Comments received on poems by dusk arising

now i find
lonelyraccoon said:

I love this, I could read this forever, makes me think

May 27th, 2019 18:55

now i find
Fay Slimm. said:

Lots of our aims have to bite the dust and your verse D.A. shows how in the end changes can make us unrecognizable to the person we thought would emerge. A positive ending though shows how to look at tomorrows. An inspirational write and thanks for sharing.

May 27th, 2019 15:48

now i find
Michael Edwards said:

When you stop planning and thinking ahead it\'s time for the long box - super work.

May 27th, 2019 13:04

now i find
Suresh said:

Yes, tomorrow is another day, and I\'ll continue to keep my hopes up.
Poetically recalled

May 27th, 2019 11:50

now i find
Poetic Dan said:

Love it!

May 27th, 2019 08:41

now i find
Neville said:

these words are darn good words & true.... nice one DA.... N

May 27th, 2019 06:25

now i find
PoeticSisi0705 said:

Love it

May 27th, 2019 06:25

amid the hills
Suresh said:

Whenever we would go to the hill stations for summer, I would wander off and contemplate as you poem has so rekindled those pleasant memories. Nature has a way to make us so insignificant in the realm of space.

May 26th, 2019 15:35

amid the hills
Goldfinch60 said:

So very true, those hills can show us so much and give us so much peace.

May 26th, 2019 15:19

Limericus Unholy
Poetic Dan said:

I\'m lost for words how you lighten a dark truth.
Thank you

May 26th, 2019 09:35

amid the hills

Thanks *DA* for caring & sharing ! Angela & I love HILLS & MOUNTAINS and the higher we get (17,000 ft in PERU) the nearer to HEAVEN we get. We do take care and have proper BOOTS ~ Safety Kit and all the GEAR ~ We don\'t want to get to HEAVEN ~ TOO SOON ! We are both Qualified in Mountain Leadership for leading Young People on Expeditions in Snowdonia ~ The Lake District & Scotland. Some kids from ESSEX have never been higher than 1000 feet so a trip to the Lake District is a real EYE OPENER ! If we move too fast they often get breathless @ 2000 ft !

Blessings & Peace & Joy
Yours BRIAN & ANGELA 🧡🧡🧡🧡

May 26th, 2019 09:21

amid the hills
orchidee said:

You\'ve set me off on a song now, with them quiet hills. Pity I sound like two cats fighting! lol.

May 26th, 2019 08:17

amid the hills
Neville said:

what a delightful perspective you have shared with us here.... I could close my eyes and almost be back in my little mountain retreat.... cheers sir..

May 26th, 2019 04:57

amid the hills
Fay Slimm. said:

Thanks for the best way to a really wonderful outlook on life my friend.

May 26th, 2019 04:54

Limericus Unholy
Andrew Charles Forrest said:

Are you not in church this morning?

May 26th, 2019 03:18

Limericus Unholy
Goldfinch60 said:

A good fun write on this Sunday morning I will have to take them to Church this morning.

May 26th, 2019 00:30

Limericus Unholy
Suresh said:

You do know how to liven up the mood.

May 25th, 2019 11:51

Limericus Unholy
orchidee said:

Ohhh, which church is this? Should I try it? An 18+ church, to be sure. We\'ll be excommunicated at this rate!

May 25th, 2019 11:05

Limericus Unholy
Neville said:

thank heaven for limericus...

May 25th, 2019 10:15

Davey walked a mile
Goldfinch60 said:

Moving write d a, some people just do not drive in a watchful way, their lives appear to be too busy to care.

May 24th, 2019 23:44

Davey walked a mile
Fay Slimm. said:

Your word- picture of early morning and road painter Davey doing his work brings home the dangers of jobs near wild drivers and the poor man who will paint no more. A powerful message behind your lines D.A.

May 24th, 2019 16:14

Davey walked a mile
Suresh said:

Tragic indeed, and after reading the comments a real tragedy.

May 24th, 2019 10:17

Davey walked a mile
Neville said:

what a ridiculous and unnecessary tragedy... apart from everything else, I can\'t get Manfred Mann\'s song \"Davy\'s on the road again\" out of my head..... Neville

May 24th, 2019 08:36

Davey walked a mile
Andrew Charles Forrest said:

Another waste
Great tribute DA

May 24th, 2019 04:47

Davey walked a mile
orchidee said:

A fine write d a. Some people don\'t observe the rule on country lanes with no pavements, of facing oncoming traffic when walking.

May 24th, 2019 02:04

small praise
Goldfinch60 said:

In all the hardships of life we must keep going and your words show how hard life can be.

May 24th, 2019 00:43

small praise
orchidee said:

That\'s what Bugs Bunny, or Porky Pig says, at the end of cartoons \'That\'s All, Folks!\'

May 23rd, 2019 11:02

small praise
Suresh said:

You have given life to the plight of most with these words of yours. Thou different times, maybe, the struggle to survive, chasing for crumbs, being content- that\'s all folks!

May 23rd, 2019 09:40

small praise
Neville said:

these words more than adequately convey the important message and need to go on regardless of the obstacles in the way... a great poem with a dated feel... and that is meant to read as a compliment DA.... just in case you were wondering..... top marks to ya... Neville

May 23rd, 2019 04:07

small praise
Fay Slimm. said:

The message of struggle comes over so well in these haunting lines D.A. - - life is an on-going journey to prove we are winners - but as you so rightly state - thin rewards bring small praise. A compellingly good read.

May 23rd, 2019 03:53

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