Comments received on poems by Fay Slimm.

Goldfinch60 said:

Wonderful write Fay, let our joy run free .

March 14th, 2018 08:54

willyweed said:

wonderful work Fay, joy and peace does come from within. nicely done. ww

March 14th, 2018 07:28

Lorna said:

You had me breathing slowly and evenly and feeling at peace Fay.....It\'s been harder to feel just sheer joy lately - which I used to feel for absolutely no reason at all! Just joy! Your first stanza says it all - if the knots would loosen, the joy is still there!

March 14th, 2018 06:45

Nicholas Browning said:

A very optimistic view of human nature and our purpose as a species. Your way with words astounds me. Also, the fact that you don\'t stray from the message you\'re trying to portray at all is incredible. Well done.

March 14th, 2018 06:19

No Time.

Thanks for caring & sharing FAY ! I can empathise ~ even in my short life I remember situations where a GOOD BYE was not possible and it still hurts. BUT ~ like you ~ I have many sweet Memories of those who have been \"Called Home\" ~ sometimes tragically. The memories have softened my loss and th lack of opportunity to say A REAL GOOD BYE ! Gone but never forgotten ! Yours Friend as always ~ BRIAN

March 13th, 2018 18:55

No Time.
orchidee said:

A sensitive write Fay.
Meanwhile - some wish there was no time to hear me sing. But oh, there\'s always time for that, unfortunately! lol.

March 13th, 2018 10:42

No Time.
willyweed said:

brilliant work! ww

March 13th, 2018 10:07

No Time.
Michael Edwards said:

Super structure and use of simile/metaphor

March 13th, 2018 08:24

No Time.
LaurašŸŒ» said:

Iā€™m reading this beautiful but sad write with a heavy-heart, my dear Fay! The imagery is remarkable! It conveys the message of the agonizing pain of missing a loved one. It can be so unbearable at times!


March 13th, 2018 05:18

No Time.
RiverJordan said:


March 13th, 2018 04:41

No Time.
Lorna said:

What heartbreak Fay! Beautiful and soulful...........

March 13th, 2018 04:04

Goldfinch60 said:

Super write Fay, those yellow trumpets are blowing in our garden.

March 13th, 2018 01:57

Christina8 said:

An absolutely beautiful poem, Fay! I wish Spring would come and begin her \"floral task\" (great words!) where I live. Loved it from beginning to end!

March 12th, 2018 11:10

Jeremy Cohen said:

This is so beautiful! Ugh I\'m such a hopeless romantic! Well done!

March 12th, 2018 11:06

Michael Edwards said:

Magic write for a magic season.

March 12th, 2018 08:03

Ivory said:

Very descriptive piece. Spring is a magical season. I enjoyed ready this.

March 12th, 2018 06:39

Lorna said:

I love this and \"her need to change to a greener dress\"........... very beautiful Fay!

March 12th, 2018 06:36

Accidental Poet said:

So beautiful a poem Fay. The approaching Spring is oh so welcome among Winter stressed poets. May we all write of warmer days and nights.

March 12th, 2018 04:51

LaurašŸŒ» said:

An awesome write,
my dear Fay!
The imagery in your poem
is immense! It conjures up
a beautiful image of Spring!
We are definitely ready for
Spring to make its debut!


March 12th, 2018 04:44

Goldfinch60 said:

Good romantic write Fay, those \'single\' went into \'duo\' but would eventually combine as a \'single\'. That is what love does.

March 10th, 2018 01:19


Some enchanted evening
You may see a Stranger
Across a crowded Room .........

It happens FAY and in my memory
sometimes it is the most intense
LOVE ~ I have felt ~ With ANGELA
The first time I saw Her Face ....... !

Yours as ever ~ BRIAN

March 9th, 2018 15:36

orchidee said:

A forever fine poem Fay.

March 9th, 2018 09:27

Accidental Poet said:

Another masterpiece Fay. Excellent write.

March 9th, 2018 08:05

Lorna said:

Interlaced forever! Lovely Fay.... for lovers everywhere!

March 9th, 2018 07:09

LaurašŸŒ» said:

Romantic indeed,
my dear Fay!
A beautifully scribed poem enhanced with a fine visual! An enjoyable read! ā€œPassion alighted on two interlaced soulsā€ my favorite line! Thank you for sharing!


March 9th, 2018 05:49

Ocean\'s Guns.
Lorna said:

How we love the fisherfolk...... what hard lives they must live........

March 8th, 2018 17:22

Ocean\'s Guns.
orchidee said:

A fine coastal write Fay.

March 8th, 2018 14:26

Ocean\'s Guns.
Poetic25 said:

You have such a way with words and images. Such is the power of the waters, but \'fisher-folk\' have to survive.
nicely penned
Michael :)

March 8th, 2018 11:37

Ocean\'s Guns.
Michael Edwards said:

Paints the scene so well - love the line: from land\'s bolstered sides. Great work Fay

March 8th, 2018 05:00

Ocean\'s Guns.
LaurašŸŒ» said:

Oh yes...the mighty
oceanā€™s guns that the
fishermen must fight...
Indeed they must!
A fine write, my dear Fay!
Metaphorically rich!
Great title!


March 8th, 2018 04:11

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