Comments received on poems by Neville

Every Now and Then Maybe
orchidee said:

Should I meet her? Is that me, viewing about 25 times of the 27 views (last time I looked), to see if I should meet her? lol.

May 9th, 2022 14:24

Every Now and Then Maybe
Christina8 said:

This is wonderful! Your sense of longing can be felt miles away! I think we\'ve all had this experience...C

May 9th, 2022 10:21

Every Now and Then Maybe
L. B. Mek said:

\'distance, makes the heart...\'
and then
a year after, getting together
\'we\'re breaking Olympic records
for packing bags...\'
(a wonderful shorty
sorry I tilted the angle to humour
just in one of those moods, my friend)

May 9th, 2022 06:03

Every Now and Then Maybe
Rozina said:

Sigh and sigh again.....memories

May 9th, 2022 05:28

Every Now and Then Maybe
dusk arising said:

There are some things we miss in this life much much more than others. Like the sweetness of strawberries which you would never miss had not your tastebuds been excited so.

The one that got away - a sweet taste lingering in the buds which have known passion, love and the zest of fulfillment and crave, crave that taste.

May 9th, 2022 04:17

Miss. Lock Memories
LMTobin said:

This was just a joy to read! Those sweet crushes in our youth. You captured it so well!

May 8th, 2022 21:16

Dun a Runna
SureshG said:

Well god Dummit
He outdun me by 29 minnit

May 8th, 2022 18:31

Dun a Runna
SureshG said:

Well god Dummit
He outdun me by 29 minnit

May 8th, 2022 18:31

Miss. Lock Memories
Fay Slimm. said:

First love is always one we remember and your look-back dazzles with what you at that tender age noticed so clearly - skirt lengths and hair styles took precedence over lollies etc when Miss Lock was spotted by young romantics like you.... bless ya for not growing out of that sentimental phase mon ami ...............x

May 7th, 2022 21:41

Miss. Lock Memories
SureshG said:

I had the most brutish BROTHERS, so no such frock, thus no such luck or Ms Lock.
Thoroughly enjoyed your post.

May 7th, 2022 19:09

Miss. Lock Memories
Rozina said:

So sweet. A memory to recall again and again.

May 7th, 2022 18:15

Miss. Lock Memories
ChrisLynđź•Š said:

I loved the description, this poem is so raw and beautiful ♥️

May 7th, 2022 13:44

Miss. Lock Memories
Jerry Reynolds said:

A fine read, Neville.
Memories are persistent, aren\'t they?

May 7th, 2022 13:39

Miss. Lock Memories
Bella Shepard said:

Bursting with the sweet experience of awakenings of the heart. No matter how long ago, it stays with you forever because it was perfect. Thank you for this lovely poem.

May 7th, 2022 13:09

Miss. Lock Memories
Accidental Poet said:

Those first loves get ya every time. Straight to my favs with this one N. 🥰

May 7th, 2022 12:37

All the Words He Left Trapped in Her Throat
SureshG said:

It is undoubtedly an act, committed in the heat of passion, for what else may I conclude from these passionate words

May 7th, 2022 10:48

Wind Dancer .. a Haiku
Dove said:

Beautiful imagery

May 7th, 2022 10:28

Upon Reflections Shattered
Dove said:

Beautiful…. That’s my problem, I already look back,

May 7th, 2022 10:28

No Looking Back Again
Dove said:

Young love, leaves the door open , mature love doesn’t care. True love embraces the closure,
Excellent poem

May 7th, 2022 10:25

Dun a Runna
Dove said:

Oh my , I hope his love making was memorable, lol

May 7th, 2022 10:22

All the Words He Left Trapped in Her Throat
Dove said:

A Whisper, a scream muffled no doubt by tears, “Frankly Scarlet, I don’t give a damn”
Oh Rhett, please don’t leave me, lol

May 7th, 2022 10:20

All the Words He Left Trapped in Her Throat
Goldfinch60 said:

Intriguing words Neville.


May 7th, 2022 00:53

All the Words He Left Trapped in Her Throat
Rozina said:

Wonder what she was going to say? What could she have said that would make you stay? Just curious as usual! A great write.

May 6th, 2022 18:12

All the Words He Left Trapped in Her Throat
MendedFences27 said:

Funny how one small moment in time, when actions speak louder than words, can change the trajectory of a developing relationship. When heartfelt sentiment shows the truth, words unheard must remain thus.
Human nature is one of poetry\'s greatest subjects and carries with it the danger for the poet offending readers. Such is the fallibility of mankind.
Your poem is direct in painting the scene, with the reader judging on their own the value of its portrayal. I personally felt you hit the nail on the head. The un-described characters in your poem are there only to bring out the message. The scene is humanity at its nadir and ends as it should with exposure of his failings. A very intense and forthright portrayal of humankind. Loved it - Phil A.

May 6th, 2022 14:45

All the Words He Left Trapped in Her Throat
Accidental Poet said:

She was just about to say, \"I love you\", but he was too afraid that those would not be the words she would say.

May 6th, 2022 12:12

All the Words He Left Trapped in Her Throat
Christina8 said:

Haunting, which leaves me to wonder, what did she say? Well, Bullet, you\'ve gone and done it again----excellent write!!!

May 6th, 2022 08:27

Dun a Runna
Rocky Lagou said:

Hehe! This actually made me laugh then made me think, \"gosh, c\'mon can\'t we just go at least one day without heartbreak?\" I see you wrote this a while ago though, we\'re all immature during our younger years.

May 6th, 2022 08:15

All the Words He Left Trapped in Her Throat
L. B. Mek said:

ha! that\'s crazy
how our offerings sync-up
in theme, so often
\'our callous indifference
in the choices we make\'...
this subtly, inconsequential
(at initial appearance)
is one of your deepest write\'s
\'in my humble opinion\'..
(when we leave
and they\'re left, to choke
on the unsaid
we left in place, untouched
when at a fingertips
distance, choosing to ignore
that opportunity
to salvage their shattered, hopes
from evolving, in-to
a decimated heart\'s, irreversible
are we, selfish perpetrators
or merely: survivors
escaping from that inevitable
tertiary blast
of a broken romance\'s, consequences...?)
if I read your poetry differently
than your intent, dear Poet

May 6th, 2022 05:57

All the Words He Left Trapped in Her Throat
Fay Slimm. said:

A haunt of a read which describes so aptly a runaway guy blind to his actions..............x

May 6th, 2022 03:12

Dun a Runna
Goldfinch60 said:

Back in the day eh Neville.


May 6th, 2022 00:29

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