under control, their voice will be heard again...

February 4th, 2021 00:53

the richest soil
Poetic Dan said:

All I can to give mine and others a voice to be heard as they are our future and have eyes from the past, it is about time we played a more personal part! Sadly most forgot their own and wish to pay off the guilt with no true heart....

Thanks for the early morning vibration and inspiration buddy, have a wonderful day!

February 4th, 2021 00:22

a new beginning....
AlitaOpal said:

I\'m truly feeling you, god is truly that an expression of each and everyone of us.. not separate but as a whole.. your work is beautiful 🌹

February 3rd, 2021 20:23

hotel me.....
SureshG said:

Painful memories, truly emotional

February 3rd, 2021 13:05

hotel me.....
Goldfinch60 said:

Some memories are always within us.


February 3rd, 2021 01:13

hotel me.....
Michael Edwards said:

A perfect little write dusk.

February 2nd, 2021 15:55

hotel me.....
FredPeyer said:

I like this one d a, it would be nice if we could take a vacation from ourselves sometimes.

February 2nd, 2021 13:03

hotel me.....
Jerry Reynolds said:

Mighty fine write Dusk.

February 2nd, 2021 09:27

hotel me.....
L. B. Mek said:

costly, some expenses
accumulate on bill\'s
that ink deep
within that self we \'choose\'
to hide from ourselves
and like all bills: eventually
karma comes to collect...
a great write Dusk, sometimes we all feel the need to escape, but like you write
escaping within lies comes at a hefty cost - sometimes

February 2nd, 2021 06:13

i found love
Naseer Ahmed Nasir said:

Beautiful poem indeed.

February 1st, 2021 15:48

capt. Sir Tom
FredPeyer said:

I pray for all Covid victims and their caretakers.

February 1st, 2021 12:31

capt. Sir Tom
Michael Edwards said:

hear hear

February 1st, 2021 11:19

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