Comments received on poems by 🐤s.zaynab.kamoonpuri🌷🐦😽

Sing a song of the Taj Mahal
Simple-Man87 said:

Amazing. That flowed so well and I was happy after I read it. It\'s amazing, the intention to find love, not just an attraction. Well done.

August 15th, 2017 09:31

Sing a song of the Taj Mahal
ron parrish aka wordman said:

i have studied about this marvel all through school,but i`m sure it would be breath taking to really be there,,loved the image

August 15th, 2017 08:12

Sing a song of the Taj Mahal
Fay Slimm. said:

\"Marbled dome\" and \"lover\'s shrine\" - you capture the essence of this place of \"romantic secrets\" - - an inspiring read.

August 15th, 2017 04:29

Thoughts on turning 36
Poetic Dan said:

I still claim trees
As if I\'m seventeen
Skateboard with dogs
Like I\'m riding the sea

Age is in the mind
Definitely true
The only problem is
Healing of a bruise

Hope you had a good day and find happiness in age ;)

June 13th, 2017 09:24

Metallic marvels

Ok.. a month after I promise you I will read your latest I really finally got around to doing so now. Read it 3 times and ewvery time got something deeper out of it. The way that you used colors and shapes and metals together it puts a picture in the mind of these things forming together like in the time of creation...I got a very Genesis lie vibe one time...this is the kind of write that can be interpreted in so many ways and will be depending upon the readers mood at that time, where they are in thir own world..many factors could have possible changes of how it is interpreted. Basically, This write is case sensitive per each reader...unique to everyone who reads it... AMAZING JOB...ANd unlie anything I have ever read...This is brilliant! You are always so respectful when you read my wor. You really pay attention and chose such soothing complimentary words in your replies...I apporeach readers and poetess\' such as yourself. TY for this read and for reading!XXOO

June 7th, 2017 05:17

Metallic marvels
Gary Edward Geraci said:

Definitely brings out the earthy volcanologist/geologist/metallurgist in me. I\'m too new at poetry to make light of your craft techniques. Would it be a pun to say it flows nicely? Or just having fun..

April 27th, 2017 22:50

Suicide is NOT the Solution
Gary Edward Geraci said:

This is an ever pertinent message; most of us have lost at least one friend or family member to this evil - this suicide. You employ an engaging formatting with the left to right column alternations: created for me a beat (like a living heartbeat) and an ambience for your pro-life message of hope and vitality. I like your choice of the green color scheme. It also reminded me of the life observed during the spring growing season.

April 27th, 2017 22:30

Metallic marvels
Adrianna Kjeld said:

I absolutely love this, the visual is so appealing. ^~^ Great job!

April 27th, 2017 16:50

Metallic marvels
rrodriguez said:

This is quite nice... I love the imagery of the lava flowing... nicely done!

April 27th, 2017 16:20

Metallic marvels
Michael Edwards said:

Great read - conjures up such great images.

April 27th, 2017 15:36

Metallic marvels
Gino said:

Very nice poem. Very descriptive in the melting of elements,....Love your poem, thanks for sharing.

April 27th, 2017 00:56

Metallic marvels
WriteBeLight said:

Yes a Lava Lamp sounds perfect. Very nice imagery in this poem SZK.

April 26th, 2017 05:22

Humans need a HEREAFTER
Fay Slimm. said:

Thanks for this inspirational read to pursue the belief in a Hereafter. I love the free style you use here and the force of short line adds to its prayerful message to \"work for thy hereafter\" and ask at our earth-end to be placed in \"palatial paradise\" A fine poetic example of faith in the caring and loving unseen.

April 26th, 2017 02:00

My wee special guest
Fay Slimm. said:

A charm of a tribute to the lovely canary - in Cornwall U.K. we have no wild yellow-wings but built an aviary for canaries and love to listen to their trilling songs. As a bird-lover this is a delightful read and thanks for sharing your welcome visitor.

April 26th, 2017 01:52

Metallic marvels
Fay Slimm. said:

Your verse aptly captures the attraction of slow, sensuous melt from solid to dazzling , fragmental mass. Love the image and colour used too. Great read.

April 26th, 2017 01:45

Metallic marvels
orchidee said:

Good write. Yes, similar to water - it can be liquid, steam, or solid.

April 25th, 2017 14:38

Metallic marvels
🐤s.zaynab.kamoonpuri🌷🐦😽 said:

Wow nice to know. w. U had them for real.! I couldn\'t find any in shops here where I live. Thanxx so much for comment.

April 25th, 2017 14:21

My wee special guest
Shakerite said:

That\'s a really good effort S.Zaynab .
Enjoyed it . I also love birds. Especially Robins

March 11th, 2017 00:34

Humans need a HEREAFTER
Hypothesis said:

Yes some of these events are quite unfortunate to be exact. Death is a timely heist. For beliefs if there is truly a afterlife in existence. Only that particular individual him/herself can envision that journey solely alone.

Good read poet.

March 9th, 2017 05:06

My wee special guest
Goldfinch60 said:

Very good write. I encourage birds into my garden and my wife and I get lost in their antics and their songs.

March 9th, 2017 01:45

My wee special guest
Simple-Man87 said:

Love it. Reminds me of a happy Edgar Allen Poe

March 8th, 2017 16:01

My wee special guest
Tony36 said:

Wonderful write

March 8th, 2017 15:21

My wee special guest
WG7 said:

This is a beautiful poem. It was short and sweet and I think it\'s amazing.

March 8th, 2017 11:43

My wee special guest
willyweed said:

he rocks in the tree tops all day long rockin and a boppin and a singing his song, all the little birdies on J bird street love to hear the birdie go tweet tweet tweet. welcome back WW

March 8th, 2017 11:36

Salute the sweet tooth?
Shakerite said:

Love all the treats you mention but alas rounded belly does occur .
Ice cream I my fave yummy.
Good poem

February 1st, 2017 19:52

Humans need a HEREAFTER
ron parrish aka wordman said:

lovely thoughts,and i`m sure it`s very true,

January 29th, 2017 20:03

Humans need a HEREAFTER
Corey said:

I believe in the hereafter, when our best lives will be lived. Your words are pleasantly encouraging. Great write!

January 29th, 2017 12:46

Humans need a HEREAFTER
janetaylor said:

beautifully woven words that uplift and give hope!

January 29th, 2017 12:30

Corey said:

You\'re a beautiful word painter! I enjoyed the images. Thank you.

January 29th, 2017 12:30

Humans need a HEREAFTER
Augustus said:

Very philosophical. Nicely done.

January 29th, 2017 11:44

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