Comments received on poems by Poetic Dan

Asked for guidance once again
L. B. Mek said:

seek ye a bridge to evermore
a place where heart\'s never tear
behold, these four legged wonders
shadowing our every step
smiling, at our silent jokes
loving us, unconditional
excavating, that good
we keep hidden, deep within
seek ye a bridge, to fast-forward
days of pain, after loss
simply reset, your eyes my friend
look, within
look for that trusted friend, believe
all that love and devotion
will never dissipate or betray
(\'the tears will come, let them\' John Keats)
may they bathe you, anew
path your journey, to that awaiting
onwards my brother, we celebrate
those who blessed our lives
by each step, we fight to survive
to make them proud, to show them
our devotion, to their bequeathed
legacy of beloved, memories

February 17th, 2023 04:07

R.I.P little buddy
L. B. Mek said:

\'that to live is enough
and stop complaining about life, each
moment is another step
to put everything right.\'
so sorry my friend, thanks for sharing

February 17th, 2023 03:54

Love enough to care
L. B. Mek said:

I\'m too weak with
such heart-breaking topics, so sorry for your hurt my friend
we complain about our ephemeral life\'s
yet these gentle creatures, get so much less
so unfair

February 17th, 2023 03:51

Asked for guidance once again
Neville said:

this is clearly
1) very sad
2) quite brilliant
3) full of ❤️

February 14th, 2023 03:14

Asked for guidance once again
BlessedbyGod said:

Take one step at a time Dan,
Jack was a huge part of your life,and it will take time to heal,but the Lord has you and will ease the pain of losing a loved one

February 12th, 2023 18:04

R.I.P little buddy
Goldfinch60 said:

So sorry Dan but he has left you with wonderful memories.


February 12th, 2023 02:52

R.I.P little buddy
Jeannie said:

Sorry for your loss. Beautiful poem.

February 11th, 2023 17:29

R.I.P little buddy
Fay Slimm. said:

A gift indeed was your lovely Jack and you write his goodbye time so poignantly Dan - -- having a dearly loved canine myself I can relate with each line of thankfulness for our pets who teach us so much while they share lour life for a while. The missing though hard will resurrect happy memories we made that can comfort us as we try to adjust. Warm hugs from me and this needed read will go straight into my list of favourites.

February 11th, 2023 07:20

R.I.P little buddy
orchidee said:

A sensitive write Dan. Yes, they\'re part of our family too.

February 11th, 2023 05:01

R.I.P little buddy
Violet bluebell( used to be yellow rose) said:

I’m sorry for your loss , Dan ( that’s sad . Animals are so beautiful and was part of your family .

A good writing .. tho sad

February 11th, 2023 04:14

Love enough to care
BlessedbyGod said:

That is so sad Dan,
I\'m truly sorry to hear that,just remember that he will be playing in the hills of Heaven,doing everything he ever loved to do,and he will be waiting to be reunited with you

February 7th, 2023 22:04

Love enough to care
Goldfinch60 said:

Such sad words Dan, but Jack has had a good life and will be remembered.
As a memory I have my parents had a red setter called Shane who eventually passed over and I can remember my mother saying: \"The rhubarb in the garden has never tasted as good now Shane has gone\"


February 7th, 2023 02:55

Love enough to care
Doggerel Dave said:

Thanks Dan. Any pet owner who has loved their pet will know that feeling of grief you so clearly describe.
The ageing process happens to us all - (pity your average pet can\'t live longer) you and me, but especially me.... Would that humans could make it that easy to go when the time comes.

February 6th, 2023 21:25

Love enough to care
Eileen Clark said:

Good day, A very sad but beautiful poem. I have two cats that are over ten years old and I will really be sad when they are gone, best regards.

February 6th, 2023 14:20

Love enough to care
Fay Slimm. said:

Oh Dan - your words in this poem show the very hard task of saying goodbye to a devoted and loyal four-pawed friend - -- -like me all pet lovers will relate to this ode on the heart-breaking moment when love lies lifeless on a vet\'s bench after the needle orders its end. With you in thought as dear Jack has his further assessment.

February 6th, 2023 09:59

Love enough to care
Christina8 said:

Hello, friend, it\'s been awhile. Your poem, so sad, and rightfully so! It\'s so hard to part with our four legged friends as they are our companions. I hope whatever is best happens. Much peace and respect!

February 6th, 2023 09:20

Nothing and everything matters
Neville said:

I always knew there was something really cool hiding behind that flaming heart of yours Dan .. I wish you a contented and fulfilled 2023 good sir .. Neville

January 8th, 2023 06:47

Nothing and everything matters
Goldfinch60 said:

Those dreams will be there Dan and your life will improve even more than it has already, see my poem of today.


January 7th, 2023 02:47

Nothing and everything matters
Violet bluebell( used to be yellow rose) said:

Nice writing Dan ) and happy new year

Like this line

plats in stormy weather ‘

January 6th, 2023 08:13

Nothing and everything matters
L. B. Mek said:

(you\'ve made my week brother, thank you!)
\'All wealth may lay in my heart\'
that\'s just pure distilled Genius!
gorgeously worded and so poetic
Happy New Year!

January 6th, 2023 07:49

L. B. Mek said:

\'They say you ain\'t a man when you\'re exposin\' your heart
Then they say you insane until it tears you apart
And then it cuts you so deep, and they can tell by the scars\'
(ah dear cherished friend and wise Poet
I love this coalition of artistic hope
you\'ve served to us on a plate of sincerity
and genuine goodwill to offer a bright guide
through our gloom of winter\'s bleak..
just awesome to experience
and to witness your fight
emerging from your trenches
to shine a light, for another
asking for nothing in return
gratefully, I read and learn

December 9th, 2022 04:30

Floating on a poetic life
L. B. Mek said:

Beautiful! dear Poet
these snippets you share
of love\'s, depthless mementos
nourish my will for humanity\'s goodwill
to prevail, against all the odds
if for nothing else
to give that next generation, a shot
at undoing all our failings
one bright smile, at a time...

December 9th, 2022 04:17

Goldfinch60 said:

Always go with the flow Dan.


December 9th, 2022 02:39

Crowns4Christ said:

Nice and uplifting, Dan,also the number 7 is significant in the Bible and with God,

December 8th, 2022 15:40

Floating on a poetic life
Goldfinch60 said:

Wonderful loving words Dan.


December 7th, 2022 02:30

Floating on a poetic life
Crowns4Christ said:

Very beautiful and descriptive , Dan, I can feel your love pouring forth from your words,hang in there my friend,you are doing GREAT

December 6th, 2022 22:37

Floating on a poetic life
Violet bluebell( used to be yellow rose) said:

Lovely words in this poem …

my eyes flowed with tears of glitter and soul,

Good writing ))

December 6th, 2022 08:40

Journey to the soul in hope to find the self
Neville said:

You have clearly come a long, long way on this, the longest of journeys Dan .. and have demonstrated here, that while not everyone is born with a shed load of self-awareness and insight ..There are many situations, circumstances and events encountered along the way that can help equip such folk with an abundance of them, if that is what they truly seek .. Remember, the destination is not as important as the route one uses to get there and what obstacles were overcome in doing so ..
This is a very impressive and I do mean impressive, self-disclosive page, suitably packed to the point of overflowing with a single prose poem .. Write on PD & seasons best to you n yours sir ........ Neville

December 5th, 2022 01:59

Journey to the soul in hope to find the self
Doggerel Dave said:

Much wisdom and insight in there, Dan. You do justice to the journey you are on.
\"Nothing worth knowing comes without a feeling of breaking free, this can become uncomfortable and even a bit scary.\" - Worth it though. Great line.

December 4th, 2022 19:10

Journey to the soul in hope to find the self
Violet bluebell( used to be yellow rose) said:

It’s important to believe in yourself .. but some people struggle to do just that . I know I can sometimes

A good writing )

Apparently being in a higher vibration attracts in more of the good

December 4th, 2022 12:40

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