Comments received on poems by 🐤s.zaynab.kamoonpuri🌷🐦😽

Water is life and seems alive
Neville said:

It seems you have got this most precious of commodities off to a fine art ... a very enjoyable and comprehensive post indeed ...

September 12th, 2020 04:04

Water is life and seems alive
jarcher54 said:

Very liquid as others have observed... I had to smile at the blue highlighting... nice touch. The repetition of -ing is very smart, giving a sense of speed. Swirling is much more active than swirl. At the end I felt like I had been carried along in a rushing stream!

September 12th, 2020 01:48

Water is life and seems alive
MelissaJA said:

Love the flow of this! Its very well written

September 11th, 2020 23:06

Water is life and seems alive
Dove said:

My liquid gift to you a single tear!
Excellent write! You Just about captured
Water stirring every where! Nice format
As well!!!

September 11th, 2020 21:53

Water is life and seems alive
ron parrish aka wordman said:

lovely imagery of the movement and critters living everyday lives,i liked it

September 11th, 2020 13:11

Water is life and seems alive
AwHec8 said:

Very Great Write there s.zaynab.kamoonpuri. Don

Please forgive me if this sounds too lighthearted but this Poem immediately caused me to think of a quote from the Movie Dune
\"the water of Life\"
Which really is quite deep if you think about it, just like your words of wisdom here!

September 11th, 2020 07:39

When life was really child\'s play
FineB said:

Hi szaynab,

The innocence of childhood.

I am glad I grew up when I did.

Being a child now is tough.

A wonderful unforgettable poem.

Keep writing ✍ and safe during these challenging times.

September 11th, 2020 04:47

The better Gems
L. B. Mek said:

wonderfully written, imbued with so much passion and packed with creative metaphors

September 11th, 2020 03:00

Water is life and seems alive
orchidee said:

Good write, and erm, yes, all what Brian & Angela said. It\'s true you know, though I don\'t know all the scientific explanations myself!

September 11th, 2020 01:53

Water is life and seems alive
Trenz Pruca said:

I liked the rhythm, movement, and sensibility. Keep it up.

September 11th, 2020 01:15

Water is life and seems alive
Fay Slimm. said:

You capture the movement of water so well with your tempo and style - a wonderful look at the gift water is to the wide world of culture and how we should measure its value as precious to life. Full marks for such an engaging read.

September 10th, 2020 15:58

Water is life and seems alive

ANGELA HERE ~ Good Evening Friend ! The FOUR main things that make the Earth *The only Living Planet in the Solar System* are Fertile Soil ~ 21% Oxygen in the Atmosphere ~ an abundance of Liquid Water & an average temperature of 16C (= 61F) These four factors support the lives of the thousands of species of Flora & Fauna living in equilibrium on Planet Earth. Our two Neighbours in Space VENUS & MARS are lifeless & barren ! Molecules of WATER (H2O) are too big to escape the Earths Gravity so the Amount of Water on Earth remains CONSTANT and cycles round the Earth in the WATER CYCLE. It is a Good Servant - as you say - and we use millions of gallons every day - In the Home - Industry - Agriculture and for Transport & Recreation. Without Water there could be NO LIFE on EARTH. But it is a BAD MASTER ! If it gets out of control it causes Flooding & Coastal Erosion Global Warming is causing the Ice Caps to melt & Sea Level to raise. We all enjoy water but need to keep an Eye on it. Thnaks for Sharing

Blessings & Joy & Peace to You & Yours

September 10th, 2020 14:47

Rhymester muses
Goldfinch60 said:

That light will always be there for us and the love of birds will fly you towards that light.


July 8th, 2020 00:29

Rhymester muses
PoeticBiscuit said:

A lovely little poem that makes you feel as if you’re flying along with the birds. With a good little thought at the end. Very well done.

July 7th, 2020 10:43

Rhymester muses
Michael Edwards said:

You have a refreshing style all of your own which comes across so well in this superb write - great work.

July 7th, 2020 09:10

Rhymester muses
AwHec8 said:

Wow! I Love it, the write, the rhythm and rhyme, the pictures to go with, the way you used editing tools to write it in almost cursive and to put a nice background hue. Don
So you copyright your poems?

July 7th, 2020 06:08

Rhymester muses

BRIAN HERE ~ GOOD MORNING BROTHER ! Thanks for you uplifting Muse ~ Poetically & Spiritually on this sunny Essex Morning ! The Scriptures exhort us to Consider & Conserve the Birds of the Air ~ Birdwatching & Pictures of Birds always stir my MUSE ! Please check *PLANET EARTH ~ MANS RESPONSIBILITY* Thanks.

Love - Peace - Joy to You & Yours
Brian - Angela & Smokey Cat ~ AMEN !

July 7th, 2020 04:29

The corona catastrophe
jarcher54 said:

I\'m with dusk on the praying thing but I respect you trying to make sense of it all. Whether it\'s God or Mother Nature, the pandemic does render us humble and literally to our knees. My favorite comment on praying is from the lyrics to \"Tom Ames\' Prayer\" by Robert Earl Keen:

… And you know I ain\'t never prayed before
cause it always seemed to me
that prayin\'s the same as beggin\' Lord
I don\'t take no charity

But right now I\'d take some divine charity if not for me for so many others.

It is frightening when there is \"nil a pill.\" Well said!

July 2nd, 2020 06:36

The corona catastrophe
Bragee said:

No better place to put hope and faith than in prayer.
Science and politics have failed us in an area we should have never trusted them in.

May 16th, 2020 11:21

The corona catastrophe
Poetic Dan said:

I love your spirit but mine will never sit by a window sill.... We are souls with this organism as a body, so complex we are still yet to understand it! If we was ever ment to at all! As all life on this planet is in harmony but humans, although we are the smartest most eloquent thing on this planet, if we so choose to be....

Thanks for this inspiring me to write another and post one I\'ve been a bit hesitate too.

Keep up the write
Much peace and respect

May 13th, 2020 01:35

The corona catastrophe
FineB said:

Hello S.zaynab,

An excellent write, so deep, poignant and it captures brilliantly the ravages of Covid 19 and its devastating effects worldwide.

God is in control and hopefully his timing will come soon when there is a cure.

Keep fit, healthy, well and safe and writing.

May 9th, 2020 08:39

The corona catastrophe
myself and me said:

Pandemic is a world tragedy. I am not sure that it will be exterminated. We might better learn to live with it. Well done.

May 8th, 2020 23:13

The corona catastrophe
rew4er2nail said:

honorable to be privy reading poetic resonance stoked courtesy coronavirus (COVID-19) well nigh said organism a household name, and inexplicable death sentence no matter age, gender, orientation (sexual)...

plus laudatory to commend those first responders, whose every life and limb risked in a valiant attempt to eradicate those unfortunate persons afflicted with mutating cellular nemesis.

May 8th, 2020 21:37

The corona catastrophe

ANGELA HERE - Good Afternoon ZYNZAB - thank you for an elegant & Hearrtfelt Poem on the very NASTY CORONA VIRUS - CORVID 19 - that is blighting the lives of the whole WORLD. I work as a PHYSIO in a big Hospital so I see the devatating effect of *DEATH BY COVID 19* every week. Not only the Patients but also the Dedicated Medical Staff. Im on ORTHOPEDIC not ICU but I do feel all their PAIN. I ama Committed Christian so I do Pray for God to empower the Medical Staff with HEALING and for the Virologists to find a VACCINE ! Prayer changes things and our Church continues the Prayer Meetings on ZOOM - AMEN

Blessings & Peace & Joy to You & Yours
Love Angela & Brian 🧡🤍💙🤍🧡
Please vist our SITE - Thanks A & B !

May 8th, 2020 09:59

The corona catastrophe
Nafis Light said:

I just think that there is going to be another poem, like a continuation to this one...because the whole thing is not finished yet (lockdown and all). The ending is so far, true though...and there are those who pray as a group to be protected from the virus.

May 8th, 2020 09:42

The corona catastrophe
orchidee said:

Good write zaynab.

May 8th, 2020 07:53

The corona catastrophe
dusk arising said:

What do you say to the relatives and loved ones of those who fervently prayed... were ignored ... and died? What incentive is that for anyone to pray?

May 8th, 2020 06:02

The better Gems
rrodriguez said:

Awesome! Beautiful! I enjoy your descriptions so much. Great work!

April 13th, 2020 11:11

The better Gems
FineB said:

Hello S.zaynab,

A beautiful poem with sparkling gems of wisdom.

Keep writing and safe & healthy during these difficult times.

April 12th, 2020 11:33

The better Gems
Gary Edward Geraci said:

The series of questioning aptly and fittingly resolves in the last line of this piece: the Creator. The Creator is infinitely better than even the most beautiful gem known as Miss Universe (and don\'t we scour the world looking for her most every year?) When I look at my Lord I look at the pinnacle; the apex of ALL that IS (beautiful). Enjoyed reading and contemplating beauty SZK.

March 25th, 2020 22:24

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