Comments received on poems by Lorna

I Know You - I Hear You
Lorna said:

Thanks Andy....

September 4th, 2018 08:01

I Know You - I Hear You
Goldfinch60 said:

Very good emotive write Lorna.

September 4th, 2018 07:54

6 am Quandry
orchidee said:

What time is it? A quarter past Summer? or half past Autumn? or what?! Good write Lorna.

September 3rd, 2018 10:35

6 am Quandry

Thanks LORNA ~ Love MORRISY always original ! Only once or twice in the last 20 years (16 to 35) have I woken up got out of bed and then ~ on impulse said \"DAMN IT\" and got back in again ~ and stayed there all day dozing & dreaming ~ Very Cathartic. Since I joined MPS I\'m up at 5:30 am (GMT) hoping to be in MPS Pole Position ~ only achieved it once ! Thanks for sharing ~ Yours as always BRIAN🧡 Please check our latest POEMS ~ Thanks B.

September 3rd, 2018 08:56

6 am Quandry
Lorna said:

Only kidding...... I\'m long up and \"at em\".............

September 3rd, 2018 08:06

6 am Quandry
Michael Edwards said:

Stay where you are - enjoy the rest - great lines Lorna

September 3rd, 2018 08:05

The Harvest Moon (September)
Poetic Dan said:

Beautifully done and well chosen song
September is the month I came to this plane
Thank you for being perfectly you and writing to share your light.

September 2nd, 2018 06:09

The Harvest Moon (September)
Michael Edwards said:

Great scribe very atmospheric - good to see you back.

August 31st, 2018 09:39

The Harvest Moon (September)
Laura🌻 said:


How are you? Missed you!
Thank you for sharing your poem and video! Enjoyed them. Looking forward to Autumn 🍂!
This humid and hot August has been unbearable!

Sending love your way...


August 31st, 2018 09:16

The Harvest Moon (September)
Goldfinch60 said:

Good to see you back, the harvest moon bringing the wonder of autumn to us, my favourite time of the year.

August 31st, 2018 08:06

The Harvest Moon (September)
orchidee said:

A fine write Lorna.

August 31st, 2018 06:50

The Harvest Moon (September)
Fay Slimm. said:

Whoops sorry about misspelling your name my friend - meant to type Lorna

August 31st, 2018 04:49

The Harvest Moon (September)
Fay Slimm. said:

Simply lovely these few lines of wonderful moon-metaphor Laura - a really enjoyable read.

August 31st, 2018 04:49

Girded for Battle
Goldfinch60 said:

Every day we put our armour on for the battle and I am sure you look wonderful in your armour.

August 4th, 2018 01:04

Poetic Dan said:

Well expressed
But I\'m afraid I see you so much more than this, although happy for you to sit where you wish.

August 3rd, 2018 14:34

Girded for Battle
Michael Edwards said:

Brill Lorna - was only listening to the great DW the other night - love the choice.

August 3rd, 2018 14:14

The Surgeon Moon (August)
Poetic Dan said:

Tunnne! With a perfect write that I blessed to read at sun set.
Thank you for joining me

August 3rd, 2018 14:10

Girded for Battle
Laura🌻 said:


Listening to Don Williams
made me forget all about
my bad hair day!

Along with that adorable little GIF,
I love these lines...

“I artfully arrange my presentation...”
“As I attitude my hair...”

Awesome 👏🏻


August 3rd, 2018 09:35

Girded for Battle
Fay Slimm. said:

Well done you for doing such good poetic battle with daily destructive arrows friend - - I love the example of both those videos.

August 3rd, 2018 09:17

Girded for Battle
orchidee said:

No bad hair days for you then?! heehee.

August 3rd, 2018 08:57

Girded for Battle
Heartwriter said:

Loved this and the song!!!!!!

August 3rd, 2018 07:48

orchidee said:

Yes, we see you, and see the fine poem too!

August 2nd, 2018 11:24

Laura🌻 said:


Great video with a great message as is your fine “little” penned poem! Enjoyed it!


August 2nd, 2018 07:41

Michael Edwards said:

And so it should be - it\'s not who you are but what you are - great work Lorna

August 2nd, 2018 07:41

dusk arising said:

Small as you wish to be, you reach out big to us readers.
Why does the fine writer wish invisibility? I know you not, but from words you place here, chinks of you appear. They are not frightening or ugly, and i keep looking.

August 2nd, 2018 06:41

Heartwriter said:

I see you too. Nothing wrong with being small. Sometimes that\'s the best of all!

August 2nd, 2018 04:43

Goldfinch60 said:

I too can see you Lorna.

It amused me to see the ink and quill as I have just come back in with some fresh calligraphy inks.

August 2nd, 2018 03:40

The Surgeon Moon (August)

JULY ~ She passes us by
AUGUST ~ Come she must

Thanks LORNA for an elegant POEM \'n PIC and a cool video. Love the tune and the lyrics !

AUGUST NIGHTS will \"light up\" for ANGELA & I because \"I\'m leavin\' on a Jet Plane ~ pity I\'ve got to come back again !\" On 14 August I\'m going to New Zealand to be with ANGELA for two weeks ~ AMEN ~ Thanks for sharing ~ Love BRIAN & ANGELA XXXX

August 1st, 2018 10:57

The Surgeon Moon (August)
Michael Edwards said:

invokes great visions - much enjoyed Lorna.

August 1st, 2018 10:12

The Surgeon Moon (August)
orchidee said:

Surgeon or Sturgeon?! A fine write Lorna.

August 1st, 2018 07:58

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