Comments received on poems by Lorna

Pink Royalty
Fay Slimm. said:

Ah - I love the short lines of perceptive glory in this little ode to the royal peony - - lovely read Lorna.

June 8th, 2018 07:26

Pink Royalty
Michael Edwards said:

Video didn\'t work for me but I love your little poem - they are lovely flowers and it\'s just a shame they don\'t last for long.

June 8th, 2018 05:53

Goldfinch60 said:

I too enjoy my coffee, Colombian for me. Good fun write and I can understand the cartoon very well as I used to work in computing before I retired and coffee was our life blood.

June 8th, 2018 00:21

SLR said:

One of my favorite addictions. All day, every day. Almost every kind I\'ve tried. (Except hazelnut, nasty stuff!) Love this one! Working in any kind of garden is hard work so you definitely deserve a free day to just relax and enjoy the day.

June 7th, 2018 19:44


Thanks for sharing LORNA ~ I like Jamaican Blue Mountain ~ we have a Deli that stocks it and roasts and grinds it to order ! The aroma is as good as the taste ! I drink it black with one sweetner ~ I have to watch my figure ~ I have a coffee maker in my office which I keep perking ! Staff & Students come in in all sorts of moods but the aroma of JBM perking ~ puts them all in a good mood and makes life easier ~ especially if I offer them a cup ~ which I always do ! Coffee forges great relationships ! People who don\'t drink coffee are (in my book) Aliens or Robots or Mormons ! Love FRANK\'S DISK it was released 40 years before I was born and I have heard it and other versions ~ great song for COFFEEOPHILES ! In my experience the best places in Europe for Coffee are Holland & Italy ~ never a bum perk ! In America you can now get a good cup of coffee everywhere (weakish Colombian ?) but Bill Bryson says that since Starbucks opened you can\'t get an EXCELLENT cup of coffee anywhere ! Thanks for caring ~ Yours BRIAN I have collected Coffee Beans in Mexico (Puebla) and roasted and ground them ~ we don\'t normally grow coffee in the UK ! Thanks for caring ~ Yours BRIAN Love the cartoon ~ ANGELA is half Spanish and loves Coffee but thankfully not the Machine !

June 7th, 2018 17:18

Laura🌻 said:

A great one!!!
I’m on my second espresso...
...and not finished yet...
at least another before bedtime!
Oh...I forgot to mention...
before the espresso...
AMERlCAN coffee ☕️
first thing in the morning!

I loooooove my coffee!


June 7th, 2018 10:58

orchidee said:

A fine write Lorna.

June 7th, 2018 10:01

ForeverJesus7 said:

This piece is hilarious. It just happens to be morning, and I just happen to be drinking my coffee as I read this poem. I too would usually rather not be disturbed when drinking coffee.
Persistence is key

June 7th, 2018 07:48

Fay Slimm. said:

Know just how you feel Lorna - gardening is darned-hard work and the next day has to be a holiday for me too - - love the Frank number on coffee - - - have a good hot bath and rest today my friend.

June 7th, 2018 07:23

Michael Edwards said:

And it has to be Ethiopian Arabica - none of those blends served up in so-called coffee houses. Love the write Lorna.

June 7th, 2018 06:08

Wanting To Go With You
Fay Slimm. said:

Love cannot die yet this set of poignant questions has to be asked when a loved one has to say a goodbye - - a heart-tug of a read dear Lorna.

June 6th, 2018 11:33

Wanting To Go With You
Michael Edwards said:

Love the write Lorna and dear old Joe to go with it. A friends son was married to his daughter - he\'s just the same in real life.

June 6th, 2018 10:40

Who Put Me Here?
Laura🌻 said:

A great second read after the first... “Wanting To Go With You”(this one made me a bit sad)!
“Who Put Me Here?” gave me a chuckle and yes...a bee can still sting when dead!
Love the cartoon and “Dust in the Wind”(great song)!

You’re at the top of your poetic game again! 😊


June 6th, 2018 08:08

Wanting To Go With You
Goldfinch60 said:

Good write, that live will never die.

June 6th, 2018 07:57

Wanting To Go With You
Laura🌻 said:

A lot of questions you will continue to ask. He will always be with you and he will hold that portal open for as long as he has to! True Love Never Dies!

Great pic and song for your loving write!


June 6th, 2018 07:47

Wanting To Go With You
orchidee said:

A fine write Lorna - all about me?! lol.

June 6th, 2018 06:54

Who Put Me Here?
Goldfinch60 said:

Thank you Lorna for my first laugh of the day, (it is 6:40 in the morning at the moment in the UK), that cartoon is wonderful.
The poem is very good as well.

June 6th, 2018 00:38

Who Put Me Here?

Loved the CARTOON & the SONG ~ Thanks for sharing LORNA ~ I didn\'t ask to be born either ~ but I chose my MA & PA well and I have inherited a good \"Pair of GENES !\" My DAD\'s intellect and my MUM\'s empathy ~ excellent ! I\'ll be 35 in September and I have enjoyed every second of the first THIRD of my LIFE and with ANGELA my next two thirds can only be better ~ Tousjours L\'Optimist ~ Thanks for sharing ~ BRIAN ~ Please check my POEM and latest fusion on FAVE DAY of the WEEK ~ Thanks B !

June 5th, 2018 15:01

Who Put Me Here?
Michael Edwards said:

Still not sure what the fuck it is - I\'ll summarise it all when I die - of course I\'m not offended - I\'ve survived thus far - love the write Lorna

June 5th, 2018 12:31

Who Put Me Here?
orchidee said:

Any of them bees stung ya?!

June 5th, 2018 06:18

Indecisive House Wrens
Goldfinch60 said:

Glorious write, we have the occasional wren in our garden but no nests. We do have a blackbirds nest in our laurel bush though and it is stopping me cutting it.

June 5th, 2018 00:32

Indecisive House Wrens
Laura🌻 said:

If I were a musician, I would write a “litttle brown wrens” song just for you!😉

I enjoyed the read! A delightful poem and pic! It must be amazing watching them!


June 4th, 2018 17:59

Indecisive House Wrens
willyweed said:

I like your poem lorna it made me smile ww

June 4th, 2018 15:07

Indecisive House Wrens
Michael Edwards said:

One of the most delightful birds - let\'s hope the sort out the removals soon.

June 4th, 2018 14:07

Indecisive House Wrens
Poetic Dan said:

A beautiful picture painted with wonderful flow. Thank you

June 4th, 2018 14:06

Indecisive House Wrens
orchidee said:

A fine write Lorna.

June 4th, 2018 09:49

Indecisive House Wrens
Lorna said:

Hi Fay! I let them set up house in the wreath one year and it was adorable to see their little heads peeking out - UNTIL - they got very big for the nest and Momma bird cleaned the nest out each day all over the front door..... it was a difficult decision to miss out on the little faces

June 4th, 2018 09:20

Indecisive House Wrens
Fay Slimm. said:

The scene and the wrens looking for house-room is outlined delightfully in this charming rhyme - - birds as I know can be oh so fussy when choosing right spots for nest my friend - a lovely read Lorna.

June 4th, 2018 08:20

The Strawberry Moon (June)
Goldfinch60 said:

Glad to see you back Lorna and honour us with a wonderful poem - we always have strawberry ice-cream in the freezer!

June 4th, 2018 00:41

The Strawberry Moon (June)
Michael Edwards said:

Pleased to see you back - with a cream tea poem at that - great write Lorna.

June 3rd, 2018 10:43

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