Comments received on poems by Goldfinch60

So Alone.
Fay Slimm. said:

Yes that friendly word can lead to all sorts of sharing as people in that situation can be very lonely - - well done for giving time for a chat and for caring. A fine read.

March 27th, 2017 07:53

So Alone.

Thanks GF for a lovely sentimental poem for a Monday Morning. Loss of one\'s Partner must be the worst experience ! I have male friends who have suffered bereavement and it helps ~ but the loss remains 24/7 ~ Yours BRIAN.

March 27th, 2017 07:44

So Alone.
Garry said:

As usual a thoughtful offering, beautifully written. Enjoed as always.

March 27th, 2017 05:17

So Alone.
orchidee said:

Sensitive story. I saw a programme - someone faked an illness supposedly, to avoid paying a debt. yet when debt collectors called he became unwell in reality. unless he was faking that too, but he became unconscious. We don\'t know some people\'s situations. It only makes us more angry towards fraudsters.

March 27th, 2017 02:34

So Alone.
Michael Edwards said:

Such a sad poem but also quite warming - love the way this has been put together - great read.

March 27th, 2017 02:03

So Alone.
WriteBeLight said:

So sorry for him, and others whom have lost loved ones. It is nice he has you to talk to. Thanks for sharing your story Goldfinch. I hope he can feel better and know there are more chapters in his life to live and write.

March 27th, 2017 01:47

The Past is Another Country.
ron parrish aka wordman said:

life is a journey into the unknown and beyond

March 27th, 2017 01:01

The Past is Another Country.
Augustus said:

A man of experience.

March 26th, 2017 21:57

The Past is Another Country.
WriteBeLight said:

I agree with the point of view Goldfinch!

March 26th, 2017 08:16

The Past is Another Country.
Philip said:

Very good sentiment, well written. Looking forward is the only way. Phil.G

March 26th, 2017 03:54

The Past is Another Country.
orchidee said:

A fine write.

March 26th, 2017 03:13

I Wonder.
Goldfinch60 said:

Thank you so much WBL.

March 25th, 2017 08:19

I Wonder.
WriteBeLight said:

I recall a talk I heard where you put yourself on your deathbed thinking of all of the dreams and goals you did not attempt. And, suddenly they were standing around you, angry that you did not give them life. Don\'t mean to sound morbid. But, this hit hard with me. I can relate to the thought in your words Goldfinch. If writing poetry was one of your goals and dreams, well you have reached it and have done so, very skillfully and beautifully.

March 25th, 2017 07:39

I Wonder.
orchidee said:

I sort of knew you might reply in that way - no regrets, but contentment, etc :)

March 25th, 2017 06:38

I Wonder.
Michael Edwards said:

Rules = structure and stability in a civilised society - and theres the rub not all societies are civilised, well not in our western sense at least. I can empathise with the points made in the stanza though but there are rules and there are rules. Good poem.

March 25th, 2017 04:04

I Wonder.

Thanks for meditating GF great poem in both structure and subject. As Christians we have great liberty # w are under GRACE and not constrained by LAW. There is only one constraint WWJD ? What would JESUS do ? Never forget that in HIS day Jesus was regarded as a bit of a REBEL ! Yiours BRIAN ~ Please check my poems ~ Thanks B

March 25th, 2017 03:43

A Man of Infinite Leisure - alternate version.
Garry said:

Very poignant last two lines. A perfect ending. (though the last version was very good d i prefer this one as it has a bit more \'bite\'). Well done!

March 25th, 2017 03:40

I Wonder.
orchidee said:

Also ... I wonder if I should have another porky pie or sherry! I always do though. heehee.

March 25th, 2017 03:06

I Wonder.
orchidee said:

Good write. I hope the wonder isn\'t in a negative sense of \'I regret\' or \'If only...\'

March 25th, 2017 03:05

A Man of Infinite Leisure - alternate version.
Tony Grannell said:

Hello Goldfinch60 A gentleman of leisure strolls eloquently through this poetic passage of bliss, though sadly, with a damaged heart. A very fine poem indeed and a delight to read. Regards, Tony.

March 24th, 2017 20:27

A Man of Infinite Leisure - alternate version.
MendedFences27 said:

I like this one, of the two, maybe because I relate more to this. My tag line is ,\"I have no commitments.\" Retirement gives us those freedoms, but they are mostly offset by old age. I liked how you presented this, by showing, more or less, a day in his life. Well done. - Phil A.

March 24th, 2017 19:47

A Man of Infinite Leisure - alternate version.
Philip said:

That is an excellent alternative ending, because loss is ever present, I see it in my friends, who have lost someone and just sometimes it makes me hold my love extra close. Phil.G

March 24th, 2017 06:06

A Man of Infinite Leisure - alternate version.
orchidee said:

I\'m \'doomed\' to be a man of infinite porkies and sherries. Not that it bothers me. hic! heehee.

March 24th, 2017 03:55

A Man of Infinite Leisure - alternate version.
Michael Edwards said:

I was waiting to read this and I\'m not disappointed. This is one side of the reality which many of us will face at some time or other.

March 24th, 2017 03:39

A Man of Infinite Leisure.
WriteBeLight said:

Ha Ha. Great points from you both and great write!

March 23rd, 2017 11:54

A Man of Infinite Leisure.
ron parrish aka wordman said:

great thoughts,i will have to work till i pass on,lol

March 23rd, 2017 10:08

A Man of Infinite Leisure.
willyweed said:

Good poem Goldfinch, a gentleman\'s gentleman! Bravo! I find retirement just more work but without the pay?

March 23rd, 2017 09:43

A Man of Infinite Leisure.
Michael Edwards said:

Well I retired some 8 years ago and am continually on the go looking forward to what I can achieve etc - it\'s now 10.15am here in the UK and I\'ve been into town to do some shopping at the supermarket and picked up 5 paintings from my framers - they look good. I\'ve now got the rest of the day to write more and finish a painting in the studio as well as keeping an eye on MPS. love Verdi, health just given a full check and all bits working okay, all\'s well with the world !! And all\'s well with this poem - looking forward to tomorrows version.

March 23rd, 2017 05:21

Dinner in the Dark.
Garry said:

Very Gothic. Enjoyed the story, enjoyed the words you told it with. Despite the darkness of the content there is a certain joyfulness in it. A love of life. (in more ways than one actually)

March 23rd, 2017 04:56

A Man of Infinite Leisure.
Garry said:

Great poem. Nearing the age of retirement myself i am quite envious. I have a taste of it at the moment as am off work ill for some months. (the poem\'s nearly ready to post so beware!)
You\'ve offered a very happy, hopeful poem, wonder how the next one will fare. Waiting in eager anticipation.

March 23rd, 2017 04:50

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