Comments received on poems by Neville

Would You Kindly Pass the Entonox Babe
Doggerel Dave said:

I\'m sure you meant equinox really....almost halfway there.....

August 19th, 2023 19:32

Would You Kindly Pass the Entonox Babe
Neville said:

August 19th, 2023 15:25

Fear Silence Not
Kinsey Peterson said:

Nothing to fear in silence, aside from the sheer volume your own thoughts then create to occupy the space...

August 19th, 2023 12:47

All Bases Covered
Kinsey Peterson said:

Goodness Neville, you always pull curiosity out of me. I quite wonder what knowing this woman would be like.

August 19th, 2023 12:44

Would You Kindly Pass the Entonox Babe
Kinsey Peterson said:

When I was in 6th grade I read the dictionary for free reading time because I had already read the entire library at the school. I still had to double check on this poem lol

August 19th, 2023 12:41

Would You Kindly Pass the Entonox Babe
Bella Shepard said:

Did my homework and googled entonox. In my naivete I opped for lamaze first time around, and must have had a memory lapse with the second, cause I went the same route again. It was all the rage 50 years ago. I suppose some of us just like doing it the hard way. Good write!

August 19th, 2023 12:37

Fear Silence Not
Parisab said:

So true about the awkwardness of silence, the nature symbolism takes the fear out and brings mysteries ‘echoed’ … This is why I enjoy the essence of your poetry, Neville.

August 19th, 2023 12:16

Would You Kindly Pass the Entonox Babe
MendedFences27 said:

There was one hospital whose maternity room had 30 times the limit allowed airborne. And all I could imagine was her having contractions and in pain while everyone else is standing around laughing. Maybe it was a Monty Python skit?
What no Epidural?
Gave me a chuckle, this poem. I think the \"think of England\" line did it, good one. - Phil A.

August 19th, 2023 11:53

Would You Kindly Pass the Entonox Babe
Christina8 said:

Yeah I definitely had to google that one. Awesome write! I think it was a great piece! x

August 19th, 2023 06:11

Would You Kindly Pass the Entonox Babe
LIZ said:

You\'re the king of titles! Honestly, the only reason why I know what Entonox means (and I still went to the dictionary to make sure), is because my sister has had 2 kids and we joke about it! But, s&*@ pass the Entonox babe!!! I love it!

August 19th, 2023 04:11

Would You Kindly Pass the Entonox Babe
orchidee said:

Now a similar poem from me - guess who says it? - \'Would you kindly pass the botox babe\'. lol.

August 19th, 2023 01:38

Would You Kindly Pass the Entonox Babe
jarcher54 said:

A breath of fresh air you are. Never heard of the stuff either (ether?). Google cleared the air for me.

August 19th, 2023 00:53

Would You Kindly Pass the Entonox Babe
Bobby O said:

Rarely am I chased to a dictionary. I think it’s cool

August 19th, 2023 00:26

All Bases Covered
MendedFences27 said:

I believe he wrote for a lover and she became well known, while he remained undiscovered,
Perhaps, she was a singer?
This raises all kinds of questions as to the identity of the two characters. A most enjoyable poem. - Phil A.

August 18th, 2023 15:05

Fear Silence Not
Garth Rakumakoe said:

Silence is the most understanding and accepting, of all friends. Silence is a lifetime companion.

August 18th, 2023 08:56

All Bases Covered
LIZ said:

Very nice!! When I read the word litany immediately I! The best part though: \"for PR purposes\"...yep!

August 18th, 2023 05:28

All Bases Covered
Goldfinch60 said:

That litany is now all around you Neville.


August 18th, 2023 02:13

All Bases Covered
orchidee said:

Good write N.

August 18th, 2023 01:48

All Bases Covered
Doggerel Dave said:

Not sure if you were her agent or her acolyte......
However I feel you did cover her adequately in so very few words.........

August 18th, 2023 01:00

All Bases Covered
Bobby O said:

Suitably crossed and thus applause for this piece is suitable and a joy to relate. Real nice piece and salute to the reverent touch of phrase. Nice write.

August 18th, 2023 00:48

All Bases Covered
jarcher54 said:

Don\'t forget... you may see her image on the back of a pancake when you flip it, or in the rust on an old screen door, or waving at you from a cloud as it passes by.

August 18th, 2023 00:42

Fear Silence Not
sorenbarrett said:

Great lines Neville
\"For it is long
empty like discarded
worm casts\"
Such a great image. I also loved the lines
\"Filled only with echo’s
and the laughter
of long ago moments ..
Still occasionally
carried before the tides
and the winds
of yesterday’s gone ..
All true my friend

August 17th, 2023 23:21

Fear Silence Not
Bella Shepard said:

In a world that grows increasingly noisy, we seem to have lost an appreciation for the value of silence. You speak beautifully of all that it holds for us in this poem, just loved it!

August 17th, 2023 11:08

Fear Silence Not
Doggerel Dave said:

I vote for that - the old transistor atop my fridge goes off the moment breakfast is over....

August 17th, 2023 05:01

Fear Silence Not
Caring dove said:

Lovely writing )

I think silence is easy to sit with , if we are comfortable in ourselves and that which lives in our mind ( nice feelings /

August 17th, 2023 02:20

Fear Silence Not
Goldfinch60 said:

So very true, so much within yourself can be heard in silence.


August 17th, 2023 02:08

Fear Silence Not
LIZ said:

Ahhhh this is so beautiful, and true! Silence can be our best friend...if we\'re open, willing, and eager to explore! 💜

August 17th, 2023 02:07

Fear Silence Not
orchidee said:

Good write N.
I\'m gonna do a silent poem - there\'s no words to it, of course! lol.

August 17th, 2023 01:47

While Out Busy Partying
Bigguy said:

This is really good!

August 16th, 2023 21:52

While Out Busy Partying
MendedFences27 said:

A scathing report of someone not worthy of a person like her. So sad.
Some people are not meant to be together. Too often it ends like this.
Enjoyed your poem. It was stark, and direct to the point. - Phil A.

August 16th, 2023 10:44

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