Comments received on poems by sorenbarrett

Tears of mercy
Pop64 said:

Death is so often mislabeled, while we here suffer a a loss, the one who has passed is no longer suffering. I saw that with my parents when they left this world. Their suffering was finally over. THank you for this reminder.

October 5th, 2023 14:35

Tears of mercy
Teddy.15 said:

I could never deny how much I love your poetry death is not the enemy 🤗 wonderful powerful and truly a pleasure. ❤️

October 5th, 2023 04:34

Tears of mercy
orchidee said:

A fine write SB.

October 5th, 2023 02:43

Tears of mercy
Goldfinch60 said:

Those last two line are so meaningful to me as I was at my wife\'s side when she passed and it gave a release for both of us.


October 5th, 2023 01:17

The greatest poem
Iqra Khan said:

You steal my soul..Ah!!

October 4th, 2023 06:24

The greatest poem
Christina8 said:

I really liked this poem a lot, even the introductory verse quite stunned me....the thought that most have at least a few great poems within us made me smile!

October 4th, 2023 03:22

The greatest poem
Goldfinch60 said:

Such true words soren.


October 4th, 2023 00:53

The greatest poem
Pop64 said:

If only poetry could serve to influence the negative so it could be positive, the bad so it could be good. It\'s a beautiful write, on that makes me wish for such a poem, that could inspire goodness. The world\'s leaders would need to read it.

October 3rd, 2023 13:22

The greatest poem
orchidee said:

And now an unfinished poem/story from me: \'Once upon a time, Erm.......\' lol.

October 3rd, 2023 04:51

The greatest poem
Teddy.15 said:

Oh so very sad, I do believe a poem is never finished personally, so there is still time. My dear sorenbarret such beauty withing the lines of such tragedy. ❤️ epaecially as poems a very rarely recognised for their true value at least until a poet becomes well known and or has kicked ones bucket. ❤️ a wonderful provocative piece.

October 3rd, 2023 00:21

Pop64 said:

Tech has done that to so many relationships. Ironic, the very thing that\'s supposed to be considered advancement is ultimately the demise of relationships and growth. Very well written and communicated.

October 2nd, 2023 07:43

L. B. Mek said:

in our search for progress
we strip away what truly matters
well most do, rest of us
are left behind, holding-on
choosing to believe
there\'s someone who can understand
and feel the same, somewhere...
(a poignant, relatable
and sobering read, dear Poet)
thank you!

October 2nd, 2023 04:44

Goldfinch60 said:

So true for so many people soren.


October 2nd, 2023 01:04

orchidee said:

A fine write SB.

October 1st, 2023 07:28

Teddy.15 said:

Yes, totally in agreement dear Sorenbarret how so beautifully expressed. My son is 10 I feel every bit of this poem he thinks I\'m mean as I don\'t let him have all the technology his friends have I limit it. I only hope one day he will thank me. It\'s hard in today\'s world 🌎❣️

October 1st, 2023 05:36

On the edge of a dream
Goldfinch60 said:

Wonderful words soren, I was taken there as well.


October 1st, 2023 01:04

On the edge of a dream
orchidee said:

Good write SB.

September 29th, 2023 07:23

On the edge of a dream
Pop64 said:

Aah, this read is magical with its created tone, rhyme and flow as they all weave into the write that provides beauty of the dream. Well done!

September 29th, 2023 05:32

On the edge of a dream
L. B. Mek said:

on the edge of dreams
where poetic imagery
is delivered exquisite
abundant in each line...
so well written dear Poet
(vividity at its refined finest)

September 29th, 2023 05:12

Blind poet
L. B. Mek said:

Oh this flow, so effortless
Yet punctuated by raw energy
I bet this was a one session write
Insightful, vulnerable
with practised skill!
i Love this!
Thank you! dear Poet

September 29th, 2023 04:58

On the edge of a dream
Teddy.15 said:

You took me into my very own dream of reading such poetic verse. Wow wow loved your first stanza for the imagery I do love the clouds, a superb poem. You should definitely take a bow sir. Wonderful.

September 29th, 2023 04:37

Pop64 said:

Then so be it, be a mockingbird and fill our ears with song and eyes with words. Beautiful!

September 28th, 2023 09:03

Blind poet
Bobby O said:

I love that last line. It adds a power and calls out the necessity that a humble poet impacts with hallowed status.

September 28th, 2023 00:40

Blind poet
Doggerel Dave said:

You like the challenges (done in different schemes before) None the worse for that, Soren.

September 27th, 2023 18:06

Blind poet
Pop64 said:

The travesty is that the poem ended. Subject matter to the poet is many times irrelevant as a poem can take form from a single word, as it then births the subject. But, in retrospect, this write makes perfect sense. Well done!

September 27th, 2023 08:30

Blind poet
orchidee said:

That\'s a lot of \'itys\'! lol.
Heehee how about fiendish difficult to rhyme words, like courage, orange, even God? I fit Him in, but rarely at the end of lines of poetry!
And who is Kudos? I\'m talking rubbish now!

September 27th, 2023 05:06

Blind poet
Teddy.15 said:

Poetry at it\'s finest verse dear Sorenbarret utter beauty and a vision of something we are all blinded by. Kudos sir.

September 27th, 2023 05:03

Between a rock and a hard place
Neville said:

not a good place to be .. wrong place and wrong time .. nature eh who would have it .. a captivating account of true events is hard to beat in whatever form it is delivered .. 10/10 ... Neville

September 26th, 2023 06:53

Between a rock and a hard place
Goldfinch60 said:

Superb words soren, such a moving poem.


September 26th, 2023 01:18

Between a rock and a hard place
Teddy.15 said:

An outstanding piece of poetry. Your last lines had my hairs standing on the back of my neck. Kudos. ❤️

September 25th, 2023 10:40

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