Comments received on poems by Fay Slimm.

Blown Force.
Violet bluebell( used to be yellow rose) said:

i also love how you have given each seasons wind a certain strength ... a lovely idea, well written

January 26th, 2018 07:56

Blown Force.
Violet bluebell( used to be yellow rose) said:

very nice fay :-) this is quite lovely .. i love how you have given each seasons wind a colour , if i were to choose a seasons wind i would choose spring ... your ending on this is great, i really enjoyed this , saving this to my favourites.

January 26th, 2018 07:55

orchidee said:

A fine write Fay. Never knew there was so much good stuff there. Well, I would know if I visited, I\'m sure!

January 26th, 2018 05:25

FredPeyer said:

I just love the English country side, the harbor towns and Europe in general. Been a long time since I was back, but your poem brings it all alive again! Thanks Fay!

January 26th, 2018 04:52

Michael Edwards said:

A beautiful part of the country - the photo also puts me in mind of Robin Hoods Bay where about 18 months ago I drove down to the bottom (big mistake) and I stopped to allow a car coming towards me to get by and he clouted my nearside wing. Anyway this also a beauty of a poem Fay - really brings the place alive.

January 26th, 2018 04:41

Blown Force.
Goldfinch60 said:

Beautiful write and great imagery Fay.

January 25th, 2018 01:25

Blown Force.

Thanks FAY for introducing the important topic of wind ! It is Mother Natures way of dissipating all the gaseous pollution Industrial Man pours into the atmosphere each day ! Carbon dioxide ~ acid forming Sulphur dioxide and Nitrogen dioxide etc. It is also an important factor in the Water Cycle. The WIND cleanses and provides ! However as you poem suggests we always want the Wind at our back and for it to be soft and warm and not a hurricane ! Your Meteorologically BRIAN ! Love the visual so so evocative !

January 24th, 2018 18:57

Blown Force.
Michael Edwards said:

Superb Fay.

January 24th, 2018 17:35

Blown Force.
orchidee said:

A fine write Fay.

January 24th, 2018 10:37

Pity Him.
FredPeyer said:

There are no winners in any war, only losers. While I admire and am thankful for those who fight, I am also sad that in thousands of years mankind has not found a better way to deal with conflict. The saddest part is that these young men and women are the future of our country. Fay, every politician and leader should get a copy of your poem!

January 23rd, 2018 22:35

Pity Him.
kevin browne said:

such a moving poem here, Fay, and I guess you covered just about all there is. a brilliant piece, well done.

January 23rd, 2018 16:15

Pity Him.
Michael Edwards said:

It\'s already been said above - I sometimes wonder at the insanity of it all when we send our forces to far points of the globe for what appear to be unwarranted conflicts ( Iraq is the prime example) - super work Fay.

January 23rd, 2018 11:31

Pity Him.
Goldfinch60 said:

Superb write. So many return with hidden scars yet they are dismissed by those in power. I have seen many like this and seem to have no way of escape from their terror in their minds.

January 23rd, 2018 09:04

Pity Him.
Louis Gibbs said:

War is the definition of insanity ... yet has remained a favorite pastime of man for millennia. Go figure. Your beautifully displayed poem says it well, Fay!

January 23rd, 2018 08:52

Pity Him.
orchidee said:

Sensitive write Fay.

January 23rd, 2018 07:17

Pity Him.
Laura🌻 said:

My Dear Poetess Fay...
A very poignant write!
So sad but true! Thank
you for remembering
and reminding us of those
brave human beings who
fight on our behalf to
protect us and keep us

January 23rd, 2018 06:43

Violet bluebell( used to be yellow rose) said:

winter does not care for its impact upon the land or on animals ... it just is .. winter , sadly it can impact negatively

January 23rd, 2018 06:19

Violet bluebell( used to be yellow rose) said:

great piece of writing fay .. i love your style of writing .. you seem talented :-)

January 23rd, 2018 06:17

Souls Know.
Violet bluebell( used to be yellow rose) said:

loving the ending to this one \'\'
that destiny made them one single flame
which inhabits foreverness.\'\' really quite lovely fay :-)

January 23rd, 2018 06:12

I Am Cloud.
Violet bluebell( used to be yellow rose) said:

oh , wow , fay ! this is amazing .. the way you have spoken of the cloud with huge thighs, i really like that .. and your reference the moon peeping into your bedroom .. and stars playing hide and seek amongst the white flimsy frock, you make the cloud sound like a dress lol.. i very much enjoyed this .. such a lovely enjoyable poem..

January 23rd, 2018 06:05

Silent Music.
Violet bluebell( used to be yellow rose) said:

i love the reference to \' a flowers silent music \'\' i do not think i have ever heard of a flower singing silent music .. this is quite lovely Fay , enjoyed, nature is one of the most beautiful things in this world.. i would love for you to check out my poems on here, i have a few so far on nature, one on spring and one on winter

January 23rd, 2018 05:50

No More.
Heather T said:

A sad beauty. It\'s a little like when your children fly from the nest and you have little of a part in their days anymore. Sad to wrest the human touch from such a noble work.

January 22nd, 2018 15:37

No More.
Michael Edwards said:

Great imagery, great write - thanks Fay.

January 22nd, 2018 09:15

No More.

Thanks fr for another elegant and nostalgic POEM ! Even in my short lifetime I have seen things once sacred (audio tapes & video tapes & pressure cookers etc) become outmoded and discarded ! I love LIGHTHOUSES and thank God many are under preservation orders ! Your poem highlights the bravery and diligence of those who once bravely manned them ~ their fortitude will never be replaced ! Thanks for caring FAY ~ Yours as ever BRIAN !

January 22nd, 2018 08:56

No More.
Goldfinch60 said:

Wonderful write and tribute to all those wonderful lighthouse keepers, they were wonderful people.

January 22nd, 2018 08:55

No More.
orchidee said:

Good write Fay.

January 22nd, 2018 05:18

This Chair.
Laura🌻 said:

My Dear Poetess Fay...
I enjoyed this write immensely!
It brought to mind beautiful
memories of me holding my
daughter and rocking her to
sleep! We spent many precious moments in our rocking chair! Thank you for sharing your exceptional talent!📃

January 18th, 2018 19:18

This Chair.
FredPeyer said:

Fay, your chair and beautiful poem started a bunch of thoughts of what old furniture, walls, houses, could tell us. Maybe the chair stopped rocking, but you, dear Fay, just keep on rocking with your writing!

January 18th, 2018 16:27

This Chair.
lasergraph said:

I loved this, those old chairs are so full of character. My grandfather used to share stories while rocking in one of those and myself a jockey on his knee.

January 18th, 2018 12:22

This Chair.
Louis Gibbs said:

Ah, that wise old rocker has probably seen more butts than an ashtray. Sorry to sully your fine poem like that, Fay ... I couldn\'t resist. Cheers.

January 18th, 2018 09:22

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