Comments received on poems by Poetic Dan

I don\'t know where I\'m going, but I like it!
orchidee said:

Erm, if ya dunno where ya are going, how will ya know when ya get there?! heehee. I know what you mean though. Take the No.7 bus. That may get ya there.

April 5th, 2019 03:17

I don\'t know where I\'m going, but I like it!
Suresh said:

Very enjoyable.
In real life I had an encounter with a humming bird, just an arms length away, which is imprinted on my mind forever.

April 5th, 2019 02:43

I don\'t know where I\'m going, but I like it!
orchidee said:

Good write Dan. Yep, I know. A cat dashed off, once I started to sing. it probably thought I was trying to pick a fight - meoowwooo! ya hear me? lol.

April 5th, 2019 02:23

Goldfinch60 said:

Your strength of character is pulling you through into a wonderful life Dan.

April 4th, 2019 15:15

Suresh said:

The DISTANCE between Knowing and Being
The BATTLE between Knowing and Being
The GAP between Knowing and Being

You have already crossed the difficult hurdle of KNOWING, and now you are well on your way to building the BRIDGE to BEING, as so well expressed in your writings.

April 4th, 2019 11:36

Neville said:

Go well and hold ya head up along the way... a post to be proud of sir... and thoroughly enjoyed.... Neville

April 4th, 2019 10:38

dusk arising said:

\"Knowing is just half, \'Being\' is the other step. Wise words but....
Consider... \'Being\' surely carries with it an awareness of what brought us to where we are today. What we were and how we carry the self knowledge that, for us, striving to surmount inner turmoil created by influences/people/parents beyond our control has been a battle courageously fought and won.
Consider also.... the most courageous of heroes do have flash backs and are temporarily in a bad place...

You have same hairstyle as that lion.

April 4th, 2019 06:34

orchidee said:

I\'m a bit lost, as to what the deep rooted feeling is.

April 4th, 2019 04:08

sylviasearcher said:

You’re a lion!

April 4th, 2019 03:09

From overseas
sylviasearcher said:

Your love poems are your best, must say something about your truth...

I can never write good love poems!

April 4th, 2019 01:35

From overseas
Goldfinch60 said:

That \'click\' has changed your life into the wonder of love, may it grow from strength to strength as I am sure it will.

April 4th, 2019 00:04

From overseas
Suresh said:

Share in her true beauty.

Lovely Dan

April 3rd, 2019 11:18

From overseas
Nafis Light said:

It\'s fun reading this, and even more while playing that video.

With Love and Laughter,

April 3rd, 2019 08:20

From overseas
Fay Slimm. said:

A wonderful find is a love from distant lands - congrats dear Dan - here\'s wishing you growing happiness

April 3rd, 2019 04:31

From overseas
orchidee said:

A fine write Dan.

April 3rd, 2019 04:13

From overseas
Neville said:

as far as I am concerned, this is not only delightful... it is probably your best yet..... Neville

April 3rd, 2019 03:58

Stop questioning!
Goldfinch60 said:

Those questions will soon be β€œWhy were things that bad? When now all is fine.”

April 2nd, 2019 15:31

Stop questioning!
dusk arising said:

Be gentle with yourself friend. Life dealt you a hard hand early on and you didn\'t know how to play that hand well. I think you show us all that in giving of yourself you receive tenfold back and you have grown so much, you know this, it stands out in your writing.
But be gentle with yourself, old habits, old ways do not just disappear, they come back at moments when we are susceptible. Wisdom pushes them away and apologises.
You seem to have a good loving company around you... they wouldn\'t be there if you were not worthy.
I remember putting petrol into my diesel van one night, damn thing wouldnt go as fast as before... it didnt like starting the next day either. Another old habit from my petrol van days. Doh!

April 2nd, 2019 13:14

Stop questioning!
Fay Slimm. said:

Yes too much questioning can lead to discouragement Dan - hope soon you will be assured as to your value my friend.

April 2nd, 2019 09:01

Stop questioning!
orchidee said:

I got a question....? Oops I gotta stop questioning too! heeee.

April 2nd, 2019 07:28

Warning! Magic is not always pretty
Goldfinch60 said:

Magic is there in our lives and can cure many ills.

April 2nd, 2019 00:22

Warning! Magic is not always pretty
FineB said:

A good poem Dan.

We all need magic on our lives to make life exciting.

Keep writing FineB.

April 1st, 2019 15:10

Warning! Magic is not always pretty
dusk arising said:

If you were a crab, you could re-grow a leg you know... dont try it... crabs walk funny!
Yes OK i know you got legless on friday but it\'s not the same thing.

April 1st, 2019 06:07

Warning! Magic is not always pretty
orchidee said:

Not yer usual magic? Swoon! lol.

April 1st, 2019 03:11

Sometimes I forget
sylviasearcher said:

Heartfelt, you are both very lucky πŸ₯°

April 1st, 2019 02:04

Sometimes I forget
Jeffrey Roy said:

Very nice poem !! Thank you for sharing.

April 1st, 2019 01:11

Sometimes I forget
Goldfinch60 said:

Your life has moved on into a wonderful place Dan, well done.

April 1st, 2019 00:56

Sometimes I forget
dusk arising said:

There\'s love in them there words mister. And lots of it.
Difficult times of disturbed nights, bleary eyed mornings, screaming/wailing baby and extra chores can cloud the love between two people.
But those quiet together times are still there to share the glow of a successful loving pairing.

You lucky people.

March 31st, 2019 05:17

Sometimes I forget
Fay Slimm. said:

A lovely and loving Mothers Day tribute to the special lady in your life dear Dan - - have s great Sunday with hugs - - xx from Fay

March 31st, 2019 04:32

Sometimes I forget
Poetic Dan said:

This song was just chosen after reading goldfinch post today!
Did make me giggle....

March 31st, 2019 04:29

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