Comments received on poems by Jon Nakapalau

walking barefoot in the grass
ExistentialSarah said:

I feel like this one is going to rattle around in my brain for a while, in a good way, until I can find personal application. \"Young answers to old Lies\". Why is that so profound to me? Maybe simple as the grass beneath our feet, experiences and sensations on a basic human level...we can so easily get lost in our own complicated headspace. We forget to connect to the things that are just...solid and real. There are more than a few \"lies\" of perception, negatively held, dysfunctional beliefs, that I have to overturn with new insights in order to find peace.

August 26th, 2018 10:31

after a hive is destroyed
Michael Edwards said:

An enjoyable read that says a lot.

August 24th, 2018 00:34

whispered confession
Resa71 said:

Love always finds a way of coming around again.
Even when we don’t really want it to.
It’s like magic!
Even though in my case, it always ends tragically or suddenly, the same way it first appeared
Out of nowhere.
Nice write.

August 11th, 2018 03:19

thermal farewell
Crystal Hope said:

Wow! Great poem. Nice description

August 9th, 2018 17:38

first kiss emotional motion
HangingbyaHalo said:

This feeling.. so beautifully expressed.
If you could bottle this moment and keep it forever, how amazing that would be.

August 8th, 2018 19:49

first kiss emotional motion
Crystal Hope said:

awe. so beautifully written. Your words were great.

August 8th, 2018 16:52

nova fields
Crystal Hope said:

Hi. Great poem. I saw your picture and I thought Where have I seen him before? Went to my followers on Allpoetry and found you! lol.

August 7th, 2018 21:04

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