Comments received on poems by Fay Slimm.

Michael Edwards said:

Yet another masterpiece - a fave for me.

April 2nd, 2020 04:05

dusk arising said:

Wonderful drama in this Fay as you once again own the dawning day and morning atmosphere taking us from urban to rural. But thats just your poetic backdrop to this plot. You weave the two together beautifully here and yes.... leave us with baited breath - suspended.

Truly shows your mastery of this poetic art.

April 2nd, 2020 03:55

Goldfinch60 said:

Wonderful words Fay.


April 1st, 2020 23:47

dusk arising said:

Each love is different isn\'t it. Maybe more learned as we realise how resilient we can be.
The pleasure love brings to the bells and whistles of life does indeed encourage us to dip the toe in when the water looks freshly inviting.

April 1st, 2020 11:51


Angela here - Just finished my Shift (Orthopedic Ward) and checking MPS ! This is an interesting Poem for US in the first flush of married LOVE ! Loving each other seems natural and smooth and consumation beautiful & coordinated ! We can relate to the first three lines ! Lines 4 & 5 frighten me but we know that could never happento us ! We anticipate that in 2070 (When Im 82 & Brian is 86) our love will be just a joyful - but less gymnastic ! Thanks for caring & sharing - AMEN

Blessings & Peace & Joy
Love ANGELA & BRIAN πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›

April 1st, 2020 10:25

orchidee said:

A fine write Fay.
Erm, I didn\'t get the hang of things. I said \'Who\'s Karma? (lol).

April 1st, 2020 06:03

Goldfinch60 said:

Nature is so wonderful as are your words Fay.


April 1st, 2020 01:13

SerenWise said:

A lovely poem

March 31st, 2020 16:48

Michael Edwards said:

And a treasure of a write.

March 31st, 2020 13:36

orchidee said:

A fine write Fay.

March 31st, 2020 10:57

Alan .S. Jeeves said:

Treasure indeed Fay. A very fine composition from you.

Ex animo, Alan

March 31st, 2020 07:10

dusk arising said:

\"Shall i compare thee to an alcoholic ... one who doth constantly drink of natures intoxicants\"...
LOL that\'s you that is (as Baddiel use to say).

Yep, nature is so inspiring.

March 31st, 2020 05:31

Goldfinch60 said:

Wonderful words Fay, that closeness will never fail.


March 31st, 2020 00:59

MendedFences27 said:

A terrific and sensitive piece. MM would surely have treasured it. Sibling connections seem to be the same worldwide, an unbreakable bond, no matter what. You have beautifully flavored this one with the taste of \"lemonade.\' I am now saddened remembering siblings lost. Beautiful words Fay. - Phil A.

March 30th, 2020 19:17

ron parrish aka wordman said:

from a spring to an ocean,,and you wrote it on my birthday

March 30th, 2020 16:04

orchidee said:

A sensitive write Fay.

March 30th, 2020 10:12

dusk arising said:

Glorious and sad. Very touching to me because I was so close to my older brother when we were kids. Your memories of long ago are so similar to mine.
Whatever the afterlife is i sometimes speak to my brother\'s spirit.... though i am a firm believer in reincarnation.
Sisterhood - brotherhood, sharing childhood, growing in a shared bedroom..... really brings an incomparable bond.
Memories and tears today.

March 30th, 2020 08:22

Goldfinch60 said:

Aurora is always with us Fay as your wonderful words describe.


March 29th, 2020 01:07


GOOD EVENIBG FAY ~ Love the visual ~ SPRING is always the best Season for misty & breathtaking Dawns ! Love the POEM

V 1. The light does curl & the Birds do prepare to sing
V 2. Once the Dawn Chorus Starts it is unstoppable until complete !
V 3. Aurora & Birdsong~ PARADISE

WE have dome lovelry Dawn Choruses in our new Home !
Blessings & Peace & Joy
Love BRIAN & ANGELA πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›
Please check *HAPPINESS* Thanks !

March 28th, 2020 17:15

dusk arising said:

You led me through a woodland with freshened senses as i read and re-read your poem today. Yes i felt the chill of damp March air upon my imaginings as light from afar promised through the tree trunk spacing.

March 28th, 2020 11:41

orchidee said:

That Aurora will be with us, as we lose the hour tonight. But thankfully not darker morning again yet, unless up really early.

March 28th, 2020 10:47

Goldfinch60 said:

Good fun write Fay.


March 27th, 2020 16:09

Michael Edwards said:

Ah great - who said you don\'t write light? More please.

March 27th, 2020 14:45

Saxon Crow said:

Haha. The ultimate frustration.

March 27th, 2020 11:35

Alan .S. Jeeves said:

Ah! A common mistake made by ladies like the one in the image ~ she is a little overdressed for the occasion.
Thanks for the fun write Fay...
Ex animo, Alan

March 27th, 2020 08:58

dusk arising said:

LOL sometimes its not easy to read the other genders needs and that works both ways.
Shame we can\'t just be receptive to our partner saying \'hey i need xyzxyz, sort me out will you?\' ... it would solve so many issues and keep the peace. Oh and there\'s a pill for nearly everything these days, even if it has to be crushed and put into his herbal tea for disguise.

Good fun entertainment. Hope you are looking after yourself in these strange times. Still waiting for local gov to get back to me with string of volunteers to keep \'isolated vulnerable\' yours truly serviced LOL.

March 27th, 2020 04:50

orchidee said:

Swoon! heehee.

March 27th, 2020 04:47

Goldfinch60 said:

Wonderful - Paradise is there with us.


March 27th, 2020 01:10

Laura🌻 said:

My Dear Fay,

A beautifully written poem.
Looking at the pic and reading your scripted words, I feel them.

β€œ- - Lead me and leave me there - -β€œ

Love is a wonderful thing!

Thank you for sharing your pen.
You are an amazing poetess!
Stay safe and well!❀️


March 26th, 2020 17:05

Michael Edwards said:

A joy of a read.

March 26th, 2020 14:14

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