Comments received on poems by 🐤s.zaynab.kamoonpuri🌷🐦😽

The value of life and oxygen
Lauretta13 said:

I like the meaning of this poem
I love the last stanza most especially

October 13th, 2021 02:38

Squash the hate- hate bug
AwHec8 said:

Sometimes I have to STOP & really concentrate on what is being said, on what I am reading.
This is 1 of those times.
Too often most all are quick to anger in a self righteous way, me also. We want that righteous indignation feeling so we can know we are justified in our anger over a perceived evil.
However Love/Grace/Empathy/Kindness in Truth is the cure all, the vaccine as you put it in your poem.

Absolutely Great Write, 🐤s.zaynab.kamoonpuri🌷😸

August 10th, 2021 05:44

Squash the hate- hate bug
Dove said:

Love is the best medicine, next to laughter! A very poignant write

August 7th, 2021 08:19

Squash the hate- hate bug
L. B. Mek said:

when we can see past
those divisive lines, \'We corrupted our humanity with\':
of skin colour
of sexual preferences
of lifestyle choices
and especially
of diverse belief systems
(even accepting those, who choose to not utilise any)
then, maybe
someday, we \'All - as One\' can collectively
start to accept each others worth
by the \'merits of our deeds and words\' - alone
then finally, we can:
\'Swat and squash the hate bug
from your mind and heart
Promote love and compassion
even with words and art

Don\'t constrict your heart
with rancour and hate
Do all you can
so hatred in the world abate\'..
(such a powerful message
and a wonderful write
thanks for sharing!)

July 23rd, 2021 04:07

Squash the hate- hate bug
Goldfinch60 said:

Very good and very true words SZ, hate can only take us down if we all loved life would be so wonderful.


July 23rd, 2021 01:04

Squash the hate- hate bug
Neville said:

Hate is the foulest of four letter words

July 22nd, 2021 17:04

Squash the hate- hate bug
Poetic Dan said:

I need to come back to this awesome work! To read with less noise around me....

July 22nd, 2021 13:30

Squash the hate- hate bug
orchidee said:

Good write SZ.

July 22nd, 2021 13:30

Squash the hate- hate bug
Samer Amin said:

Just a beautiful wording for propagating peace, blessed are the peacemakers!

You are so right we must Squash these hatred bugs or use an insecticide to eliminate these hatred bugs from our brains, hats, trousers, or whatever.......

It so true, we must do our tiny bit in reducing these resentful sensations of hatred from our hearts and our souls, as much as we could, even help the others to understand the uselessness of keeping these hatred feelings into there hearts in the long run.

These distressing feelings of hatred only cause adverse healthy effects in our bodies, especially to the heart and lung or even the colon, because of the excessive usage of prescribed sedative medications.

Unfortunately, I used to try convince the people who are the inmates of mental institutes because of their relatives who put them in that institutes without any reason except to steal their heritage, or the the people who have been put in prisons by false charges, but I found these people unable to accept the idea of forgiveness, and were so reluctant to hug and kiss their enemies passionately.

July 22nd, 2021 12:28

Squash the hate- hate bug
Jerry Reynolds said:

Good write, S.Z.

July 22nd, 2021 12:22

Gratitude to God for gratis blessings
ron parrish aka wordman said:

sometimes we forget where it came from.just like our gift of writing

June 22nd, 2021 00:43

A recap and recount of pandemic lockdowns worldwide
ron parrish aka wordman said:

a change of pace for sure

June 14th, 2021 17:20

A recap and recount of pandemic lockdowns worldwide
myself and me said:

Human, the worst enemy of Nature. Greedy is the long lasting Pandemic in human history without cure.
Well penned.

May 10th, 2021 19:25

A recap and recount of pandemic lockdowns worldwide
rrodriguez said:

This is a very revealing and relevant poem. You\'ve adroit captured and expressed the current crisis in your poem. I ejoyed reading it and was impressed with your knowledge and positve attitude toward our planet. Thank for expressing concern. Be safe. I\'ll look forward to reading more of your poems.

May 9th, 2021 00:51

A recap and recount of pandemic lockdowns worldwide
Andy Hunter said:

Both my wife and I loved your poem as we share your sentiment on the rights of our animal kingdom to share our planet Good message well written

May 8th, 2021 05:42

Gratitude to God for gratis blessings
Andy Hunter said:

A great menu for a fulfilling life. Loved the poetry and the spirit. I love the food too.

May 8th, 2021 05:34

A recap and recount of pandemic lockdowns worldwide
jarcher54 said:

I love your thoughtful observations here... I fear most of us will return to relentless exploitation of the earth and its bounty for personal heedless pleasure and aggrandizement. People are already returning to constant air travel, the most pollutive, wasteful use of resources. Traffic is back, and all the noise and construction and human expansion. Bless the creatures and you for your hopefulness.

May 7th, 2021 23:57

A recap and recount of pandemic lockdowns worldwide
L. B. Mek said:

\'It\'s better that busy humans now become photoholic
than forever queueing in lines of heavy traffic.
Without human pollution, nature is all the more photogenic.\'
nice bit of poetry, in what is essentially an SA level deep-dive case study of covid-19..
an important message, I truly appreciate the research and dedication
thanks for sharing!

May 7th, 2021 04:38

Ode to the snail
Caring dove said:

Lovely fun poem 🙂I didn’t realise there were snails with pink or purple shells lol , I can see that in the photos . Snails look friendly and cute , jn a way

May 7th, 2021 00:48

A recap and recount of pandemic lockdowns worldwide
rosiedm said:

Great words about the planet habitats etc and how we are most proberbly being punished as it\'s stated in the bible .there will be great suffering was spoken by many visonaries and that we all will be rewarded !!
India is in turmoil If I was a multi millionaire Id gladly help buy the oxygen they so badly need.

May 6th, 2021 13:04

A recap and recount of pandemic lockdowns worldwide
Doggerel Dave said:

I will prioritise the first and penultimate stanzas and vote for the rest. Double thumbs up for all of it, s.z

May 6th, 2021 07:18

Gratitude to God for gratis blessings
Mizgeen Berzinari said:

Well written.

March 16th, 2021 05:50

Gratitude to God for gratis blessings
Dove said:

Such a beautiful poem! Very well formatted as well! I just the the message and rhymes!

March 8th, 2021 09:21

Ode to the snail
Mizgeen Berzinari said:

Beautifully written. Keep it up.

February 18th, 2021 13:27

Gratitude to God for gratis blessings
AwHec8 said:

Absolutely Love it 🐤s.zaynab.kamoonpuri🌷😸! Don
Plus this Poem caused me to chuckle at the same time I all of a sudden got hungry for all of the listed items, vegetables and all.

Side note here for you if you are a Lord of the Rings fan. The food in this movie called elven bread that is all encompassing nutritious and good tasting is like the Honey Comb with the Honey. I think 95% of all of what we humans need in vitamins & minerals & such is in the Honey Comb. Counting it is \"good\" food and a good source of being anti bacteria or virus type remedy. Point being it is like the eleven bread in the Movies.
Praise the Good Lord indeed.

February 17th, 2021 11:56

Gratitude to God for gratis blessings
jarcher54 said:

From one who does not pray or practice any religion, and who (fortunately) missed whatever nasty comments you received that some are referring to, I am blessed to bask in the beautiful humility of this poem-prayer. It reminds me of the familiar little grace my father\'s passed on to him: Thank you for the world so sweet, thank you for the food we eat, thank you for the birds that sing, thank you God for everything, Amen. I love your inventive, playful rhymes and the obvious sincerity of your words. Bon appetite!

February 17th, 2021 05:29

When life was really child\'s play
jarcher54 said:

The innocence you project with this simple, rich, memory-inducing verse perfectly reflects the innocent play of children. Your poem is really a grown-up nursery rhyme. I don\'t know if you did it on purpose, but it\'s clear that, for some like you, composing a little ditty like this is how you continue to play as an adult -- or as a former child, maybe I should say.

February 17th, 2021 05:20

Gratitude to God for gratis blessings
heatherbee said:

Well a interesting read made me hungry the mention of a lot of food, it\'s good to be thankful of things its gracious and kind.

February 16th, 2021 10:43

Gratitude to God for gratis blessings
thewayiwrite said:

Lovely work!

February 16th, 2021 09:04

Gratitude to God for gratis blessings
L. B. Mek said:

it is a divine gift to view reality within such a blinkered scope of existence, cherish it - wholeheartedly..
but please Choose to promote Peace, over - enraged confrontations, destabilising through reactive vehemence, in the face of those that choose wrongly - to knowingly, antagonise and bait you - away: from that grasped acceptance and serenity, you spent so long mining from within..
let us instead find room to respect each other, whatever our belief systems dear Poet,
you write so eloquently, may that be enough of a treasured gift..
Choose to trust, in the wisdom of humility:
\'Peace be unto you\'
\'Wa-Alaikum-Salaam\', indeed!

February 16th, 2021 05:38

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