Comments received on poems by 🐤s.zaynab.kamoonpuri🌷🐦😽

Human hues
Alan .S. Jeeves said:

Hello dear wordsmith.
I enjoy how you include at least one of the colours in each stanza. However I think that you have missed out two. Your piece is silver and gold.

Kind regards to you and your rich culture, Alan

October 23rd, 2019 06:58

Human hues
RiverJordan said:

Well pooh, lol great piece !👍

October 22nd, 2019 15:22

Llama Drama
FineB said:

Hello S.zaynab,

A great write.

I enjoyed that. Llamas are cute.

Keep writing FineB

October 22nd, 2019 15:18

Human hues
FineB said:

Hello S.zaynab,

A powerful evocative write.

Very good.

Human hues we all get them but we must not let them destroy us.

Keep writing FineB

October 22nd, 2019 15:16

Human hues
Tia Davis/テイア said:

I love this it\'s like your telling a story expressing all the emotions at the same time in a clever way. I like the words you use like hues and pigmentation to describe emotions and not the literal thing~❤

October 22nd, 2019 10:11

The rise and fall of life\'s notes
Fay Slimm. said:

Excellent advice on how to take life as it\'s ups and downs are a challenge to all............. you outline the positive and suggest how to avoid falls in a most interesting manner - thank you zaynab for sharing this well written verse.

October 22nd, 2019 08:31

Human hues
Neville said:

an interesting prose post with some excellent lines running throughout... N

October 22nd, 2019 07:56

Gino said:

Good write my friend. Really enjoyed it, and can relate to the witchings of big pharma...

August 10th, 2019 01:31

My favourite anecdote from Urdu
Gary Edward Geraci said:

A resounding Amen, SZK - a cultural gem worth repeating to every culture. Although we all enjoy consensus, we must often plod on as rebels and cultural mercenaries. Grounded in prayer and guided by the Holy Spirit it’s a joyful endeavor!

July 24th, 2019 19:24

My favourite anecdote from Urdu
sylviasearcher said:

Outsiders will always be judged by the crowds

July 19th, 2019 02:27

My favourite anecdote from Urdu

Thanks for sharing ZAYNAB a very intersting PARABLE which reminds us that none of us can please *All of the PEOPLE All of the Time* BUT we must at all times seek to please GOD because He pleases us 24/7 with the Blessings of his wonderful Creation ~ incuding DONKEYS !

Blessings & Peace to You & Yours
We are engaged & share this site ~ OK

July 18th, 2019 18:40

My favourite anecdote from Urdu
Jabberwocky said:

Everybody has to have somebody to look down on.
There’s no act so pure it can’t be criticised piously by those who look for fault.
Good story.

July 18th, 2019 14:32

My favourite anecdote from Urdu
Poetic Dan said:

Wow... Thank you so much for bringing me here it reminds me of the Chinese story of the son that kept getting hurt!

This was amazing, great synchronisation today. The universe works in beautiful ways

July 18th, 2019 03:00

My favourite anecdote from Urdu
orchidee said:

A fine write zaynab. Another donkey tale in summary: A donkey fell into a deep pit. They had no means to get it out. So they shovelled in dirt in the end to bury the donkey, as it was dying in the pit. As they did so, the level of dirt rose after some time, and the donkey eventually was able to climb out of the pit and was saved.

July 18th, 2019 01:49

My favourite anecdote from Urdu
Michael Edwards said:

A tale so well told.

July 17th, 2019 20:10

Weighty worries? 😋
Goldfinch60 said:

Beauty should always be seen within the eyes of the person, external looks are quite meaningless if the person inside is not beautiful, everyone is beautiful.

May 5th, 2019 00:40

Weighty worries? 😋
MendedFences27 said:

The war rages on, with beauty as the lure, and social acceptance as the weapon. If we all could just be ourselves and not try to be someone else\'s image of beauty. Far better to be beautiful on the inside than outside. Skinny or plump, tall or short, bald or long-haired, etc., those who measure by such things are the problem of this world.
Your poem struck a chord with me. I enjoyed it immensely. A very nice write, very thought provoking. _ Phil A.

May 4th, 2019 13:31

Weighty worries? 😋
Tia Davis/テイア said:

I completely agree I try my best to give my friends this message next time I\'ll just show them this instead

May 4th, 2019 10:19

Weighty worries? 😋
MSA-19 said:

beauty can come in all shapes & sizes. this is a great poem. i\'m sure anyone, especially a female, could take something from it.

May 4th, 2019 09:42

Gary Edward Geraci said:

The papal encyclical “Rerum Novarum” speaks to the detrimental effects of superstition on the masses: “In presence of such mode of life and such example, prejudice gave way, the tongue of malevolence was silenced, and the lying legends of ancient superstition little by little yielded to Christian truth.” Faith without reason leads to fundamentalist superstition and reason without faith leads to Nihilism. Thanks for the thought provoking write SZK.

February 18th, 2019 11:25

Fay Slimm. said:

Ah - power used badly ends often in sadness for those who need most a healing of ills - - a compelling read where warnings exposed chemicals in most pharmaceuticals.

January 28th, 2019 18:08

Andrew Charles Forrest said:

Great write deep mysterious subject matter
keep the coming Zaynab

January 28th, 2019 16:17

dusk arising said:

Thats a good fun storyline. Light hearted but poignant.
Made me think of the con men in religion too.

January 28th, 2019 14:24

Goldfinch60 said:

Very good write, unfortunately those witch doctors can nowadays be heavily disguised.

January 28th, 2019 10:10

Michael Edwards said:

I found it a little difficult to read with the dark background but that didn\'t stop me from enjoying it. Super tale refreshingly written.

January 28th, 2019 09:39

The rise and fall of life\'s notes
Syd said:

Great poem S. Always a pleasure to read your poems. I couldn\'t agree more with the message of this poem. Very well penned.

- Syd

December 7th, 2018 11:26

The rise and fall of life\'s notes
ron parrish aka wordman said:

just ride till you can`t ride no more

December 6th, 2018 22:32

The rise and fall of life\'s notes
w c said:

I enjoyed this poem. Life is a many splended thing and we are lucky to have it.

December 6th, 2018 19:37

The rise and fall of life\'s notes
Netashi said:

What a wonderful and true aspect in life. Keep up the splendid work I look forward to meeting any new poems you write. But I\'m wondering is why aren\'t my legs toned since i\'ve had so many squats in life

December 6th, 2018 11:24

The rise and fall of life\'s notes
Neville said:

an undulating journey of ups and maybe not so downs... reminds me a little of the principle of the unity of opposites... nice flow and easy to follow but I did find the background colour just a little distracting..... Neville

December 6th, 2018 10:27

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