Comments received on poems by dusk arising

MelissaJA said:

Not what I expected when I started reading, but I love the flow and the message here.

July 18th, 2020 18:50

covid robbery
FineB said:

Hi Dusk Arising

Excellent write.

Keep writing ✍ and safe during this global pandemic.

July 17th, 2020 14:51

dawns delight
L. B. Mek said:

musicality, at its free spirited best
capturing that freshly oven-baked
reassuring warmth, of a new day\'s Aurora: of muffin goodness

July 17th, 2020 05:56

dawns delight
orchidee said:

Good write dusk. Eh, Saturday?!
I will get me lyre out, that I use to sing Psalms.

July 17th, 2020 01:39

dawns delight

GOOD MORNING D A - Thnaks for some lively SAX to kick start a Sunny Saturday. We love Sunrise especially when its NO WORK and Brian can bring me a hot buttered bun & my first caffeine shot of the day ! Love the poem and the dreamy concept of waking up to the Sunrise and it being eclipsed by your Lovers Smile ! Even after four months I am still not used to waking up & finding Brian snug & warm by my side ! Thanks for a beautiful *Ode to Sunrise*. Brian has three guitars and a mandolin - I have a Mini Piano and a Maxi Keyboard. We dont do Woodwind or Brass because we sing !

Love - Peace & Joy
Angela & Brian 💛💛

July 17th, 2020 01:31

dawns delight
Goldfinch60 said:

May that smile always remind you of those wondrous times.

Sorry I haven\'t got room for a sax, two trumpets, three clarinets, two guitars, ukulele, three recorders, six tin whistles and of course the piano are more than enough for me to struggle with. LOL


July 17th, 2020 00:37

covid robbery
Neville said:

I dont have any grandchildren as yet, but I can certainly understand every word you have writ and each day in lockdown or whatever must seem like time wasted, not least because of how quickly they change and grow each day....

July 15th, 2020 10:57

covid robbery

Brian here - Good Morning Dusk - Thanks for posting a poignant Video (almost a cri de coeur !) and Poem. We do not even have any Children yet but we do have nephews & nieces so (to some extent) we can empathise. We get photos and see them on ZOOM but your Poem empasises the Physical Contact cruelly denied to Grandparents by the Curse of COVID 19. Longing to see - to hear - to hug - to play and missing the very important deveopmental stages so so much ! A beautiful Love Poem !

Every Blessing & may you hold your
beloved Granddaughter very soon
Love Brian & Angela 💛💛💛

July 15th, 2020 05:01

covid robbery
Leisa Niamh said:

Very charming. Made me think of my friend who\'s been absolutely distraught about not being able to see her granddaughter who she\'s so close to. Go away Covid !!!!

July 14th, 2020 15:30

covid robbery
PoeticBiscuit said:

This pandemic is truly robbing many of key life moments. Graduations, Birthdays, first steps as you described. Even funerals have been robbed.

July 14th, 2020 14:05

covid robbery
jarcher54 said:

D, your catalogs of what is lost, and of the child\'s tiny but universal milestones, are very effective. Being so specific is poignant. The reader instinctively recalls her or his own experiences. Shapes, nose, counting, ABCs... For me one of the most wonderful was when my daughter learned to say \"No.\" It came out of her little mouth while we were wrestling and she stopped stock-still, looked at me with big eyes, then broke into a big powerful smile... she felt the power of the word and was forever empowered... I would not have wanted to miss that kind of experience. Thanks for reminding us of the loss that isolation, especially of our grandparents and older friends, has wrought.

July 14th, 2020 08:16

covid robbery
Goldfinch60 said:

Such sad words d a, I can understand from where you are coming. I am lucky in being able to see my elder grandchildren but the younger ones are changing so quickly in their lives and that is what I am missing.


July 14th, 2020 04:44

covid robbery
Fay Slimm. said:

Oh the sadness in this lament dear friend - - to be robbed of your grandchild as she is growing and to rob her need too is preposterous - you tell it well dusk - the only way to get contact through such means is cruel.......... roll on the time when this present day fades and we get sense back into our lives again.

July 14th, 2020 04:00

covid robbery
Michael Edwards said:

She sounds a delight - i love children and don\'t mind the noises they make in other peoples gardens - they are only young once - trouble is it is always difficult to smile and say hello to little ones as it it can so easily be misinterpreted. All my granchildren are noe beyond this stage and I do miss it. I do hope you get the chance before too long to give her that cuddle - fine write dusk.

July 14th, 2020 03:30

covid robbery
orchidee said:

Good write dusk. We know that some have had to go without far more than maybe we ourselves have - even permanent losses.

July 14th, 2020 02:06

deafen our ears

Everytime I hear a New Born Baby cry
Or touch a Leaf ~ Or see the Sky
Then I know why ~ I BELIEVE !

The potential in a New Born Baby to be a Mozart - a Constable - an Einstein - Queen Elizabeth II causes us to believe in a Creative Force ~ god !
The Miracle of PHOTOSYNTHESIS in a LEAF to produce GLUCOSE (& Cellulose & Starch) from water (H2O) in the ground and carbon dioxide (CO2) in the Air ~ to help feed the Human Race and all of the animal Kingdom. This miracle causes us to believe in a Creative Force ~ god !
The NIGHT SKY reveals we are not alone in the Universe ~ there are other Galaxies apart from the Milky Way and other Suns with orbiting Plants possibly Earth Like Planets !
The Universe also causes us to believe in a Creative Force ~ god !

WE look through a MICROSCOPE ~ god is there
WE look around @ Nature - god is there
WE look through a TELESCOPE ~ god is there

You mention *god in creation* three times in V 5. This is PANTHEISM ~ seeing god in everything and this is supported by those who have replied ~ except STEVE (Ochidee) who loves the Creation but being a Christian also choses to Love (Worship) the Creator GOD. STEVE is amazing because all (> 95%) of his postings are a CHRISTIAN HYMN with LYRICS and a POEM based on Scripture (The Bible) But as you point out He does it (and His responses) with Humour & Graciouness & Fido of Course ! He is an exceptional Man !
Angela & I being Scientists are more aware of the Wonder of Life on Earth and the complexity and uniqueness of the Biosynthetic Pathways that make metabolism possible and DNA which preserves the uniqueness of Species and defines the Uniqueness of Mankind. As Kepler said *Science is only thinking Gods thoughts after Him* It is the Beauty - Purpose - Order & Design in nature which forces us to believe in a creative force directing & controlling it all a CREATOR which you (in verse 5) have chosen to call *god^. Pantheism is worshipping the WHOLE (PAN) CREATION rather than just the CREATOR who THEISTS call *GOD^ Angela & I were raised in Chriatian Families and consequently have never doubted the existance of *GOD*. However as Adults (32 & 36) and finding no conflict with our belief in GOD & SCIENCE we continue to be Commited & Practicing Christians. We find personal & corporate value in Prayer ~ Bible Study & Church Fellowship. These things are an integral part of our Psyche. We only occasionally post Christian Poems and then not to proselize but to share our Joy. Every Member of MPS has free-will to accept or reject any Message our or Steves postings on MPS. It is a neutral site. Please note that today our posting about a Civil Rights Leader (who was martyred) is NOT about the CHRISTIAN ~ Martin Luther King ~ but the HINDU ~ Mahatma Ghandi. Thanks for your posting it made us THINK & WE are still thinking !

Peace & Joy to You & Yours

July 13th, 2020 16:53

deafen our ears
Suresh said:

That a benevolent CREATOR could demand penance and fear as a means of reverence is uncomprehencible to me.
Humans feeling insignificant and feeling overpowered by their environment/surroundings created an external entity for hope, and these weaknesses were used by organized religion to usurp and control the masses.
Let each individual garnish whatever internal strength they need to live through the negative and find the positive, even if this internal strength is enforced through external means.

Thanks you for encouraging us to participate

July 13th, 2020 14:53

deafen our ears
Michael Edwards said:

I was born a realist and remain ever so - this strikes many chords with me and I take my hat off to you for posting it.

July 13th, 2020 08:12

deafen our ears
Neville said:

tho raised as a Christian, I turned toward Buddha and found the way that suits me well .. you pose an interesting argument here my friend...

July 13th, 2020 07:52

deafen our ears
orchidee said:

A couple of angles on this: Another ridicule is: \'Let\'s go to church on Sundays to see men in long dresses\'. This, and some other things, are Old Testament practices. We\'re in New Testament days now. I suppose we bear with them out of habit - churches where vestments are worn.
I agree about RC - don\'t get me started.... as they say!

July 13th, 2020 01:53

deafen our ears
Goldfinch60 said:

OK, here is the rhetoric:
the bible is just a book which leads people into a place where they are brainwashed into thinking it is the truth.

I used to believe and was in fact a Chaplain in the christian church but within my belief was the overriding thought that MY GOD was not the one the christians believed in.
Then came that time where my wife was struck down with dementia and eventually passed away with it.

She had worshipped and sang the praises of the christian god all her life but where was god when she needed him/she/it - him/she/it just was not there.

So came the day where I was in church singing in the choir and as I was singing I realised that the idea of christianity was a lot of lying drivel and I rejected being a christian.

At that moment it was as though a great weight had been lifted from me and my life was free again.

That feeling has continued, I still believe in God, MY GOD, not the one the christian church believes in.

I also know, and have always known that My Spirit is within me and will always be there when the blink of an eye on this earth passes.

As Dave Allen used to say at the end of his programmes: \"May your God go with you\"

Rhetoric over.


July 13th, 2020 00:35

it will come
alexis karpouzos said:

The repetition \'\' they told me love\'\' is very interesting. Love is always here and death, too!

July 12th, 2020 02:01

Goldfinch60 said:

So very true d a. I am at one with myself.


July 12th, 2020 00:02

peto said:

You are rather profound this weather sir
Thoroughly enjoyed this read

July 11th, 2020 05:14

orchidee said:

A fine write dusk.

July 11th, 2020 03:03

Goldfinch60 said:

Super write d a, may those dreams come true.


July 11th, 2020 01:53

MendedFences27 said:

Homeward bound to where the enchantress eclipses the enchantment. The dream of one trapped in separation, longing for the contentment of home. Whether, real, memory, or just wishes, you have captured the angst beautifully. A joy to read. - Phil A.

July 10th, 2020 14:39

Michael Edwards said:

I would be too - ah memories - must get out the manual and remind myself.

July 10th, 2020 13:38

orchidee said:

I only know \'she who must be obeyed\', her who I married, KP!
I will leave you all (hot and?) bothered then. Glad someone seems to be having fun!

July 10th, 2020 06:24

goodbye Morricone
jarcher54 said:

Thanks DA. You are so right. His scores often told more of the story than the images. And in great films like Malena, he stood back a little and let the film lead the way most of the time... then he tied the scene up and made everything hold together. Bittersweet epitaph. Thank you.

July 10th, 2020 02:02

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