Comments received on poems by BRIAN & ANGELA

FRIENDS ~ An Anaphoric Sonnet
Hopey_xx said:

A great poem Brian! Without friends, what would we be?

May 20th, 2017 16:36

FRIENDS ~ An Anaphoric Sonnet
swingline said:

Jesus is our greatest friend as you have already pointed out Brian . All other friends come and go but Jesus is there forever .

May 20th, 2017 05:54

FRIENDS ~ An Anaphoric Sonnet
Fay Slimm. said:

Friends are a gift indeed and you verse them so well in this form
of sonnet - - well done again Brian.

May 20th, 2017 02:01

FRIENDS ~ An Anaphoric Sonnet
Michael Edwards said:

Without friends life is empty - must get to know Ana Phoric - seems like another bit of poetic fun.

May 20th, 2017 01:41

FRIENDS ~ An Anaphoric Sonnet
Goldfinch60 said:

Friends are to be treasured at all times, especially in the bad times in your life.

May 20th, 2017 01:27

FRIENDS ~ An Anaphoric Sonnet
orchidee said:

A fine amp-wotsit. Oh I can\'t say these unusual words when I\'ve had a few sherries! I\'m known for them, and for pork pies! (99% tee total really!).

May 20th, 2017 01:24

Beyondblessedmeasures said:

God be the glory

May 20th, 2017 00:23

orchidee said:

A fine write. I rather wasted all day, finding out what Carpe Wotsit meant! heehee. By the time I found out, there was no day left to seize!

May 19th, 2017 09:18

Goldfinch60 said:

Every day is special, thank God.

May 19th, 2017 07:49

swingline said:

Life is constructed out of those bricks called days . Sort of a time share leased by God .

May 19th, 2017 06:42

Michael Edwards said:

Seize it indeed - nice one B

May 19th, 2017 04:36

PATIENCE ~ An Acrostic
Magali Aguilar Solorza said:

Beautiful your feeling, it is nice to read to you.

May 19th, 2017 00:24

PATIENCE ~ An Acrostic
Christina8 said:

Very wise poem. We should be patient with all fellow mankind. If we could just slow down like you said we\'d be less anxious and more balanced. Great topic! Hugs-Christina

May 18th, 2017 11:42

PATIENCE ~ An Acrostic
Michael Edwards said:

My folk tell me I\'m so laid back I\'m almost upside down. Mind you I do get a tad impatient behind elderly drivers who insist on travelling at 20mph slower than the speed limit - and they\'re usually actually younger than me !!

May 18th, 2017 10:48

PATIENCE ~ An Acrostic
orchidee said:

A fine write - though Goldie is going backwards! heehee.

May 18th, 2017 08:35

PATIENCE ~ An Acrostic
Goldfinch60 said:

If I were much slower I would be going backwards. Good write.

May 18th, 2017 08:05

PATIENCE ~ An Acrostic
WriteBeLight said:

Not enough patience in the world Brian. Nice reminder.

May 18th, 2017 05:20

PATIENCE ~ An Acrostic
swingline said:

I take care of my invalid mother who is almost 92 . I have been since 2010 . And of all the tools , skills , and sets of knowledge patience is the key to holding everything together .

May 18th, 2017 04:20

PEANUT BUTTER OK ~ A Rhyming Acrostic Sonnet !
Mandi said:

Love it ❤😊

May 17th, 2017 12:41

PEANUT BUTTER OK ~ A Rhyming Acrostic Sonnet !
WriteBeLight said:

Great one Brian.

May 17th, 2017 11:42

PEANUT BUTTER OK ~ A Rhyming Acrostic Sonnet !
Christina8 said:

Very clever acrostic. \"less windy than baked beans\" gave me a good belly laugh!! You even gave a nod to Elvis! I just don\'t know how you get acrostics to rhyme. I vow one day to make one! Excellent job!! Hugs-Christina

May 17th, 2017 10:41

PEANUT BUTTER OK ~ A Rhyming Acrostic Sonnet !
Tony36 said:

A very tasty write my friend

May 17th, 2017 10:25

PEANUT BUTTER OK ~ A Rhyming Acrostic Sonnet !
swingline said:

PB&J with a cold glass of milk
that is a form of Paradise
dressed up to the hilt .

May 17th, 2017 06:54

PEANUT BUTTER OK ~ A Rhyming Acrostic Sonnet !
Michael Edwards said:

I love it a bit too much - sometimes wish I was allergic to it for my waistline\'s sake - but on second thoughts it can\'t be much fun.

May 17th, 2017 03:55

PEANUT BUTTER OK ~ A Rhyming Acrostic Sonnet !
orchidee said:

A fine write. Eek, except for those allergic to it!

May 17th, 2017 03:25

COUNT BLESSINGS ! A 5 ~ 9 Sonnet
Christina8 said:

Very good message! I like how you ended it. \"It is more blessed to give than to receive\". You are a ray of sunshine on MPS! That\'s for sure. I try to stay positive but I have my days. Great poem! Hugs-Christina

May 16th, 2017 14:20

COUNT BLESSINGS ! A 5 ~ 9 Sonnet
Rajkumar said:

I like it brain

May 16th, 2017 12:34

COUNT BLESSINGS ! A 5 ~ 9 Sonnet
Michael Edwards said:

One small thing every day - even just holding a door for someone - can make such a difference - just think if everyone did one small act of kindness every day what a difference it would make.

May 16th, 2017 10:30

COUNT BLESSINGS ! A 5 ~ 9 Sonnet
orchidee said:

Gimme you lottery winnings! heehee. Nope, Orchi, that\'s not the idea! A fine write.

May 16th, 2017 10:03

COUNT BLESSINGS ! A 5 ~ 9 Sonnet
Fay Slimm. said:

Yes we should be prepared to make a difference and giving to others is one way of showing God\'s purpose for humans on this sad earth. Lovely sonnet Brian.

May 16th, 2017 06:54

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