Comments received on poems by Neville
Fay Slimm. said:
Top drawer descriptions of the disequilibrium this world has achieved Nev. - - another strong gem to put in my faves.
February 26th, 2020 10:53
Fay Slimm. said:
Top drawer descriptions of the disequilibrium this world has achieved Nev. - - another strong gem to put in my faves.
February 26th, 2020 10:53
dusk arising said:
Reality shouts from your piece today. For some of us life and living can seem a contradiction to what is supposed to be. And on spins the planet regardless.
First class writing again.
February 26th, 2020 06:23
dusk arising said:
Reality shouts from your piece today. For some of us life and living can seem a contradiction to what is supposed to be. And on spins the planet regardless.
First class writing again.
February 26th, 2020 06:23
Locked Out
🐤s.zaynab.kamoonpuri🌷🐦😽 said:
Aw really? Life must be super tough for orphans and you gave a poetic snapshot when the sad thing happened. You wrote it in a touching evocative way. Kudos.
Pls Pleez do read my newest poem too!
February 26th, 2020 01:11
🐤s.zaynab.kamoonpuri🌷🐦😽 said:
Aw really? Life must be super tough for orphans and you gave a poetic snapshot when the sad thing happened. You wrote it in a touching evocative way. Kudos.
Pls Pleez do read my newest poem too!
February 26th, 2020 01:11
Locked Out
SureshG said:
Was it a key to the heart?
Once broken, love was orphaned
Nothing was ever the same again -
February 19th, 2020 00:59
SureshG said:
Was it a key to the heart?
Once broken, love was orphaned
Nothing was ever the same again -
February 19th, 2020 00:59
Locked Out
orchidee said:
A fine write Neville - different layers of meaning in this.
I saw a door with no handle even, on the outside! Maybe people can only exit by it, or it is now a \'former door\', boarded up - as good as.
A new loo was ready at a place, but no door handle or lock. Most embarrassing. To risk using it, one had to use sticky tape - or whistle a tune while in there! All fixed now. Phew!
February 16th, 2020 03:30
orchidee said:
A fine write Neville - different layers of meaning in this.
I saw a door with no handle even, on the outside! Maybe people can only exit by it, or it is now a \'former door\', boarded up - as good as.
A new loo was ready at a place, but no door handle or lock. Most embarrassing. To risk using it, one had to use sticky tape - or whistle a tune while in there! All fixed now. Phew!
February 16th, 2020 03:30
Locked Out
Goldfinch60 said:
With the key broken in the lock there are still ways of getting passed that door into new and better life.
February 16th, 2020 01:04
Goldfinch60 said:
With the key broken in the lock there are still ways of getting passed that door into new and better life.
February 16th, 2020 01:04
Locked Out
MendedFences27 said:
When any key breaks in any lock it\'s because they are not a match. In a relationship, when they are not a match, it\'s time to go separate way, to be orphans from that hope.
Well, this is written to be open to many ideas of meaning. Most will see it as a love relationship gone bad.A very succinct and poignant poem. A thought provoker.. - Phil A.
February 15th, 2020 23:18
MendedFences27 said:
When any key breaks in any lock it\'s because they are not a match. In a relationship, when they are not a match, it\'s time to go separate way, to be orphans from that hope.
Well, this is written to be open to many ideas of meaning. Most will see it as a love relationship gone bad.A very succinct and poignant poem. A thought provoker.. - Phil A.
February 15th, 2020 23:18
Locked Out
Fay Slimm. said:
And what of the meaning behind this intriguing imagery my eloquent friend - - Well I see a broken key in a locked door barring future access to those we can trust as tantamount to being orphaned and in a suddenly changed environment accepting the need to go it alone
- or am I down the swanee agen ?. Anyway this was a very engaging read.............. x Fay
February 15th, 2020 17:09
Fay Slimm. said:
And what of the meaning behind this intriguing imagery my eloquent friend - - Well I see a broken key in a locked door barring future access to those we can trust as tantamount to being orphaned and in a suddenly changed environment accepting the need to go it alone
- or am I down the swanee agen ?. Anyway this was a very engaging read.............. x Fay
February 15th, 2020 17:09
Locked Out
Laura🌻 said:
When that key breaks in that lock, it is very difficult to restore that broken key!
A lot of meaning into this one!
February 15th, 2020 13:54
Laura🌻 said:
When that key breaks in that lock, it is very difficult to restore that broken key!
A lot of meaning into this one!
February 15th, 2020 13:54
Locked Out
dusk arising said:
When my key broke in her lock we knew that we would have to find something else to do the job. Things were different but she still smiles a lot.
You took me for a ride along my imagination\'s trail. A road less travelled? I\'m afraid not.
I like this because your reader can go so many places with the result.
February 15th, 2020 13:53
dusk arising said:
When my key broke in her lock we knew that we would have to find something else to do the job. Things were different but she still smiles a lot.
You took me for a ride along my imagination\'s trail. A road less travelled? I\'m afraid not.
I like this because your reader can go so many places with the result.
February 15th, 2020 13:53
orchidee said:
A fine write Neville. please excuse while I collect recycling bin items blown across garden in the wind!
Meanwhile - there may come some good out of it. They could banish me to that floating plastic island, where I could sing for ever! heehee.
February 15th, 2020 13:00
orchidee said:
A fine write Neville. please excuse while I collect recycling bin items blown across garden in the wind!
Meanwhile - there may come some good out of it. They could banish me to that floating plastic island, where I could sing for ever! heehee.
February 15th, 2020 13:00
Goldfinch60 said:
So true we are very much a use an throw away culture. There is no \'fixing things\' any more if it isn\'t working just throw it away and get a new one.
February 15th, 2020 01:53
Goldfinch60 said:
So true we are very much a use an throw away culture. There is no \'fixing things\' any more if it isn\'t working just throw it away and get a new one.
February 15th, 2020 01:53
Goldfinch60 said:
Wonderful write Neville, it took me back to those times when playing with friends was freedom from life into times of wonder.
February 15th, 2020 01:11
Goldfinch60 said:
Wonderful write Neville, it took me back to those times when playing with friends was freedom from life into times of wonder.
February 15th, 2020 01:11
Neville said:
Hey my friend, other angles are always most welcome and much appreciated....thank you for sharing..... Neville
February 14th, 2020 17:08
Neville said:
Hey my friend, other angles are always most welcome and much appreciated....thank you for sharing..... Neville
February 14th, 2020 17:08
MendedFences27 said:
Gee, this being V-day, I thought you were talking about \"Discarded\" hearts. Having been \"Discarded\' more than once I can recall their \"Finger pointing\" and \"mud slinging\" Perhaps. victims of a \"broken\" heart would read this differently. A great poem, I say, even from another angle. _ Phjil A.
February 14th, 2020 17:01
MendedFences27 said:
Gee, this being V-day, I thought you were talking about \"Discarded\" hearts. Having been \"Discarded\' more than once I can recall their \"Finger pointing\" and \"mud slinging\" Perhaps. victims of a \"broken\" heart would read this differently. A great poem, I say, even from another angle. _ Phjil A.
February 14th, 2020 17:01
Fay Slimm. said:
This era has become addicted to temporary thinking and you verse that mentality so well with strong imagery on such \"throw-away-itis\" - - a needed pointer to think on from your talented pen my friend.
February 14th, 2020 09:46
Fay Slimm. said:
This era has become addicted to temporary thinking and you verse that mentality so well with strong imagery on such \"throw-away-itis\" - - a needed pointer to think on from your talented pen my friend.
February 14th, 2020 09:46
dusk arising said:
Yes i had noticed this trend and don\'t care for it.... but the throw away world is changing because we just cant cope with all the stuff we are throwing away..... i.e. carrier bags oh and that floating island the size of france in the middle of the atlantic comprising floating plastics waste.
Why blame the french though? they could have said four times the size of england LOL .. I hope you reuse your carrier bags even if its just to pick up doggy poo.
February 14th, 2020 09:42
dusk arising said:
Yes i had noticed this trend and don\'t care for it.... but the throw away world is changing because we just cant cope with all the stuff we are throwing away..... i.e. carrier bags oh and that floating island the size of france in the middle of the atlantic comprising floating plastics waste.
Why blame the french though? they could have said four times the size of england LOL .. I hope you reuse your carrier bags even if its just to pick up doggy poo.
February 14th, 2020 09:42
orchidee said:
A fine write N. With \'sound of sunlight\', it reminded me of Mr Bean in a restaurant. He got some odd food, and \'listened\' to it with his ear!
February 14th, 2020 03:35
orchidee said:
A fine write N. With \'sound of sunlight\', it reminded me of Mr Bean in a restaurant. He got some odd food, and \'listened\' to it with his ear!
February 14th, 2020 03:35
dusk arising said:
Took me straight to the woods where we used to trek and play when i was a child. Just the sound of trees, insects and birds. But in my mind were the voices of Billy, Johnny, Rod And myself. Carefree and young..... discovering, inventing, playing.
Lovely emotive poetry from you that took me there.
February 13th, 2020 17:51
dusk arising said:
Took me straight to the woods where we used to trek and play when i was a child. Just the sound of trees, insects and birds. But in my mind were the voices of Billy, Johnny, Rod And myself. Carefree and young..... discovering, inventing, playing.
Lovely emotive poetry from you that took me there.
February 13th, 2020 17:51
Fay Slimm. said:
A lyrically emotive piece of writing here Nev. The lilt of long-gone adventures remembered when visiting old places again shines through the flow of your lines and wistfully touches the heart. Trees with low branches in spinneys and hollows must be filled with the spirit of children wanting to be heroes by climbing higher than wise......... yes indeed now
\" tinged with sadness\" but golden were those growing-days my friend. ................x Fay
February 13th, 2020 16:54
Fay Slimm. said:
A lyrically emotive piece of writing here Nev. The lilt of long-gone adventures remembered when visiting old places again shines through the flow of your lines and wistfully touches the heart. Trees with low branches in spinneys and hollows must be filled with the spirit of children wanting to be heroes by climbing higher than wise......... yes indeed now
\" tinged with sadness\" but golden were those growing-days my friend. ................x Fay
February 13th, 2020 16:54
Until Spring
Goldfinch60 said:
Wonderful images of my favourite season of the year, the colour are so wonderful and profound in Autumn.
February 13th, 2020 01:54
Goldfinch60 said:
Wonderful images of my favourite season of the year, the colour are so wonderful and profound in Autumn.
February 13th, 2020 01:54
Until Spring
MendedFences27 said:
I think that leaves are the reason they call it \"Fall\".and maybe why we \"fall\" in love. I loved this description of dancing leaves brought to life in their annual \"leap.\" Those colorful :clouds\" that we tenderly rake into bags or barrels. Some may be followers and others die gloriously in the name of love. Very human-like. A great read/poem. - Phil A.
February 12th, 2020 23:32
MendedFences27 said:
I think that leaves are the reason they call it \"Fall\".and maybe why we \"fall\" in love. I loved this description of dancing leaves brought to life in their annual \"leap.\" Those colorful :clouds\" that we tenderly rake into bags or barrels. Some may be followers and others die gloriously in the name of love. Very human-like. A great read/poem. - Phil A.
February 12th, 2020 23:32
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