Comments received on poems by dusk arising

Neville said:

I think this is one of the most beautiful threats that I have ever stumbled across ...


August 22nd, 2020 06:34

about Lisa
Michael Edwards said:

So enigmatic - fine write dusk.

August 21st, 2020 13:16

about Lisa
L. B. Mek said:

enticing with its simplicity,
immersive with its complexity of depth,
brilliantly executed

August 21st, 2020 05:12

about Lisa
Fay Slimm. said:

Oh what a number and my favourite instrument - thanks too D.A. for Lisa composed in an inventive few words for my reading pleasure today.

August 21st, 2020 04:28

about Lisa

Hi DUSK - BRIAN here = Thanks for Sharing ! A cool Sax & an enigmatic Poem !

Love - Joy - Peace
Brian & Angela 💛💛💛

August 21st, 2020 04:04

about Lisa
orchidee said:

You and Neville keep meeting these gals. I must meet them too. Or will they be too much for me?! lol.

August 21st, 2020 03:59

about Lisa
Neville said:

this is absolutely perfect DA .. and I aint gonna say any more than that sir..

... yep simply perfect


August 21st, 2020 03:48

about Lisa
Goldfinch60 said:

An intriguing write d a.

David Sanborn - yet another musician I am going to have to explore.


August 21st, 2020 03:23

a little of England
Fay Slimm. said:

This read is better than best this exquisite poem on all this summer has meant behind doors - it moved me in all its lines - a fave for sure D.A and hoping with you for spring to bring freedom from being penned in.............

August 20th, 2020 12:39

a little of England
L. B. Mek said:

wonderfully uplifting! a timely write that will serenade some of the scorched bitterness of this year away,
a glimpse at awaits beyond these mountainous horizons traversing Convid\'s lands,
brilliantly empathetic

August 20th, 2020 04:27

a little of England
Poetic Dan said:

Wow... It is what I saw and I hope next year will be one that we all set ourselves free!

Lost in the beauty of your poetry

Always appreciated

August 20th, 2020 02:48

a little of England
Neville said:

Hey .... not just beautiful ... but amazingly beautiful would be more apt .. in my book ..

There may well be those who think I am biased .. but this is a superb example of true English poetry ... and perfectly penned, my literary friend ....


August 20th, 2020 02:35

a little of England
Michael Edwards said:

Hey this is rather special - great bit of penmanship dusk.

August 20th, 2020 02:34

a little of England
orchidee said:

A fine write dusk.

August 20th, 2020 01:44

a little of England
Goldfinch60 said:

Beautiful words accompanied by equally beautiful music.

Spiegel Im Spiegel sounds so easy to play - it is not!


August 20th, 2020 00:19

never ever
Neville said:

some things have a habit, or a tendency to never go away, or leave us do they ... and just like your first kiss, neither should they ....

A very precious memory sir, this one ....

August 18th, 2020 13:03

Neville said:

? .. is that the Nth time or summat I appear to be missing .. N.

August 18th, 2020 12:59

promise me
smileeshellyy said:

Gave me goosebumps

August 18th, 2020 10:11

body part
smileeshellyy said:

hahaha love this! definitely clever

August 18th, 2020 10:06

body part
L. B. Mek said:

like the twist,
must have been fun to write, it definitely was to read lol

August 18th, 2020 03:08

body part
Seek said:

My dirty old mind was being (mis)led elsewhere. Glad I finally settled on the right organ. Very imaginative stuff!

August 18th, 2020 02:01

body part
Goldfinch60 said:

Clever words d a, misleading until the end.


August 18th, 2020 00:21

body part
Neville said:

although it has not always been my fave bit of me .. I do now share your preferred organ ..

and for all those reasons you so deftly and cunningly left as a trail to make the reader think you were gonna say summat else entirely...

A clever fun post indeed DA and so say all of us .....

August 17th, 2020 12:40

body part
Fay Slimm. said:

Ha -- the secret now outed as to what was the body part is you favour my friend.......... a good play on words which had me guessing wrongly until the end.

August 17th, 2020 12:28

body part
orchidee said:

As I say, I of course knew it was this part all along! lol :)

August 17th, 2020 10:23

for VJ Day
L. B. Mek said:

that second stanza got me well and good, a wonderfully tender and emotive write my friend,
an important message as well: we must never forget, those who risk(ed) their lives for our freedom - whatever our perspectives on the validity of the conflict(s) they were involved in, their bravery and sacrifice deserve our utmost respect!

August 17th, 2020 04:35

for VJ Day
Goldfinch60 said:

It saddens me as well. One of my Uncles was a Japanese POW, he never ever said anything about that time, you could see in his eyes that the sadness of that time was still within him.


August 16th, 2020 00:18

for VJ Day
jarcher54 said:

As you ponder war and peace, particularly the end of WWII in the Pacific theater, you should experience Kon Ichikawa\'s \"Harp of Burma,\" about the Japanese soldier who turns his back on war but not on the warriors. It is in my humble opinion the most important, beautiful film ever made.

Your focus on those who never returned brought the film to mind. The principle character in the film saves numerous British soldiers with an overpowering version of Home Sweet Home, and makes a loving mission of giving proper burials to combatants on all sides.

August 15th, 2020 23:30

for VJ Day
jarcher54 said:

Truly no answer. Idealists have been imagining peace since the Hittites made peace with Egypt 3300 years ago, and Priam kissed Achilles\' feet, and Hsian Shu\'s peace treaty failed to stop the grinding wars among the ancient Chinese kingdoms, to martyred Jesus of Nazareth and assassinated John Lennon, Mahatma Gandhi, and Martin Luther King. Madness.

August 15th, 2020 23:09

for VJ Day
Neville said:

It saddens me too DA and my word sir, your poem today of all days could not be more timely, nor poignant ....

My wife\'s uncle Tommy died in Changi POW camp Singapore .. twice we have now visited to pay our respects, not only to him, but the many hundreds of thousands that made the kind of sacrifice in order that we could eventually celebrate VE Day....


August 15th, 2020 12:53

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