Comments received on poems by Poetic Dan

Body m.o.t
Fay Slimm. said:

A haunt ot a read Dan - here\'s ho;ping those holes mend soon with lessons learnt - - - hugs meanwhile to you for this honest posting.

March 19th, 2019 06:18

Lost tickets to ride
Goldfinch60 said:

Keep following the path ahead of you, it is the right one.

March 18th, 2019 15:52

Lost tickets to ride
Nicholas Browning said:

Pain and loss are teachers. They teach us that things we love are not permanent, and that we need to be aware of what it\'s like to love and lose. You have chosen to accept this, and become a better person from it. Truly a wonder. Thank you for the write and share, it\'s a lovely piece of dedicated resolution decided by your nature and the flip of a coin. You\'re doing just fine, methinks.
Best regards, Dan.

March 18th, 2019 14:15

Lost tickets to ride
Fay Slimm. said:

Good vibes all the way through these poignant lines Dan........ keep going straight ahead but remembering those who looked too far behind.

March 18th, 2019 13:22

Lost tickets to ride
orchidee said:

Was that the coin you flipped 24 years ago and lost it, then found it again?!

March 18th, 2019 11:28

Lost tickets to ride
Suresh said:


Tragically poignant

March 18th, 2019 10:17

Lost tickets to ride
Burning Crow said:

Very moving piece.

\"I found a coin that was heads up
Letting me know to never stop
Keep my tail pointing in the past
Looking back with gentler hearts\"

I think that that is great way to look at life.
Well done.

March 18th, 2019 08:19

Smokey Jo
Goldfinch60 said:

Wonderful positive write Dan, thoroughly enjoyed your words.

March 18th, 2019 01:39

Smokey Jo
Nicholas Browning said:

The message rings like the chime of a bell.
Be who you want!
As long as you\'re not a murderer or anything of that nature.

March 18th, 2019 01:06

Smokey Jo
Suresh said:

Everything is Relative
All is Relative
Existence is Relative
And in the absence of WHY
Knowing is Relative

March 17th, 2019 11:38

Smokey Jo
orchidee said:

A fine write Dan. Pfftt! I\'ve gone up in smoke. Call me Genie! lol.

March 17th, 2019 07:44

Smokey Jo
Mil57Man said:

A beautiful write, informative to like Smokey Joe said, we\'re just passing through, so do your do.

Just live it right, don\'t worry about money and fame because in the after life everybody will know your name.

March 17th, 2019 07:18

Lucky dip
Goldfinch60 said:

Beautiful write about a wonderful time, may you all be blessed.

March 17th, 2019 01:36

Lucky dip
dusk arising said:

Oh you lucky people! Great time of life for you both..... ahead are sleepless nights and puke stained clothes.... and the most marvellous days of your life.

March 16th, 2019 07:40

Lucky dip
orchidee said:

A lovely write Dan. Not fantasy like Emmerdale, where half of them are past it, but say they\'re expecting! Miraculous! Doh!

March 16th, 2019 06:27

Lucky dip
Fay Slimm. said:

Best of warm wishes Dan - - I love that last stanza - -so good to know things are turning out well and the future is bright.

March 16th, 2019 04:07

Lucky dip
sylviasearcher said:

Congratulations! You show such strength and resilience and hope in all your poems!

March 16th, 2019 03:47

Lucky dip
Michael Edwards said:

Really touched by this - good on yer Dan.

March 16th, 2019 03:21

Lucky dip
Nicholas Browning said:

Well hey, what a nice story to hear. Glad you guys pulled through, Dan.
Congrats, and best of luck being a father!

March 16th, 2019 03:14

No umbrella
orchidee said:

Ah yes, umbrella not much use in gales. We need hoods, but even they can blow down. I\'m gonna be \'hoodie\'! lol.

March 16th, 2019 03:08

No umbrella
Goldfinch60 said:

The good hews is there for you Dan, let the light go.

March 15th, 2019 15:56

No umbrella
Nicholas Browning said:

A strange piece of multiple questions: \"To fight or run\", \"To try and fail?\", \"To become clean if I make the choice?\". I like this a lot, Dan.

March 15th, 2019 15:45

No umbrella
Michael Edwards said:

Oooh - fester not - the worlds your oyster (actually there\'s not much room in an oyster).

March 15th, 2019 15:32

No umbrella
orchidee said:

You got that brolly yet?! lol.

March 15th, 2019 14:57

No umbrella
sylviasearcher said:

Do you have some good news?
Choosing to fester... I know that feeling.
It’s choosing when to rest and when to fight?
Biding your time.
Until you fly!

March 15th, 2019 10:58

Father & lover I should need be no other
Goldfinch60 said:

That future is progressing in a wonderful way in you life Dan, look forward to your wonderful life.

March 14th, 2019 01:15

Father & lover I should need be no other
dusk arising said:

I think you know where i\'m coming from on this sort of stuff before i say anything. You is you and there\'s no one else like you. Same for everyone else. And you\'ve as much right to be whatever you are as anyone else has.
Advice? my advice would be... smile lots.... dont bash your head jumping through van windows... and be positive..... nuff said?
Mines a pint.

March 13th, 2019 12:59

Father & lover I should need be no other
orchidee said:

And now a spurious saying not to be taken on board: \'When one door opens, another one slams in ya face!\' heehee.

March 13th, 2019 10:46

Father & lover I should need be no other
Nicholas Browning said:

I do enjoy the message. Keep the future in mind but not at the cost of the happiness you currently have. My dad always used to say, \"The more you laugh the longer you live.\" Maybe he\'s right though.
Another thing to add, a saying I came up with when I was younger. \"Never give up silver for a chance to find gold.\" That pertains to the aspect of enjoying your happiness that you mentioned. I really like this one, Dan. Keep your chin up, and best regards in your endeavor to maintain that balance.

March 13th, 2019 05:22

Everywhere I look around
dusk arising said:

Nuts to everything, spring is in the air .... and you have loadsa life and verve in ya to really enjoy it.

I really sense in you that the cloak under which your thoughts have struggled over the years is something you have come to terms with and can now wear as a medal of honour only you know is there. Now you know your worth and how your troubles have given you strength.
Go forth, now in your prime of manhood, and bloody well enjoy life M8.... you deserve to... so get on with it !!!

March 13th, 2019 04:37

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