Comments received on poems by Naeners

Empty Now
Caring dove said:

emptiness is not nice .. i like your repetition of the word empty and i like the flow to this piece, take a look at my poem \'\' the empty well \'\' its a feeling im used to

January 24th, 2018 02:04

Explaining Anxiety
Caring dove said:

the reference to the monster is a very good idea to describe anxiety it can really taunts us cant it

January 21st, 2018 13:14

Explaining Anxiety
Caring dove said:

wow .. very well said ! i like how the poem starts with less intensity and then ends with more anxiety and deeper anxiety .. great piece of writing . anxiety is not nice , for sure! a well written piece of writing

January 21st, 2018 13:13

Hold The Sun Up
Caring dove said:

i really like this .. you make it sound as if you are like a bird in the sky at peace and flying , but you fear the rain appearing and your forthcoming fall ... it sounds like someone who is fearing sinking back down into depression , maybe ? for sure, it is certainly hard to soar when we are weighed down by pain / rain .. good piece of writing , enjoyed

January 21st, 2018 13:09

Caring dove said:

very very good :-) i love the ending , referring to ice cream . i love how you bring reference to him making you want to fly away , this gives off almost a high and dreamy feel to your words , i also like how you feel like to him you are only a weight and you fall off the plate with a splat.. i like the light heartedness you bring to this piece, nicely done , enjoyed , nice flow and feel to this piece too , welld done

January 21st, 2018 13:03

Caring dove said:

hello .. this is very expressive, i lke the reference to your chest beating like a drum , it gives strength to those words and it makes it sound as if your heart beat is too strong and too loud. it sounds full of panic which i guess is what you are trying to express... this really tells of a girl who is struggling to be in the moment , where she is , instead all she is doing is looking ahead with negative bad thoughts and panicking i think you wrote this very well , panic is not nice and i think to be honest with you everybody has this fear , of getting old etc ..

January 21st, 2018 12:57

Caring dove said:

hello .. i like the way you have worded this piece, i like the way you speak of life making you feel like a clown and i like the rhyming throughout this ... sadly for some dreams , if they are \'\' good \'\' dreams lol they are our only escape from the cruel reality in which we live , either that or \'\' day - dreaming \'\' or escapism into films books etc.. you make dreams sound dreamy with the whole reference to being far away , i like it

January 21st, 2018 12:53

Please like me
Lorna said:

You will get a little older and realize that it\'s ok to just be you. You are enough and we like your poems.

January 13th, 2018 05:48

Lorna said:

Makes me sad and reminds me of days I\'ve had.

January 13th, 2018 05:46

Please like me
orchidee said:

And yet if we were like someone else completely, there would be two of them, and none of us. That\'s one too many of them! Two of anyone might become really boring (Unless twins!).

January 6th, 2018 06:25

Please like me
orchidee said:

OK, I will like ya N! heehee. I know what you mean though. Yet we can only be ourselves, whether others like us or lump us!

January 6th, 2018 06:24

Porcelain Doll
Clark said:

I loved this so much :)

January 3rd, 2018 15:26

Jayce Elliot said:

I feel

December 30th, 2017 16:09

space_girl said:

Beautiful poem that you have here :)

December 26th, 2017 01:32

Voice of Anxiety
unknownlover said:

This is amazing!!

December 17th, 2017 19:11

Promise You Will
Poem Goals said:

Feel free read and give suggestions for my poems as well.

December 8th, 2017 23:54

Promise You Will
Poem Goals said:

I love how you put, \"Promise you will\" a lot, because as a reader it makes me want to read more, it\'s showing a want for the character.

December 8th, 2017 23:53

Black Umbrellas
Goldfinch60 said:

Good emotive write, sometimes though the rain will wash away those \'Dark fears\' and lead you towards the light where you may need a parasol to screen you from the sun.

December 1st, 2017 02:12

Don\'t give up
MeltingSn8wman said:

thank you i say that because i needed to read that x it is beautiful

November 22nd, 2017 19:05

Don\'t give up
Goldfinch60 said:

Good write, with a great deal of meaning within it.
The only point I would make is that the form is spot on except that in the true sense of the haiku they are about nature or the seasons.
This is a senryu where the same construction is about emotion. Sorry for being a bit pedantic.
It is still a very good write though.

November 22nd, 2017 02:28

Explaining Anxiety
Christina8 said:

Great write! I have anxiety too and you did a great job describing it. I hope yours gets better soon! Good luck to you.

November 18th, 2017 16:29

Am I Awake?
orchidee said:

Well, you \'woke up\' to express your thoughts and feelings in a fine poem here.
Meanwhile, in my daft moments, I night wake people up by yelling a loud \'CCOOOEEEEE!\' heehee.

November 13th, 2017 03:02

Am I Awake?
Christina8 said:

I think it\'s a very good poem! Like Santita, i think it was like i was listening to a conversation you were having with yourself. I\'ve felt like this before! I hope soon you find some relief from the sadness.

November 12th, 2017 16:50

Generous Liquid
Syd said:

Hi Naeners, I am alcohol dependant although I\'d rather not be. This poem is pretty accurate apart from I never puke it back up because my tolerance is so high.
Nice write - Syd

November 8th, 2017 19:20

Kill the Rainbows
Syd said:

Hi Naeners, I like this poem but it\'s definitely not a poem I would usually go for. I love the positivity and defiance - Syd

November 8th, 2017 19:17

Kill the Rainbows
skyebellasario said:

I absolutely love this Naen!

November 8th, 2017 17:45

Kill the Rainbows
Brycycle said:

Written well :)

November 8th, 2017 17:26

Promise You\'ll Remember
FredPeyer said:

Naeners, while any suicide note is sad, this one is well written. I do like the last line. Am glad though that you have it under control now. Just make sure it never comes back!!! You still have a lot of writing to do.

October 27th, 2017 12:54

Fucking Douche
orchidee said:

Woof! I\'m an 18+ \'watchdog\' checker. lol. I think this should be marked 18+, as under 18\'s may read it. OK. they\'re not \'children\' and they know what goes on. But for safety\'s sake maybe.

October 26th, 2017 07:57

Say Something
FredPeyer said:

Naeners, Michael is right. I do love shorties that say a lot between the lines, have a lot of meaning and hidden \'treasures\' and leave a lot to the readers imagination. Your poem is just perfect! And I guess that bright mind is yours!

October 26th, 2017 04:20

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