Comments received on poems by Poetic Dan

Neville said:

This is brilliant & nobody can take that away from ya.... Neville

May 12th, 2019 05:43

11 years of absorbing, thank you to all
Goldfinch60 said:

WE go through our lives and find all kinds of obstacles in the way but every time we overcome one obstacle it becomes part of our experience and each experience teaches us a better way. Your words show that your path ahead of you will have less obstacles the further along it you go. You have come a long way and your life is already easier. Good write Dan.

May 12th, 2019 00:18

11 years of absorbing, thank you to all
Michael Edwards said:

An engaging and wise read Dan.

May 11th, 2019 23:42

11 years of absorbing, thank you to all
Suresh said:

Past was past, washed by your efforts, away
The journey was drenched in many a tears they say
What\'s encouraging is that you\'re no longer in its sway
And your writings tell us you are in a happier place, today

Words well chosen by you

May 11th, 2019 14:25

11 years of absorbing, thank you to all
orchidee said:

It\'s all my fault, these troubles, plus torments, you\'ve had, cos I kept singing for 11 years. I was horrible. I would not stop. It was too much for you to absorb! heehee.

May 11th, 2019 11:20

11 years of absorbing, thank you to all
dusk arising said:

Many wise phrases here Dan. Like teachings, they are thought provoking and a comfort too.

They show that we all have our individual cross to bear. Collectively, sharing such pearls of wisdom as you have shown us today, we can encourage thought provoking self healing in those we encounter.

Walk tall.

May 11th, 2019 07:39

11 years of absorbing, thank you to all
dusk arising said:

Many wise phrases here Dan. Like teachings, they are thought provoking and a comfort too.

They show that we all have our individual cross to bear. Collectively, sharing such pearls of wisdom as you have shown us today, we can encourage thought provoking self healing in those we encounter.

Walk tall.

May 11th, 2019 04:18

We\'re all needed
Goldfinch60 said:

That inner you is healing day by day Dan and before very long that process will be complete and freedom into your new world will be complete.

May 11th, 2019 00:29

We\'re all needed
kevin browne said:

How many of us have experienced a drunkeness that in the morning your\'re either in a police cell, a secure unit or hospital and the best bit about all that is you can\'t remember what the heck happened. I spent my 20\'s working abroad, earning good money and whooping it right up till the sky fell on my head. Had to get out of there in the end. Wen\'t back to England and calmed down a bit. Your poem ignites many, many memories and of memories not being able to remember them, Knees up a boozy well done.

May 10th, 2019 12:06

We\'re all needed
Suresh said:

The hardest step is wanting -----
wanting to detoxify
You HAVE crossed that bridge,

May 10th, 2019 11:12

We\'re all needed
orchidee said:

Only thing not needed is my singing, but it never stops - can\'t be helped! lol.

May 10th, 2019 04:34

We\'re all needed
Fay Slimm. said:

a wonderful rhyme of sound advice Dan - we all need each other to help heal deep wounds.

May 10th, 2019 04:31

We\'re all needed
dusk arising said:

Ooooppss, i\'m imagining a boozey Dan singing as he trudges home.
In such a state the inner you could be Guinness,... now who would want to lose track of that? So long as you keep it inside and dont have an accidental.... puke.... oooppsss too late!.... what a waste of good hard earned cash.... oh, it wasn\'t your round ... a freebie, well who cares then ....\" show me the way to go home, i\'m tired and etc etc\"

May 10th, 2019 03:08

We\'re all needed
orchidee said:

Boo hoo! I never have any fun, or \'live it up\'. Me pesky watchdog, Fido, barks at me, the first chance I get of anything exciting! heehee.
He reads the saucy poems on here you know - a dog that reads. Oh yes! lol.

May 10th, 2019 03:03

It\'s not a crime to rhyme
dusk arising said:

You\'ve really come to terms with the aid poetry to self help and healing Dan.
Now its a tool in your sophisticated \"life\'s toolbox\" and you are well on ya way to mastercraftmanship.

You have inspired me today to write a piece which i shall publish tomorrow.

May 9th, 2019 16:13

It\'s not a crime to rhyme
Michael Edwards said:

Ah yes - the written word can soothe the soul - great stuff PD

May 9th, 2019 13:12

It\'s not a crime to rhyme
moordykspot2 said:

A delicate write full of thought provoking ending with words of courage Thank you

May 9th, 2019 12:22

It\'s not a crime to rhyme
Suresh said:

What\'s written down is silent
Till someone gives it voice

Let\'s start shouting

May 9th, 2019 10:45

It\'s not a crime to rhyme
orchidee said:

Yes, writing thing down can help. Pity I was singing at the time. That\'s enough to cause anyone to wobble - out of utter agony! lol.

May 9th, 2019 03:53

It\'s not a crime to rhyme
Goldfinch60 said:

It is amazing how words written down can take the hurt and sorrow from your body and mind. It is so therapeutic to write. Keep it up Dan.

May 9th, 2019 03:20

Bum lie
Goldfinch60 said:

There are so many paths in our lives, those in power try to send you down the paths that they want you to go, to go their way, well their way is often wrong. We must travel our own paths to reach the fulfilment in our lives that we all deserve.

May 9th, 2019 00:28

Bum lie
Suresh said:

Amazing piece, encompassing emotions of where you are and what could be.

May 8th, 2019 10:30

Bum lie
Fay Slimm. said:

This has to be one of your best Dan - - loved the title and what it portrayed - - your late-night writing expresses poetically every last drop of your chosen subject. Great read.

May 8th, 2019 06:02

Bum lie
dusk arising said:

Oh that life were simple, but that would merely present us a different set of frustrations.
We are each born into the system, a product of wherever our parents fitted into it.
Fortunately we have the intelligence to perceive another way, though its questionably better? for crooks and deceivers would still be amongst us.

You sure know how to get the juices flowing when you write provocatively.

May 8th, 2019 05:12

Bum lie
orchidee said:

A fine write Dan. Erm, I\'m not writing this late in the night, as I shall have gone to bed! lol.

May 8th, 2019 04:38

Bum lie
Neville said:

we are fed, or should that be force fed a lot of bum lies throughout our lives... I can imagine you writing away late into the night trying to capture every last drop of that inspiration..... Neville

May 8th, 2019 04:24

Bum lie
dusk arising said:

Oh that life were simple, but that would merely present us a different set of frustrations.
We are each born into the system, a product of wherever our parents fitted into it.
Fortunately we have the intelligence to perceive another way, though its questionably better? for crooks and deceivers would still be amongst us.

You sure know how to get the juices flowing when you write provocatively.

May 8th, 2019 03:46

Find your rhythm
dusk arising said:

Re-align disharmony with the rhythm of a fulfilling life. I used to dance to that rhythm Dan but i fell over LOL

May 7th, 2019 16:38

Find your rhythm
Suresh said:

You have a purpose now, so give it your devotion
Life has a reason, let her fill you with emotions

May 7th, 2019 10:04

Find your rhythm
orchidee said:

A fine write Dan.

May 7th, 2019 08:10

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